As soon as her eyes closed, her eyelids were opened by Li Nanfang.

He hoped that she would open her eyes and face the consequences of her stupidity and toughness. That would be interesting.

In order to make the mobile phone record clearer and more comprehensive, he kept changing the angle, dragging her chin with his left hand.

After her jaw dislocated, she lost the wonderful sense of oppression, so Li Nanfang had to help her with her hand.

Li Nanfang was also forced to dislocate her chin. After all, he did not dare to guarantee that Zhanxing God in his sober state would enjoy and cooperate with him when he provided him with sour and refreshing service.

If you really want to bite off his tongue, what should you do?

Fingers are cut off by a knife and can be connected by surgery, but what about this thing?

Well, after being bitten off, she can take out the Dragon tongue before she chews it and swallows it down, and run to the hospital in time to pick it up. What's the effect?

If someone says that the finger is broken and connected again, and that after the wound is healed, the practical function of the finger is still as flexible as when it was not injured, it is pure farting.

Fingers are like this, not to mention this thing?

So this risk can't be taken. It's better to play safely. It's not too late for this woman to reset her chin when she can enjoy the irresistible pleasure.

The feeling of dragging her chin with her left hand is just like that of wearing a condom. The sour feeling is much less.

I believe that with the passage of time, Zhanxing God, who has enjoyed different kinds of fun, will feel uncomfortable.

So when Zhan Xingshen gave out a long, uncontrollable nasal sound, Li Nanfang made a decisive move and punched her on the temple, making her coma quickly.

The coma time of zhanxingshen is not long, just about ten seconds.

When she opened her eyes again, her chin had been reset, her mouth was still full, as if she had never been knocked out.

She didn't realize that her chin was still reset, she had the function of biting something, but she was still working hard with the man pressing her hand at the back of her head.

And with that kind of strange pleasure more and more intense, there is no need for men to say anything, they moved up.

The sun, slowly rising, is bright.

Autumn tiger also began to slowly power, plant leaves, with obvious fatigue, but cicada's call, more and more loud.

They want God to hear how much they miss this beautiful world.

When a little fish, which is not much bigger than a tadpole, swam down the stream, there was a man's dull roar and a woman's severe cough not far from the bank.

Scared it, body a swing, hiding in the water under a stone, alert to listen to the shore movement, ready to escape at any time.


Li Nanfang closed his eyes, breathed heavily, released his hands holding the head of Zhanxing God, stepped back a few steps, leaned on a tree, and sat down on the ground along the trunk.

The tree was shaking and the cell phone fell off the branch.

This is the evidence of threatening Zhanxing God to be obedient. It must not be damaged. No matter how tired Li Nanfang is, he has to reach for it.

From yesterday afternoon to now, he has been doing it with Helan Xiaoxin and zhanxingshen three times in a row. Every time he has a good time, the iron man will feel tired.

"Cough, cough!"

Kneeling in the grass, Zhanxing God, with his head bowed and coughing violently, opened his whirling eyes and saw something white dripping from the corner of his mouth.

This is just a small part.

Most of them, already considered high protein, slide down her throat and into her stomach sac.

Finally no longer coughing, that kind of can let her weak dream acid cool feeling, also slowly fade, reality like overflow reservoir water, slowly flowing into her normal thinking of every stream.

Let her clearly realize that she just served a man once again, and gained that kind of wonderful feeling from it.

This time, not in a coma, but in a sober state, she could hear her soul trembling with joy, prompting her to do everything she could to please the man who humiliated her.

She is the goddess of Leng Yan, but she kneels on the ground and does this kind of thing that she will commit suicide if she thinks about it.

"Isn't that cool?"

Li NanFang's lazy voice came from the brook.

A famous health care expert once said that it's better for a man to hiss after vomiting, which can effectively prevent the occurrence of prostate disease.

Although most of the experts' research is based on making money and aided by farting, there are still many experts who devote themselves to his full-time research work and have made some achievements.

He has been studying black silk technology for several years. Lao Zhou of Nanfang group is such an expert that Li Nanfang respects.

Therefore, Li Nanfang still believes in what the experts say. As long as it's not too hard, he will follow the experts' advice.

It's hard to go to Shhh after it's over, isn't it?

Of course not.

Since it's not hard, why doesn't Li Nanfang stand by the stream and pee happily?

Zhanxingshen slowly raises his head and looks at Li Nanfang who puts on his trousers.

When she was flogged, her eyes were so fierce and unyielding.

Now - well, forget about that.

She didn't have the face to face Li Nanfang with that attitude, just because they both got what they wanted from the incident just now.

Li Nanfang came over, untied her cloth belt, and said faintly: "if it's not for the sake of huayeshen's kindness to me, the weeds in this place will grow vigorously in the coming year."

He's not threatening Zhanxing, he's telling the truth.

