The night came slowly.

The light in the corridor lights up. Occasionally, some medical staff walk by in a hurry. The sound of high-heeled shoes on the ground seems to be stepping on Yue Zitong's heart. Every time, her nerves suddenly shrink. It sounds very pleasant.

She didn't know how long she had been waiting outside, or even who had come to talk to her during the waiting period.

As for how many times the cell phone in the bag rings, she doesn't care.

She just sank in remorse and regret, constantly asking herself why she didn't see Li Nanfang shivering in bed in the morning.

"Mr. Yue, Mr. Yue?"

It was as if someone was talking to her again, and a hand swayed in front of her face to attract her dull eyes, then moved slowly, but I didn't respond.

Suddenly a dazzling light stabbed her eyes, let her instinctively close her eyes, raised her hand to block in front of her eyes.

"Mr. Yue, are you ok?"

When the man's voice rings out again, Yue Zitong opens his eyes and finally climbs out of the abyss of regret. He returns to reality and sees LV Mingliang.

Lu Ming Liang is worried and holds a small flashlight in his hand. Seeing that her eyes are flexible, he is relieved.

Yue Zitong discovered that she was no longer in the corridor outside the emergency room, but lying on the bed in the ward.

"Lu, Dean Lu, is Li Nanfang OK?"

After waking up, she couldn't care to ask why she was here. She got out of bed, grabbed LV Mingliang's hand and asked anxiously.

"It's OK. I'm out of danger."

Lu Ming Liang raised his hand to wipe his forehead, hesitated, and said with a smile: "thanks to Mr. Yue, you sent it in time. It's just, cough, have a drink."

No matter how shameless President Lu was, he was still a little guilty when he praised Yue for bringing Li Nanfang in time. In the middle of his words, he couldn't go on and turned to fetch her water.

If it was someone else, President Lu would have yelled at his family. Why did he send the patient so late?

Maybe he would not accept any more patients. Instead, he sincerely suggested that his family take them home to die.

Are you kidding me? An adult has a high fever of more than 40 degrees. After such a long time, he has already vomited blood and his viscera are injured. It's bad luck for him to go home to die and be killed in the hospital.

It is said that there is a special relationship between Qingshan woman and Jinghua. No matter how domineering President Lu is, she does not dare to offend at will.

The most important thing is that the patient is not an ordinary person. It's Li Nanfang brother, who is deeply grateful by President Lu. Even if he was not sent by Yue Zitong, he will spare no effort to rescue him at all costs.

Maybe it was president Lu's love for his brother that moved God. Maybe president Yue sent him in time. Maybe Li NanFang's physical quality was not so good. Anyway, after five hours of rescue and observation, he was finally pulled out of the ghost gate.

When the patient's temperature gradually returned to normal from 43 degrees with the speed visible to the naked eye, and was very stable, all the medical staff who rescued Li Nanfang could not help shouting and clapping their hands to celebrate.


In addition to using this word to explain that adults and young people with a high fever of more than 40 degrees for a long time can be rescued, what other word can describe it?

It may also be a miracle in the whole history of medicine. The medical staff, such as president Lu, who rescued the patients, are very likely to live in the history of medicine for future generations because of this miracle case.

Qingshan central hospital will also be famous for this case and become a famous hospital in China and even in the world.

At that time, more patients will come to Qingshan city from all directions, and the scale of the hospital will also be expanded. President Lu's position in the medical field will rise like a rocket, and your wallet will become bulging——

Hundreds of medical staff in Qingshan city deeply mourn and no, but deeply appreciate Mr. Li Nanfang.

President Lu said that when the patients become more stable, undergo the examination of various advanced medical equipment, and make sure that their health, intelligence and other aspects return to the original normal level, a news conference will be held in the industry to announce the miracle to the whole world.

In modern economic society, no matter which industry, if you want to do better, have a larger scale and earn more money, speculation is inseparable.

It doesn't matter whether Li Nanfang was rescued because of his own physique or the art of the medical staff.

What's more, it's a miracle. It fills the gap that adults at home and abroad can still be rescued after a high fever of 43 degrees for seven or eight hours.

Li NanFang's arrival has brought untold benefits to Qingshan central hospital. In this case, when President Lu publicly announced that he would be exempted from all medical expenses, none of his staff had any opinions. Instead, they suggested that the highest level of service be provided to patients.

To put it bluntly, it's best to make Li Nanfang an ancestor.

In the emergency room, while paying close attention to the changes of Li NanFang's condition, he held an on-the-spot meeting. After the hospital director Lu arranged special personnel to do the work, he walked out of the emergency room and saw president Yue sitting in the corridor outside the door.

How can I forget that there are still people outside, waiting for the news of my brother?

