According to the relevant provisions of Article 99 of the traffic regulations, drivers without license will be fined more than 200 yuan and less than 2000 yuan, and detained for less than 15 days.

The maximum fine of 2000 yuan, as long as it's a big runner, she doesn't take it seriously. Bai ling'er doesn't intend to use the fine to punish some scum. What she values is the latter.

Detention can last as long as 15 days!

Bai ling'er vowed that during Li NanFang's detention, she would provide him with "the highest" detention service through all her relationships.

It's true that no matter how Bai ling'er tosses this guy after 15 days' detention, it can't go too far, and it can't calm her anger of being indecent - but as long as it's reasonable and legal, it's her biggest wish to let this scum suffer.

As long as you are still alive, as long as you are still in Qingshan City, I will change my way to make you live a wonderful life!

Looking at Li NanFang's muddled face, Bai ling'er couldn't help laughing up to the sky, but she had to bear it. She couldn't let people see that she had the revenge mentality of using power for personal gain. That's not a qualified police officer.

"Officer Bai and officer Bai, are you all right?"

"Please show me your driver's license."


Li Nanfang looks back at Yue Zitong and complains in a low voice: "they say I don't want to drive. You have to pretend to be a big boss and let me be a groom, OK?"

"How do I know when it's raining and when the traffic police are on duty?"

Yue Zitong stares at him and asks back righteously, as if it is a shameful crime for traffic police to come out on duty in rainy days.

"You told me she was going to be a film cop!"

Li Nanfang continued to complain: "hum, I knew she was a street peg. I can't drive even if I walk."

Bang, bang, Bai ling'er, standing outside, is knocking on the door again, urging Li Nanfang to get out of the car and follow her back to the bureau to accept the punishment of justice.


Li Nanfang said impatiently.

Bai linger didn't get angry: Hey hey, just wait. I don't believe you can wait for a driver's license!

It's obvious that Yue Zitong can see from Bai ling'er's excited face what she thinks. Of course, she doesn't want her plot to succeed. But now that she is standing on the height of the law, she can't resist with strong means. That will make a bigger mistake.

The word "being impatient leads to wisdom" refers to general manager Yue. He took out his mobile phone and dialed Zhang Bureau of the Municipal Bureau: "Zhang Bureau, I'm Yue Zitong. There is something I want to ask. When you went to the company to negotiate with me, it seemed that officer Bai had been demoted to a police officer when he abused lynching on my staff. However, she is now a traffic policeman and has checked my car. I'm also to blame for that. "

In a few words, general manager Yue made it clear that she accidentally twisted her foot and temporarily let Li Nanfang, who didn't have a driver's license, drive her to the hospital for her personal guidance. Unexpectedly, she met the traffic police on the way to check.

She also repeatedly criticized herself, saying that she should have died of pain after spraining her ankle - and that she should not have allowed an unlicensed driver to drive, so she was willing to accept severe punishment from the law, whether it was a fine or detention of Li Nanfang, and guaranteed that she had no opinion.

In the end, however, the conversation changed. Excuse me, bureau seats, film police comrades of Qingshan City, when can they check the car like the traffic police?

Aunt, can't you stop for a while?

After listening to Yue Zitong's question, the Bureau seat was very angry: if it wasn't for Lao Ma's intercession, would I let you go to the traffic police department? It's good for you to seize the opportunity to settle the accounts. It's a deliberate nuisance to me.

To be honest, driving without a license is a matter of life safety for ordinary people, but in the eyes of the Bureau, what is serious or not is a matter of one sentence.

Driving without a license is like illegal cohabitation without a license. We really need to be serious. Half of Qingshan city has to be changed into a detention center.

"Hurry up, what's the ink? There's a traffic jam in the back. Do you want me to be tough on you?"

Bai ling'er sneers. As soon as he is about to call for support, his mobile phone rings and the bureau calls.

The voice of bureau seat is very high, very blunt: "Bai Ling Er, what do you want to do? Now I announce that you are no longer a traffic policeman. Go back to the original Street police station immediately and work as a policeman! "

Bai ling'er was stunned: "Zhang Ju, I --"

"What are you doing? Don't you understand me? Now, now! In addition, don't forget to apologize to Li Nanfang. If you don't go, you can resign yourself! "

Bureau seat over there scolds Sun Tzu like, mercilessly scolds Bai Ling Er, don't wait for her to say anything more, hang up the phone.

The voice of the Bureau seat on the phone is so high that it's hard for Li Nanfang who is lying on the window to hear.

Li Nanfang was very happy to see her mouth pumping, but she didn't dare to say that she would not do it if she didn't do it. Even if she didn't serve your grandchildren, Li Nanfang pretended to smile insidiously: "officer Bai, ah, now it's time to call you officer Bai. Don't forget to apologize to me. I'll welcome you. Hey, hey, hey

Li NanFang's success made Bai ling'er want to kick the car door with her foot. She lifted her right foot up and put it down again. From Li NanFang's face, she saw the look of longing.

