Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.

"Open the door, open the door, open the door

Outside, a hoarse man yelled.

It's dad!

Min Rou immediately recognized her father's voice. Almost in an instant, she realized that what she was most worried about had happened. Otherwise, her father would never have smashed the door so hard. There was fear in her hoarse voice.

Did Li Nanfang really kill people?

Min Rou feels dark in front of her. She shakes her body and falls on the sofa again.

Yesterday afternoon, min Rou once called Li Nanfang. She knew that he was out drinking with his father. She said that he was drinking. She must have been bewitched by her father and went to find sun Laoer.

After Bai ling'er and others left, when min Rou called them again, she couldn't get through. She wanted to find them, but she didn't know where sun Laoer lived. She had to wait at home.

Now it's dawn, and Min's father comes back and smashes the door. His voice is so hoarse and frightening that he knows that he's causing a disaster. Can min Rou not be afraid?

The sound of smashing the door is still going on, like a sound, reminding min Rou to get up quickly and open the door to see what's wrong.

She struggled to stand up, staggered to the security door, raised her hand to open the door.

Min Fu, who is throwing his hand at the door, can't hold it when the door is opened. He rushes in and is held by Min Rou in time. He asks in a dumb voice, "Li Nanfang, did you kill someone?"

Eyes full of red silk, hair messy min father a Leng: "Li Nanfang killed?"

Min's father uses interrogative sentences, but min Rou hears them as affirmative sentences. His face is even paler. Tears flow down. He shakes his father's shoulder and cries: "Dad, how can you let him kill people?"

"No, no, he didn't kill anyone."

Min Fu understood this and quickly explained: "he only seriously injured sun Laoer, surnamed Zhao, and he asked for him back for me."

"Seriously injured? It's a crime to be seriously injured! "

Min Rou interrupts min Fu's words, wipes his tears with her backhand and looks out the door: "where's Li Nanfang? He didn't come with you?"

"No, he went directly to the company and said he would go to work."

Min's father is at a loss. He really can't understand why his daughter is crying. As soon as she wants to ask again, min Rou turns around and runs back to the TV cabinet. She kneels on the ground, opens a drawer, and takes out a pile of cash from the inside. It's almost 20000 yuan.

Min Rou hid the money for emergency use. Her mother is not in good health. She may go to the hospital one day. How can she do without some money?

Now Li Nanfang has beaten others seriously in order to help his father - min Rou didn't expect to persuade him to turn himself in. Her first reaction is to let him take the money and run away from Qingshan city. As for whether it's a crime of shielding, she can't care.

Seeing that her daughter suddenly took out a pile of cash and put it into her bag, she jumped up and ran to the door. Misty min Fu raised his hand and grabbed her daughter: "xiaorou, what are you going to do?"

"Why, why! Of course, let Li Nanfang run away from the castle peak

Min Rou suddenly earns, tears in her eyes flow more quickly: "Dad, our family has enough bad luck, how can you go to implicate others?"

Minfu explained blankly, "he dragged me to Beisheng to find the man surnamed Zhao. He asked for six million yuan with interest, and it has been transferred to your bank account."

"What, it's going to be six million, transferred to my bank card?"

Min Rou was shocked, and the bag in her hand fell to the ground with a click.

Min Fu quickly closed the door, bent down to pick up the bag, and took her arm to the sofa: "xiaorou, don't be afraid, listen to me first - daughter-in-law, don't panic, go and pour me a glass of water, I'm thirsty."

Min family father and daughter in the living room noisy, wake up min mother, put on clothes out of the bedroom.

"It's OK, Li Nanfang said it's OK."

After instructing min's mother to pour water, Min's father began to comfort his daughter.

Min Rou grabs the small bag and starts to check the bank account.

When she saw the long string of zeros in her account and the six in front of her, she stayed there again.

This six million, is two o'clock in the morning, into her bank card, at that time she has unconsciously gone to sleep.

Min Rou stupefied for three minutes, looked up at her father, and said in a hoarse voice, "Dad, you can tell me right now what's going on."

It's very simple to say that after Li Nanfang beat up the second son of his disabled grandson, he immediately took min Fu in a taxi and drove all the way to the North Province to find Zhao song.

Even if he had the contact address provided by sun Laoer, Li Nanfang had to work hard to find Zhao song. Finally, he found the poor child in a nightclub.

In Min Fu's eyes, Zhao song, who has a certain black influence in the local area, is a good citizen who dares not to offend even if he eats the gall of a leopard. But for Li Nanfang, it's really nothing. He is afraid that the bloody scene will frighten his "future father-in-law", so he is asked to wait outside and enter the nightclub alone.

It didn't take long for Li Nanfang to come out and tell min Fu that the matter was settled and he could return to the eastern province overnight.

Minfu doesn't believe it. Zhao is so easy to discuss. Li Nanfang comes to him and he will pay back the money?

