After confirming that he was not dreaming, Yue Zitong thought of xuanyuanyu.

There is an ancient lady in Xuanyuan village. Her mother said that she was blessed by Emperor Yang and was also the first grandmother of her mother's Yang family.

Yue Zitong did not know how many times to play with this Xuanyuan when he was a child. He could imagine what it looked like with his eyes closed.

It was originally engraved. The face of the lady on it has been blurred under the erosion of time.

But after being worn by Li Nanfang for a period of time and then thrown away, the female engraved in the shade turns into the female engraved in the sun. Her appearance is clearly distinguishable. It's the same as the twisted and elongated woman she saw in the white light from the bedroom door before she fainted last night.

In other words, when he first discovered that the ancient ladies on Xuanyuan had changed from Yin engraving to Yang engraving, Yue Zitong, who was very curious, said that he wanted to solve the mystery which was not in line with the natural phenomenon.

Instead of doing so, she did not dare to wear it on her body. Instead, she pasted it on the back of the mirror with adhesive tape, pretending not to know its existence. That's because she knows very well that many old objects that have been handed down for thousands of years have a certain aura.

In particular, jade is absolutely the most spiritual of immovable objects.

According to unofficial records, in a certain era, the mausoleum of an ancient monarch was stolen. When the jewels were taken away, the coffin of the corpse was also destroyed and left in the nearby gully.

That's the best nanmu. The old farmer picked up the treasure and went home to find a carpenter to build a wardrobe.

The night the wardrobe was finished, the farmer's grandson went in to play and died in it.

The door of the wardrobe is not locked. The grandson of the old farmer just needs to stand up to open the door, but he doesn't open it. It seems that something heavy is firmly pressed on the door, and all the gaps are sealed, causing the child to suffocate inside.

Inside and around the wardrobe, there were bloodstained scratches everywhere.

The supernatural events recorded in unofficial history are not necessarily true.

But no one can deny that some unscientific events can not be explained by science.

And it's better not to try to solve the unscientific events, or you will suffer from inexplicable disaster.

It is with this concept that Yue Zitong suppresses her curiosity and hides Xuanyuan behind the mirror.

These days, Yue Zitong almost forgot the existence of xuanyuanyu.

Xuanyuanyu didn't forget her. When she was about to be strangled by the ghost claws, she suddenly turned into a white light and shot out, startling the ghost claws away.

The woman drawn into a line in Bai Guangzhong is the ancient lady in Xuanyuan.

Now, the ancient ladies are still quietly attached to the Xuanyuan, looking up 45 degrees.

Staring at the lady on Xuanyuan, he didn't know how long it took. He didn't even know what he thought. It was only after the sound of flute from a distance that Yue Zitong found that the sky had looked at him.

The golden morning sun came in from the window and reflected on the Xuanyuan in her palm.

With a slight tremor of her hand, the color immediately flowed. It seemed that the lady in ancient costume was alive and was about to walk down from it.

Yue Zitong was not ready to meet her. He quickly closed his eyes and whispered, "don't worry, I won't tell anyone anything."

In fact, even if she preached all over the world that she was choked by ghost claws last night, the ancient lady on Xuanyuan suddenly turned into a white light and saved her, who would believe it?

He pasted the Xuanyuan on the back of the mirror again. After fixing it, Yue Zitong sat on the edge of the bed and looked outside for a while. When he was ready to take a bath, he thought of something else.

Li Nanfang was attracted by evil. What about Helan Xiaoxin?

Her sexual orientation suddenly appeared problems, was it affected by Xuanyuan?

A normal woman, after suddenly becoming evil, must not be in a sudden, there must be a process of change.

If you want to know when Helan Xiaoxin has become interested in women, you'd better go to her room.

Helan Xiaoxin's room is the one where his mother-in-law used to live.

However, since Helan Xiaoxin came in, she paid for the renovation herself, and all the furniture was changed into one that met her identity.

In short, it's luxury.

When someone pays his own money to decorate his own house and replace it with higher grade furniture, Yue Zitong will not interfere.

As soon as you open the door with the spare key, a breath of mature musk, which contains sex factors, comes to your face.

This kind of atmosphere that makes Helan Xiaoxin addicted is exactly what Yue Zitong doesn't like most, so he seldom comes to her room.

If he didn't want to find some answers, he didn't want to come in.

The room is in a mess.

Facts have proved that all the elegant and noble single women outside, their private space, are often in a mess, such as black silk, small pieces of cloth with three points, each pair of high-heeled shoes worth more than ten thousand, just throw them away.

On the sofa, at the end of the bed, even on the floor.

Of course, general manager Yue would not be stupid enough to clean up the mess for her, so as not to be noticed that someone had come to her house after she came back.

Taking off his shoes outside the door, Yue Zitong slowly walks in with his feet on the mat. His eyes are shining everywhere, trying to find a place where he can hide the secret.

I didn't find it.

Well, start with the bedside table. Anyway, there are only a few kinds of furniture in the room that can hold things.

