At four o'clock in the afternoon, Yue Zitong called the district office again.

She can be sure that Lao Jin has been waiting for her call.

Sure enough, as soon as a few beeps came from the microphone, Lao Jin's dignified voice came: "I'm Jin Baiyong, who are you?"

He clearly can see from the caller ID is Yue Zitong's phone, but also put this face, clearly in the pinch.

"District chief, I've thought about it. I'll give you my consent."

Yue Zitong said faintly: "time and place are up to you."

"While I'm working, I'll get in touch with you about all my personal affairs after work."

When Lao Jin finished, he simply turned off the phone.

Yue Zitong laughed, put down the microphone, someone knocked on the door.

Min Rou, who comes in, is about to leave work. She has to report today's work summary and some important work arrangements of general manager Yue tomorrow.

"General manager Yue, the investigation team withdrew and took a lot of books."

Min Rouxian reported to the investigation team that kaihuang group is currently in the limelight, and all the staff are in a panic. This is the most important thing: "although we can be sure that our account book is true and innocent, as long as they want to pick a bone in the egg, they will definitely --"

Yue Zitong raised his hand and interrupted her: "don't worry, it will be OK. The books they took away today will be returned tomorrow. "

Minrou was stunned. She couldn't figure out how Yue could be so sure.

Yue Zitong didn't want to talk to her much, but she was worried in her eyes. She felt warm in her heart: "xiaorou, come on, sit down, let's talk about what we have in mind."

Min Rou was stunned again. In her impression, Yue never used this kind of gentle attitude to talk with her, but soon returned to normal. Oh, she sat on the sofa.

Like a big sister, Yue Zitong came and sat beside her. He took her hand and put it in the palm of her hand. When he patted her on the back of her hand, min Rou shivered.

It seems that I can't show my gentle side!

Yue was a little annoyed. He let go of Min Rou's little hand, and a faint expression appeared on his face.

This is Mr. Yue in my mind. Just now, she was so scared. When min Rou was relieved, she suddenly heard Mr. Yue ask, "what do you think of Li Nanfang?"

Minrou is stunned for the third time. She really can't understand how President Yue asked her this question.

"To tell you the truth, whether you praise him good or bad, I will not blame you."

Yue Zitong's eyes are full of encouragement.

The encouraged little secretary bowed his head and hesitated for a moment before humming: "I think he is still very good, not as annoying as he seems. In fact, he knows how to respect girls - President Yue. This is just my personal opinion of him."

Will he know how to respect girls?

Hum, I know you say that just because he has beaten people for you. If you knew what he had done to me, you would not have said that.

After a cold hum in his heart, Yue Zitong lost his interest in continuing to discuss whether someone is good or not. He simply said, "in fact, I meant to make you two together."


Min Rou's small mouth has grown into an O-shape, with little stars dancing in her eyes.

"I know that the reason why you think he's good is that he helped you. It's an illusion. In fact, he is a scum, a despicable villain - cough, do you have water? "

Min Rou quickly gets up and pours a glass of water for general manager Yue.

After a few gulps, Yue Zitong forced down the impulse to scold Li Renzha, and his tone became normal: "but at that time, I thought I could teach him to be a normal person, and I was ready to give him some company shares, so that he could live in peace, and help him find a good girl, which was also my responsibility as a little aunt."

Min Rou doesn't speak. She opens her pure eyes and looks at Mr. Yue's face slowly floating with the holy glory of being a man.

"This is what I plan to do. As long as you can accept him, I will take 10% of the shares of the company as your wedding gift to wish you a happy marriage, a long life together and a long life together."

After confirming that his blessing was quite touching, general manager Yue said, "but what I didn't expect was that the bastard couldn't help the mud on the wall. No matter how hard I tried to influence him, guide him, or even forgive his rudeness - cough, is there any water?"

Minrou's head is full of fog, and she begins to doubt whether her eyes are suffering from cataracts or other diseases. Otherwise, how can she not see President Yue's heart to influence and guide Li NanFang's behavior?

As for Li NanFang's being forgiven for being rude to President Yue, where does it start?

Of course, she won't ask these questions. She just needs to feel Mr. Yue's sincere blessing: "Mr. Yue, thank you for your consideration. However, I have no plans to have a boyfriend now. And Li Nanfang also has a girlfriend, ha ha. "

Yue Zitong then remembered that Li NanFang's girlfriend came to him on Friday.

It was because she heard that he had a girlfriend that she dismissed him on the pretext of protecting him.

After min Rou inadvertently reminds him, general manager Yue immediately has a deep sense of powerlessness, and his mood is even more complicated. He takes up the water cup and drinks it fiercely, but he is not too hot.

"Forget it. He's gone anyway. What's the use of that?"

Putting down the cup, Yue Zitong laughed at himself and changed the topic: "do you know why district chief Jin is trying to embarrass us? That's because -- "

General manager Yue just said that he would not mention Li Nanfang any more, but what he said next had to focus on him.