Li Nanfang said lightly that when he first found Zhao, he refused to cooperate. As a result, he had to break his left leg and almost set the nightclub on fire. In short, seeing Zhao song, who was very good at Li Nanfang, he finally agreed to all his conditions.

"On the way back, I saw him transfer money successfully with my own eyes."

After finishing the whole process of debt collection, min Fu takes his daughter's mobile phone and looks at the six million yuan. After a long time, he sobs in a low voice.

Two years ago, Lao min was cheated by Zhao song for more than three million yuan. Now Li Nanfang wants back six million yuan for him, nearly three million yuan of interest, which is enough to withstand the hardships he has suffered in the past two years.


Min Rou took the water cup from her mother's hand, put it on the table, and motioned her not to speak. She sat down on the sofa with her father's face in her hands and asked softly, "after Li Nanfang beat them, you didn't ask if they would call the police or secretly aspire to us?"

"I, I asked."

Min Fu sucked his nose hard and looked up at his daughter: "Li Nanfang said don't worry. He can see a lot of things like this when he is in prison. He uses this method to deal with problems on the road. As long as we are cruel enough to make them afraid of us, even if we give them two more courage, they will not dare to make trouble. "

Min Rou was silent for a moment and asked, "do you believe it?"


Min Fu nodded without hesitation: "I didn't see how he dealt with Zhao song, but I can see from sun Laoer's eyes that he was right. Scum is scum. As long as you are more ruthless than them and dare to play with your life, they are a piece of shit - that's what Li Nanfang said

Min Rou's heart completely calmed down.

I don't know why min Rou, who has a certain understanding of the society and the law, also believes what Li Nanfang said.

Perhaps, this is the real society. At any time, as long as you are strong enough, you can trample on the laws and regulations. When Zhao song and his wife cheated min father, wasn't that the same situation?

More than two years later, if it wasn't for Li NanFang's help, they would still be at ease, regardless of Min's father's life.

Why do they have nothing to do, we can't do it, we have to be scared?

"Mom, you can help dad cook some food first."

Min Rou figured out these reasons, with a smile on her face, quietly comforted her mother: "it's OK. My friend Li Nanfang has great ability."

"In the future, when we invite people to our house, my mother will make dumplings to thank him."

Min mother soft smile, raised her hand in her daughter's face gently stroked, got up and went to the kitchen.

After her daughter took part in the work, she became her mainstay. Since her daughter said she was ok, she would be OK.

Then he took his fingers and pointed them one by one for several times. After confirming that it was the real six million yuan, Min's father was relieved and reluctantly gave his cell phone back to his daughter. His mouth moved several times, and he wanted to say nothing.

"Dad, just say what you have."

Min Rou asked, "do you want to discuss with me what to do with this money?"

"No, it's not. As for what to do with the money, I thought about it on my way home. First of all, I want to buy a house to live in. Then, rent a front office and do some small business. "

Min father hesitated, bowed his head and continued: "I, I drank too much yesterday, and called Li Nanfang several times for my daughter and son-in-law."

It turned out that Lao min was worried about his daughter's life.

When he drinks too much, let's say it's Li Nanfang. Even if it's Wang Er Mazi and Li Er Gouzi, as long as they can help him vent his anger and teach sun Laoer a lesson, Min's father will not hesitate to call his son-in-law.

But when Li Nanfang really teaches sun Laoer a lesson and recovers six million yuan for him, min Fu, who wakes up after drinking, starts to murmur carefully. Xiaorou can't be allowed to marry a strong and traitor, can he?

Let your baby daughter marry a scum. Even if you kill min Fu, he won't agree. When he's sober - but Li NanFang's cruel act of beating the second son of a disabled grandson can keep min Fu in mind for the rest of his life.

If he turns around and wants to kick this "son-in-law" away after Li Nanfang asks for his money, who knows how the outlaw will deal with him.

"Dad! You, you - Oh, I don't know what to say about you. "

Min Rou blushed and immediately understood what her father was worried about. She quickly comforted him: "don't worry about this. I can handle it."

Min Fu's face was full of disbelief: "can you handle it? That Li Nanfang is very fierce. I saw with my own eyes how he broke sun Laoer's leg. Xiaorou, don't sacrifice your happiness for the sake of our family. "

After biting his teeth, min Fu said, "it's a big deal. Let's give him all the six million, as long as he can let you go!"

"Well, what if he doesn't want to?"

Min Rou snorted and asked.

She was deliberately bluffing her father so that he would not call for a son-in-law in the future.

Minfu is silly.

Yes, what if Li Nanfang doesn't want to?

Min father can see from Li NanFang's quick action that he doesn't pay attention to six million yuan. It seems that he wants to settle xiaorou.

"Don't worry, Dad. He doesn't dare to do anything to you."

After the warning goal was achieved, min Rou began to give her father a pill of relief. She pinched her waist with both hands and looked out of the window: "hum, he dares to touch your hair. I won't peel his skin!"

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