The drawer was a mess of cigarettes, lighters, lipstick and a black silk.

Two fingers are holding the black silk. Yue Zitong is about to put it aside, but he stops. Xiumei frowns slightly. He drags the black silk with two hands and observes the heel.

A few days ago, Yue Zitong went to the Bank of the Yellow River to inspect his work. He accidentally tilted his right foot. His shoes fell off and his black silk stepped on the ground and was cut by a small stone.

This is a trivial matter, and after putting on the shoes, the broken place can't be seen.

But the careful min Rou, in order to prevent the general manager Yue from wearing a broken black silk, and affect the mood of inspection work, takes out the needle and thread from the spare treasure box in the car, invites general manager Yue to get on the car, and sews it for her.

Min Rou is careful, but Yue Zitong doesn't think it's necessary to urge her to hurry up.

When min Rou cut the black thread, she left a thread about five centimeters long.

Kaihuang group's main product now is XianMei silk stockings. The most expensive style is more than 200 yuan per pair. As the company's boss, Yue Zitong certainly wants to wear this kind of high-end goods.

However, no matter how high-grade she was, she would not continue to wear the worn black silk, so she took it off and threw it in the wastebasket after she went home, and wanted to throw it away as garbage.

She remembers very clearly, when the new sister was sitting beside her, when she saw her throwing black silk, she scolded her for wasting it.

Who threw out the garbage that day? Yue Zitong forgot.

It doesn't matter.

What's important is that Yue Zitong found this black silk in Helan Xiaoxin's drawer.

Almost invisible black thread is the most powerful proof.

If this is Li Renzha's room, and you see the black silk that my aunt passed through in his drawer, it's normal. After all, there are many men with dirty ideas who have this kind of quirk.

Is Helan Xiaoxin a man?

How could she steal this old black silk from the garbage and take it back to her house.

What for?

Don't mention that when you buy a pair of shoes, you don't even look at them. You have a good tradition of hard work and plain living. If you pick up this black silk, you have to wear it yourself.

What for?

When Yue Zitong asked this question for the second time, he put the black silk under his nose, smelled it and threw it out like an electric shock.

Women are most sensitive to the smell of women, just like men who smell bath disinfectant will suspect that there is someone nearby.

Yue Zitong's face turned red, and he scolded the fox in a low voice. When the fox started to churn his stomach.

But you have to bear it.

The appearance of this black silk strongly proves that there is something wrong with Helan Xiaoxin's sexual orientation.

She likes women, but she may still like men. She is bisexual.

Yue Zitong steals in to search when Helan Xiaoxin changed.

There are cigarettes in the drawer and a small bottle of white powder.

Pick out a little bit with fingernails, put it on the tip of the tongue and smack your mouth a little. Yue Zitong will know it's a drug.

When she was in Guoan, she was trained to identify drugs.

Although at that time, when she was in training, she put all her heart into Helan Fusu. No matter what she learned, she was half skilled, but it was enough to recognize that it was a drug.

For Helan Xiaoxin taking drugs, she didn't find it strange.

A woman who has experienced an unfortunate marriage is empty, lonely and cold when she is not accompanied by a man, so it's normal to seek some comfort from drugs.

Yue Zitong is not interested in drugs, but when he puts the small bottle aside, he suddenly thinks, do you want to taste it?

As soon as this terrible idea arose, she was startled. She quickly shook her head and lit a cigarette, which suppressed her impulse to have a try.

The more we searched, the darker Yue Zitong's face became.

The clothes she wore actually appeared under Helan Xiaoxin's pillow, accompanied by several beautiful European and American painting magazines.

If you don't scold a few coquettish foxes, it's hard to calm your anger.

However, when she found some electric products at the bottom of the wardrobe, she didn't think these were things.

"Well. New sister, you have gone astray. How can I save you? "

After youyou sighs, Yue Zitong's shame and anger at being molested by Helan Xiaoxin is relieved a lot.

So proud and noble Helan Xiaoxin, it's very pitiful to become like this. In fact, when she does those things, she also feels a strong sense of guilt, and wants to control herself, but she can't.

Yue Zitong, who thinks he knows his new sister very well, finally finds a diary at the bottom of the wardrobe.

With the popularity of electronic products, few people use notebooks to keep a diary.

Everyone's diary basically records her true side.

"Hopefully, I can find the reason for your change and help you get back on track."

Yue Zitong sat on the rattan chair on the balcony and opened his diary.

The first date in the diary is the day when Helan Xiaoxin came to Qingshan.

It seems that this book only records what happened after she came to Castle Peak.

On a certain day of a month, the weather turned from sunny to cloudy. At 8:30 in the morning, my uncle Yue Lincheng and I, accompanied by several leaders of Qingshan, walked into the headquarters building of kaihuang group.

Sometimes, I have to admire my little sister, in the use of this aspect of vision, I can not match the unique.

Who would have thought that when she was in prison in Mexico and all the people who knew her in China were busy getting rid of her relationship, min Rou was waiting for her alone and persistently.

Therefore, I think the name of this diary should be min rou.

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