I can't help it. Li Nanfang is the main line for the head of Jin district to retaliate against general manager Yue. No matter how he goes around, he can't go through it. Starting from the blue sky bar, he always talks about Jin Shao being beaten and maimed, until Lao Jin makes that request.

To be sure, when President Yue talks about these things, some places have to go through a little artistic processing. For example, she won't let min Rou know that Li Nanfang lives in her home. Instead, she says that when Li Nanfang is cleaned up by Jin Shao, she calls her for help. Together with the police, she arrives in time to avoid his bad luck.

After her artistic processing, the image of a great aunt who cares about her nephew rises before min Rou's eyes. Especially, it is said that in order to protect her nephew, she has to shoulder the responsibility. For the sake of him and the happiness of thousands of employees in kaihuang group, she is forced to accept the despicable request of district chief Jin, and she has to accompany him tonight.

As for the flaw, min Rou could not care for it. After a long time, she hugged president Yue's arm and cried in a low voice, "President Yue, you can't go. You can't agree to the shameless demands of that old man and rascal!"

"Buddha said," if I don't go to hell, who will go to hell? "

Aunt Yue raised her head slowly and looked like death. She said with a tragic smile, "xiaorou, you don't have to persuade me any more. You should know that I have no other way to go except this. Compared with the stability and happiness of thousands of employees, my personal honor and disgrace are insignificant. "

"Well, I don't want to tell you this by your mouth and let the employees feel grateful for me. This is my responsibility. I'm just suffocating. It's better to talk to someone. "

Yue Zitong is not completely lying. No matter how she treats Lao Jin, she doesn't intend to let others know. She just wants to find someone to talk to.

Now that I've finished what I should say, I'm in a better mood. I push away min Rou who is holding her arm. Just as she is about to say something, the phone rings.

It's Lao Jin. He can't wait to get off work.

At 10:30 this evening, the presidential suite 1101 of Castle Peak Hotel is set in the name of kaihuang group.

In addition, he also hopes that Yue can go to the hospital to see his son after work and apologize face to face, hoping to get Jin Shao's forgiveness.

Yue Zitong knows that Lao Jin's asking her to go to the hotel to apologize to Jin Shao is just a formality. This is to prevent his despicable behavior. Once it is exposed, others will say that Yue Zitong offered himself a pillow to get his forgiveness.

Sure enough, he is a veteran of officialdom. He takes one step to see three steps. Before he does bad things, he finds a way out.

Yue Zitong naturally agreed to Lao Jin's request.

Min Rou then realized why Mr. Yue said that the company crisis could be solved tomorrow. It turned out that she had to pay the price of humiliation.

"Mr. Yue, you must not go!"

As soon as Yue Zitong put down the phone, min Rou hugged her arm again. Her face flushed with excitement, and she began to stammer: "I, I can assure you, that old rascal is not only salivating for you, but also opening up the idea of the emperor group! Despicable, shameless, in order to achieve the goal, he can even use his son

Yue Zitong did not expect that Min Rou's eyes were still very fierce, and he could see through Lao Jin's ultimate goal.

But of course she won't say that maybe it's Lao Jin's death tonight. She can only continue to laugh miserably: "ha ha, this is it. Do I have another choice?"

"Mr. Yue, I'll go!"

Min Rou's brain is hot, and this sentence blurts out.

"Where are you going?"

Yue Zitong was stunned. I didn't expect that this little secretary would be so loyal. Well, I have to cultivate more in the future.

"I'll go."

As soon as the words came out, min Rou couldn't go back on her words. She had to harden her head and say, "anyway, I'm also very beautiful. He will be satisfied."

"Fool, what people want is not only people, but also kaihuang group."

Yue Zitong raised his hand, nodded on Min Rou's forehead and said softly, "go out. I want to be alone."

Min Rou left the president's office with tears in her eyes. When she got back to her room, she couldn't help lying on the table and sobbing in a low voice. She couldn't bear to think that the snow lotus like President Yue would be sullied by a mean person.

But Mr. Yue is quite right. What Lao Jin wants is not only people, but also kaihuang group with huge market value. Is he not afraid to be held up for such a big appetite?

"No, I have to tell Li Nanfang about this. Why did he leave after the incident and let president Yue fight for him?"

Crying, min Rou suddenly thought of Li Nanfang. She couldn't wipe her tears. She picked up her mobile phone and dialed Li NanFang's mobile phone number: "Li Nanfang, where are you now?"

"Bask in the sun under the wall of my hometown."

Li NanFang's languid voice said: "Secretary min, let's eat pepper at noon. The tone is so strong."

"Now get back to Castle Peak, right now!"

Min Rou almost roared at the phone and said, "otherwise, I, I will never pay attention to you!"

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