If it wasn't for Hua yeshen, he would throw a pit on the spot and bury Zhan Xingshen alive!

Her rotten body is the best hotbed for plants to thrive, and the wild flowers will bloom brightly.

Zhanxingshen is free again.

She did not resist, let alone burst into violence.

Facts have proved that her proudest skill is not very important to Li Nanfang.

If you really want to do that, it's her who will suffer in the end.

She lay on her side in the grass, with her mouth slightly open, her eyes a little dull, empty and unfocused, looking at her mobile phone under the tree.

"I've sent this video to my mobile phone. You can keep this as a souvenir. Of course, if you think it's humiliating, you can delete it. But anyway, I just hope you don't come to me any more. I'm lazy and afraid of trouble. "

Li Nanfang chirped and put her cell phone in front of her face, looked around and said, "wait, I'll find some herbs that can remove blood stasis. Well, you can also take the opportunity to leave. If you don't care about people seeing you in rags. "

After waking up in the morning, Li Nanfang once went around to breathe fresh air and do some chest expansion exercises, which is good for health.

Walking, he found weeds, mixed with some Chinese herbal medicine.

The quality of Chinese herbal medicine is not very high, but it is pure natural, and its medicinal properties are much higher than those of artificial culture.

With little effort, Li Nanfang picked several Angelica sinensis and Panax notoginseng.

These two herbs have good functions of removing blood stasis and promoting blood circulation. Combined with the massage method taught by Aunt Xue, it is estimated that most of the whiplash marks on zhanxingshen's body will disappear in the afternoon. It is better to take a hot bath in the evening.

Just about to leave, but also can not help cheap, picked a few dandelion.

Dandelion is also a Chinese herbal medicine, which has the anti-inflammatory and hemostatic functions that biochemical drugs can't compare with. However, after smearing the grass juice on the skin, it's not easy to clean, and it's not beautiful. Think about the attractive snow-white buttocks of a beautiful woman, turning into emerald green. Tut Tut Tut, Li Nanfang thinks it's funny.

Zhanxingshen didn't take the opportunity to leave. She was still lying on her side, holding her mobile phone and watching the video over and over again. Her face was expressionless, but her eyelashes were trembling, which proved that her inner activities were far from being so calm on the surface.

"I'll help you with some herbs. Don't get me wrong."

Li Nanfang sat behind her with his knees crossed, raised his hips and patted them gently: "can you raise them a little?"

Zhanxingshen's waist moved. Instead of raising his hip flap as Li Nanfang said, he suddenly turned over and sat up, holding a stone with an acute angle in his right hand and smashing it at his temple.

With all my strength!

It was not long for Li Nanfang to look for herbs, but he had enough strength to launch a fatal attack on him.

If this one stone hit, Li NanFang's head must come to ten thousand peach blossom everywhere.


There was a loud noise and sparks splashed.

The two stones collided with each other heavily, and the splashing debris flew over Li NanFang's forehead, marking a bloodstain.

Zhanxing god suddenly turned over and sat up. Before turning back to launch a sudden attack, he didn't see Li Nanfang holding a stone in his hand.

It's half the size of a brick. It's used for Chinese herbal medicine.

In fact, even if he did not take the stone, he would not be hit by Zhanxing God.

He is not stupid enough to think that after two times of service by the exhibition star, he can make her obedient, without any defense.

After the two stones collided violently, the loud noise did not fall. Li NanFang's left hand was like a poisonous snake, and he grabbed her neck.

He especially resented this kind of woman with bad temper and stubbornness, didn't cherish the chance of being let go at all, and naively believed in the maxim of having a grudge and not staying overnight.

"If I can abuse you twice, I can abuse you three times, four times, more times."

Li Nanfang, who takes advantage of the opportunity, shrinks his left hand, and the throat bone of zhanxingshen makes a light click, which is the precursor of the crushing of the throat bone.

The throat is a person's seven inches. When this place is pinched, most of her skills can't be used. What's more, according to Zhan Xingshen's skills, she is not Li NanFang's opponent?

She did not speak, but forced to bite the lips, eyes cold looking at him.

Li Nanfang lost patience and hit her in the head with a fist.

For this kind of ungrateful woman, if you really can't kill her, then you have to change the flower to further destroy her.

When Zhanxing woke up again, he was already hanging on the tree.

But this time she was hanging. Her long hair fell down and was about to touch the ground.

This height can make her mouth level with Li NanFang's crotch.

Her cell phone, turned on the video again, facing this side.

Li Nanfang untied his pants for the third time——

If he doesn't believe it, he won't be able to deal with this smelly woman today.

"No, no!"

The inverted Zhanxing God finally repented and cried out when he saw him coming back.

There was an obvious cry in the cry.

Li Nanfang is just like a deaf person. He just does his own business. He pinches her slender neck with his right hand to prevent her teeth from biting( It's only two shifts today. I have a guest at home. I'm sorry

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