The bright moon is hanging outside the window. It's almost ten o'clock.

In the past, when there was no task or on duty, Bai ling'er had already had a rest. She said that beautiful girls all came out of bed. Only those women who began to wrinkle after 30 would regret that they shouldn't have stayed up late.

She is now assigned to the Street police station to work as a film policeman, specializing in archives. Of course, she has no duty, but now she has no rest. She is sitting on the bed, leaning against the wall, with her hands around her bent knees, staring out of the window, with eyes and mouth jumping from time to time, or shivering from time to time.

This is the standard sequelae of excessive fright, and it seems to be Zhongxie.

It's not that she doesn't want to have a rest early, she doesn't dare to have a rest early. She's really afraid that after sleeping in the middle of the night, she will scream again, turn over from the bed and sit up, full of sweat, and her heart will thump.

Even, she did not dare to close her eyes. As soon as she closed her eyes, Li NanFang's terrible appearance would appear in front of her eyes, more terrible than the devil she could think of.

In her dream, she was forced and raped by the devil, and she was pregnant with his child. After October delivery, she gave birth to a freak who turned her terrible tusks and screamed for her mother——

For whom, always have such a nightmare, who is not afraid?

In the afternoon, she went to the hospital to consult a psychologist, and found a similar excuse, that is, she was killed by a gangster when she was on duty, which is not unusual for policewomen.

The psychiatrist told her that the only way to solve the current terror pressure is to sit down with the gangster and have a careful chat, trying to find his more kind side, so that the knot can be gradually solved.

Li Nanfang that scum, will there be a good side?

He was mean, obscene, shameless and terrible - the ringing of his mobile phone suddenly made Bai ling'er's heart jump again and almost jumped out of bed.

Caller ID is a public telephone in this city.

She didn't consider who called, just out of professional habits, a copy of the mobile phone, connect: "Hello, I'm Bai Ling Er, who are you?"

"Now, officer Bai, please come to the Collins club across from the Castle Peak Hotel on Shunjing road."

A strange man's voice, without any emotion, came from the microphone: "as far as I know, there is a case of indecency against women in room 7 on the second floor of the club."

"What? Who are you? "

After listening to what the other party said, Bai ling'er has long forgotten that she is no longer a criminal police officer, and the Street police station she works in can't manage that piece of work. However, because of her professional habit, she immediately asks who the other party is after receiving a strange call to the police.

"Hurry up and use the fastest speed. If it's too late, it's too late!"

The man didn't pay attention to the problem of Bai ling'er. After saying this coldly, he immediately turned off the phone.

"Hello, Hello!"

Facing the mobile phone, Bai ling'er puts on his clothes and shoes, jumps down and rushes out of the door.

In the parking lot in front of the residential unit, there is a prince motorcycle. When she was working as a criminal police officer, the Bureau specially configured it for her. It may be due to carelessness that the Bureau seat did not take back the motorcycle after distributing her to the Street police station.

Boom, boom!

The exhaust pipe of the motorcycle makes a deep and powerful roar. When the dazzling lamp lights up, it has jumped out like a leopard.

After receiving that strange phone call, Bai ling'er didn't expect that she was no longer a criminal police, and didn't call the local police station. She just wanted to use the fastest speed to get to the Collins club more than ten kilometers away.

What she hates most is the gangsters who abuse women. If they fall into her hands, they will be beaten and maimed even if they do not die.

GELIS club is a small club that has just opened. It seems that there is a special taste of decorative materials in the air, which makes Yue Zitong, who is used to large clubs, feel a little uncomfortable.

However, this place is the most suitable one. Standing in front of the balcony window of room 7, you can see the entrance of Qingshan Hotel opposite. With Yue Zitong's good eyesight, you can see everyone in and out of the hotel.

She is waiting for Jin Baiyong.

If he dares to attack the young lady of the Yue family in Jinghua by means of despicable means, he still wants to get both money and people. No one dares to do so in the whole of China. But Jin Baiyong is bewildered. Isn't he looking for disability?

After lighting a cigarette, Yue Zitong went into the bathroom, stood in front of the mirror and looked at the beautiful woman inside. He pinched his waist with both hands, arched his right knee and put on a charming pose. With a smile, he almost toppled himself.

"Beauty is beauty. If I were a man, I would try my best to get you."

It is said that the more beautiful a woman is, the more narcissistic she is. This is true. Isn't Yue always like this now?

"But what is that Jin Baiyong? I want to give you some advice. I really don't know."

Yue Zitong took a cigarette and sneered silently. He turned and walked to the door and opened the door. Outside, there was a man in a blue and black sportswear with a monkey king mask on his face. His eyes were shining from the back of the mask, with some evil spirits.

"Who are you?"