Brother Li is an employee of kaihuang group, and Yue Zitong is the big boss. President Lu has known their relationship for a long time, so he was moved to see that President Yue cared for his subordinates like this. He said that there are few conscientious bosses like this now.

Although he has already guessed from Mr. Yue's dejected appearance that she and brother Li are by no means pure bosses, and that the relationship between her and her subordinates will never be involved and asked.

After finding that general manager Yue couldn't wake up, President Lu quickly summoned her to the intensive care unit and stabbed her in the eye with a flashlight.

This move is really in charge. Yue Zitong soon wakes up.

It is said that Li Nanfang has been rescued, and his body and IQ will not be damaged. After that, the huge stone in Yue Zitong's heart finally fell to the ground and fell on his back again.

Due to the difference between men and women, LV Mingliang was not able to take care of her any more. He went out to find a female nurse and repeatedly told him to take care of general manager Yue.

After a few minutes' rest with eyes closed, Yue Zitong turned over and sat up, took the water cup from the female nurse and drank it dry. After thanking him softly, he asked Li Nanfang which ward she was in and she wanted to see.

Li Nanfang is in the intensive care unit next door, which is specially arranged by President Lu.

In the afternoon, when Yue Zitong sent him to the hospital, this guy's mouth was crooked and he didn't say anything. His mouth was drooling. He was more like an idiot than an idiot. He was a typical stroke cerebral palsy patient.

If he had done this to disgust aunt Yue, he would have kicked him on his chin and let him roll and wail.

After the timely rescue by doctors, Li NanFang's facial features recovered a lot. Although it was a little bit worse than his handsome appearance in the past, President Yue was very satisfied. For the first time, he thought that his nephew was very good-looking.

Li Nanfang is still sleeping.

Now sleeping, of course, did not look like he was in a high fever. His body did not shake, his face did not turn red, and he snored evenly, which proved that he slept soundly, just like a few month old baby.

Aunt Yue couldn't help but bow her head in front of the special nurse and kiss him on the forehead.

When he slowly raised his head, Yue Zitong was stiff.

She suddenly woke up, unconsciously, she has this from 12 years old, hate incomparable monster, as the most important person in her life.

The degree of care for him is even more than that for his mother and himself.

Let's put it this way. When President Yue was sitting outside the corridor in despair, if a big God with a halo on his head suddenly fell in front of her and told her that as long as you find a rope to hang the southeast branch, I will let Li Nanfang return to normal. She would not hesitate to ask, where is the rope?


This is the love Yue Zitong never believed that she would fall in love with Li Nanfang.

The fact is here. She can't help but quibble. As usual, whoever loves Li scum is grandson.

Surprised that Li NanFang's position in his mind was higher than his mother's, Yue Zitong thought of Helan Fusu again.

In the past, as long as she thought of Helan Fusu, the shadow of Helan handsome man would immediately rise from the bottom of her heart, clear and incomparable.

Now she thought of Helan Fusu again, but when was his shadow so blurred that she could not distinguish his facial features?

Another paragraph came to mind, saying that the deepest part of a girl's heart can only accommodate one man. When a new man comes into her heart, she will have a big fight with the old man without any consciousness.

The winner is the king, will firmly hold the girl's heart, loser for Kou, immediately to roll rough.

There is no doubt that Li Nanfang, who did not know when she had entered yuezi's childlike innocence, won the final victory in the fight with Helan Fusu, so when she thought of him again, his appearance would be so vague.

"Mr. Yue, you can rest assured that Mr. Li is in good health now, which is beyond our expectation."

After seeing Yue Zitong in a daze, he closely observed the special care of various instruments beside him. He thought she was worried about Li Nanfang. He could not help but quietly comforted her: "the expert group said that if there is no accident, Mr. Li will wake up early tomorrow morning."

"Thank you."

Yue Zitong blinked his eyes, looked up at the breast tag of the eye special care, and said, "thank you, Dr. Wang."

"Mr. Yue, you are welcome."

"Dr. Wang, can you tell me why I haven't seen you and my friend?"

Yue Zitong said: "he is usually in good health, and his physical quality is very good. I really don't understand why he suddenly fell ill."

After thinking about it, Dr. Wang replied: "according to the careful examination of our expert group, Mr. Li suddenly fell ill because he suffered from a slight stroke caused by the invasion of evil Qi. His body's immunity, when fighting with foreign pathogens, caused a high fever. "

"Evil invasion?"

Yue Zitong frowned slightly and said he didn't understand: "you mean, what's dirty? Did you pounce on him?"

In folklore, those sneaky things are called dirty things.

When Yue Zitong was a child, he heard his mother tell these anecdotes with ghost color.

Dr. Wang also understood what she meant by dirty things. He shook his head with a smile and explained: "the evil Qi in traditional Chinese medicine is not the dirty things in folklore, but refers to the harmful gases such as dampness, cold, Yin, etc

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