"I'll kill you, you wait!"

Looking at the car far away, Bai ling'er said with gnashing teeth.

Yue Zitong also can't stand Li NanFang's face, especially after hearing him whistling happily, he can't help saying faintly: "to tell you the truth, I regret making that call now. I really should let you be taken away and detained so that I won't feel sick... "

With a creak, the normal driving car stopped in the middle of the road. Fortunately, the driver behind was quick-sighted and did not cause a rear end collision until he followed the brake. However, he stuck his head out of the window and yelled at something.

"You're sick. Suddenly you stop!"

After the emergency brake, Mr. Yue, sitting in the back seat, rushed forward because of inertia, hit his forehead on the back of the seat, suddenly raised his head and asked angrily.

"It's you who let me drive without a license. It's you who find a relationship with the traffic police after checking the car. Now I come back and say that I should be detained. Hei hei, Yue Zitong, Bai ling'er doesn't dare to say no to her boss. I dare Li Nanfang. "

Li Nanfang sneered, pushed open the car door and jumped down: "I'm not going to do it, sir. You can invite someone else to be your future husband. To tell you the truth, I'm fed up with your bad temper. I really take myself seriously. I'm used to you! "

Looking at Li Nanfang walking towards the sidewalk, Yue Zitong suspects that he has something wrong with his ears. He dares to say this to her.

Is this Li Nanfang who is submissive and servile to her?

Suddenly, Yue Zi Tong's nose is sour and he wants to cry.

She felt that she was worthy of this scum. For two nights in a row, she used mean means to upset her. She just kicked him and pulled her down?

Why does he dare to call himself Laozi just because she doesn't like his mean face and complains about him? He's used to saying that he's fed up with her bad temper?

Who in the end is used to who, who is trying to tolerate who ah?

After waiting for a long time for the car to move in front of him, the man who was driving at the back of the car angrily ran over and looked into the front window and scolded, "Hey, are you going or not, occupying the cottage?"

"Go away!"

Yue Zitong suddenly a voice, scared that brother a shiver, just about to stare, but suddenly felt the awe inspiring killing intention, as if the car sitting is not a beauty, but a leopard will come out at any time to bite his throat, how dare to say a word.

Li Nanfang didn't feel that he had done anything wrong. This is because he thought clearly last night: even if he wronged himself, he couldn't live up to his teacher's mother's kindness and let her down. He decided to try to accept Yue Zitong sincerely.

In this case, we can no longer treat Yue Zitong as an aunt, but as a wife.

A good man, can listen to his wife's words, willing to cook for his wife, when she is not happy to coax her happy, when she is happy to deliberately make her angry, cunt like willing to be hit by her, let her taste the joy of conquering men - all right, this is no shame, can only be said to be boudoir taste, or very elegant.

But Li Nanfang can't bear it. After her husband and wife's success in foreign affairs, she doesn't follow her husband. She works in collusion with him and laughs at the enemy. However, she just takes justice to accuse him of being proud. It's disgusting.

It's not customary. What is it?

If it goes on like this, does Li Nanfang still have dignity in front of her?

Even if she doesn't want the dignity of a man, she will look down on him all her life. Maybe she will do that kind of thing in the future, just like the night before last, with a dutiful attitude, without the affection of husband and wife.

That's the biggest shame to a man. It's no longer a husband, but a slave, a dog slave. Li Nanfang is far from being so aware that he gives her a dog slave who is ready to come and go.

Li Nanfang went to the bus shelter with a cold face, took out his mobile phone, hesitated for a while, and then dialed a mobile phone number.

Dudu's voice, almost as soon as it rang, was connected.

It's as if the people over there are always waiting for him to call.

The gentle voice, like an invisible warm current, dissolved Li NanFang's resentment: "Nanfang."

Li Nanfang pursed the corners of his mouth and sat down with his mobile phone in his hands.

"South, is that you?"

His mother's voice sounds much older than before. This may be Li NanFang's illusion.

"It's me, ma'am."

Li Nanfang sniffed and said with a smile, "are you ok?"

"Well, I'm fine."

"It's rainy season. Do you still have a pain in your waist?"

"It's just the same. It's the end of my life."

After a moment's silence, the teacher's mother said, "south, you don't blame the teacher's mother for making decisions for you, do you?"

"How can I? I know very well that my teacher's mother is doing it for my good. "

Even if someone slaps Li Nanfang in the face with the sole of his shoes and forces him to blame his teacher's mother, it's impossible.

"South, I know. You've wanted to call me for a long time, alas."

The teacher's mother sighed softly over there: "if you can't get along, don't hurt yourself. However, apart from Zitong, I really don't know any other woman who is worthy of my south. "

Tears suddenly fell from the corner of his eyes, but Li Nanfang said with a hearty smile: "ha, ma'am, you misunderstood what I meant by calling you. I want to say thank you personally. You're right. No one is worthy of me, Li Nanfang, except Yue Zitong! "

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