Suddenly a man appeared outside the door. Yue Zitong was stunned. Instinctively, he asked this question. He raised his right foot and kicked the man's crotch.

No matter who the masked man is, he suddenly appears in the box she wants, which is enough to prove that his intention is not good. He is either a robber of money or a robber of sex. He should be polite. Just beat him up, and don't ask for his advice.

Although Yue Zitong's hands-on skill is not as powerful as she thinks, it's no problem to deal with ordinary people. The kick is quite fierce and powerful.

It's Yue Zitong's most usual way to let this man lose his ability to do things first, and then carefully interrogate him who he is and what he wants to do.

With a thump, her hard kick didn't work. She was opened with one hand, grabbed her ankle and lifted it up abruptly. She lost her balance and instinctively reached for the doorframe. When she reached for it, she put a hand on her mouth which was about to scream.

The man's hand, holding a piece of white cotton yarn, exudes a strong sweet smell - in that hand after covering his mouth, Yue Zitong smelled the smell, mind electricity turn to understand what's going on: fans, drugs!

Sure enough, it was an overpowering drug. Almost at the same time when his mouth and nose were covered, Yue Zitong's left hand, which he was about to fight with his fist, fell down powerlessly. His whole body's strength disappeared in an instant, and he collapsed.

The mask man stretched out his hand in time, took her small waist and held her in his arms.

Yue Zitong has been working in Guoan for so many years. For professional reasons, he naturally comes into contact with addicts and drugs. When he goes out to perform tasks, he sometimes carries them with him. It saves time and effort when dealing with targets. It's really a necessity that special agents love when they bind people.

However, she has never been exposed to this kind of sweet drug, which can make her lose the ability to resist in a moment, but she has not yet passed out in a coma. She has a clear mind and can see what the masked person will do next.

What else can the masked man do except kidnap her or take away her innocent body?

Moreover, from the mask man's raising hand and grasping her ankle, Yue Zitong can see that other people are much more powerful than her. Even if she doesn't need drugs, it's a matter of every minute to get rid of her.

The despairing fear came down like a mountain. Yue Zitong opened his mouth to scream and shout for help, but he couldn't make a sound. He had to let the mask man put her on the sofa outside.

Just as she was most afraid of, the mask man began to take off her clothes. His movements were skillful and unaccustomed. At first sight, he was an old hand in taking off women's clothes. Three times five divided by two made her only have three pieces of small black cloth. Even the black stockings were taken off and put on the sofa.

I'm just like this. I'm being defiled?

Looking at the masked man who began to take off her clothes, Yue Zitong wanted to shout, cry, commit suicide and not be defiled - but no matter what she wanted to do, she could do nothing but shed tears.

Soon, the mask man took off only a pair of shorts, the eyes behind the mask, staring at her.

The body of the masked man is not bulky, but it is a standard triangle. His shoulders are wide and his waist is thin. His skin is sub bronze and full of scars, just as if he had been scratched with a knife and chisel for several days.

"Well, am I a man?"

After throwing away his trousers, the man bent his arms, just like the fitness coach, with small pimples bulging up, frogs jumping up and down, cold and hoarse voice, showing the evil spirit of pride: "if combined with you, the child born must be the most perfect. The child will inherit your beauty and my strength. "

As I have said before, Yue Zitong doesn't like Feng Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi, who thinks she is very smart. She likes He Lan Fu Su, who is usually elegant and elegant. When she does it, she will become a strong lion.

There is no doubt that the mask man has the strong physique that Yue Zitong appreciates, but he is not Helan Fusu, and even he is not Li Nanfang!

Yue Zitong doesn't know how to think of Li Nanfang at this time, but she thinks that she is bullied by that scum, which is 10000 times better than the mask man.

Maybe it's because Li Nanfang once got her, and it's also the reason why the father-in-law of the Yue family likes to have a quick son-in-law?

Get out of here! Get out of here!

Yue Zitong wanted to use these four words to answer the mask man's question. His mouth moved and he only uttered a desperate nasal sound. His tears were more urgent.

"Don't cry. I don't like women crying."

The mask man said coldly, bent down and stretched out his hand. The talons caressed her smooth body slowly.

There are pink goose bumps, which grow up with the place where the claw goes. When she stops at her black lace shorts, she closes her eyes.

She did not even have the strength to commit suicide, not to mention violent resistance, only humiliation to bear.

Yue Zitong hopes that he is dreaming. When she opens her eyes again, the devil is gone.

The devil, as expected, disappeared when she didn't know how long it would take to open her eyes again.

Is that really a nightmare?

Yue Zitong stares at the window stupidly. After a moment, his relaxed nerves are tense again.

This is the reality. She is still lying on the sofa, naked. The clothes taken off by the masked person are gone. There is a gentle whistle from the bathroom.

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