Everywhere, no matter how strict the defense is, there are loopholes.

The only loophole in Hongdou prison is the discharge place of domestic waste.

When Lao Xie and others came here to stay, they all saw this.

However, none of these wily guys said this flaw.

First of all, they want to find a way out for themselves. If they are detained here in the future, they can escape.

Secondly, the loophole can only be regarded as a loophole if it is aimed at people of their level.

In the world, how many people like Xie Qingshang?

Therefore, in a sense, this loophole is not a loophole. It's just that you can't escape from this place without certain force value, careful mind and good luck.

Similarly, the domestic waste dump of any unit is a place not to be seen, and the person responsible for discharging garbage will not be popular - it's just muddling along.

This is destined to be a forgotten corner.

When the Hongdou prison was designed, cameras connected with the general control were installed at the four corners of the garbage disposal place.

But with the passage of time, Hongdou prison has been built for more than 20 years without any mistakes, and has won the title of world-class prison. Prison staff will have a certain degree of slack mood.

The cameras at the four corners of the discharge have long been covered by smoke due to the burning of some plastic waste.

In the first few years, maybe someone wiped it off, but then nobody took care of it.

It's not only forgotten, it's a dead end.

Xie Qingshang and others had thought of this when they came to live here, but none of them mentioned it——

Otherwise, even if Li Nanfang was lucky enough to break through the death bottleneck at the critical moment, protruding the U-tube and kicking the jailer unconscious, the general control room of the prison could see it and quickly realize that it was an invasion by foreign enemies, and then the alarm would sound.

With the sound of the police siren, all the professional soldiers who replace the prison guards will come from all directions, and the steel guns in their hands will burst into flames. Then Li Nanfang, who is in a coma, and Alina, who is bowing his head and untiing his hands with her teeth, will scream and be beaten to the bottom of the sieve.

Unfortunately, no one saw them come in, except Wang Ling, who was specially arranged by Wang Yulin to be in the cell at the garbage disposal place.

There is another person.

Wang Ling is 34 years old. She has a beautiful face and a good figure. Her eyes are especially watery. She is very independent and flexible. Otherwise, she would not have made such a headache for the country.

Since childhood, her eyes have been praised.

When she was a child, adults praised her eyes like a little paint and called her little angel.

After growing up, the young people who pursue her say that they see the whole world in her eyes and are willing to spend their whole life exploring.

After marriage, the men except her husband said that her eyes were enchanting and intriguing——

But Wang Ling's eyes, which were appreciated by men from small to large, became blind compared with those in the opposite cell.

Although, there is no emotion in the eyes, the eyes are dull.

Always staring at a place, motionless for most of the day.

Wang Ling was transferred to Hongdou prison yesterday afternoon. After she was put in this cell, she saw her eyes.

I saw their owner.

A young woman in her thirties.

The young women wear the unique "work clothes" of Hongdou prison, just like the patient's uniform, with black and white stripes, wide and full of folds.

This dress is definitely designed by the most incompetent fashion designer in the world. It can cover up all the beauty of the body. It will only make her look bloated and without any self-confidence.

At least that's what Wang Ling thinks.

In the four or five hours after she put on the work clothes, she spent more than half of the time to straighten the folds of her clothes, try to smooth them with her hands, and even tear off some sheets and tie them on her waist and legs.

In this way, she can show a good shape.

Then dip in water and comb the smooth hair with your fingers.

She is a person who loves beauty. Even though she is in a desperate situation, she still tries her best to keep her beauty.

When Wang Ling "dressed" herself, she once noticed the woman, as if she had seen her.

But when she kept her courtesy and looked back with a smile, she found that the young woman was still staring at some place on the ground, motionless.

After being locked in this cell, just over an hour later, Wang Ling couldn't stand it any more. She slapped the iron window and called the prison guard to change the cell.

The reason is very simple. The young woman in the opposite cell is too woman.

Her eyes were dull, her hair was messy, her face was dusty, and her clothes were sloppy. In this way, she made Wang Ling feel ashamed every time she looked at her.

The woman in the opposite cell is like a noble Queen in distress.

The queen is the queen.

No matter whether she has put on beautiful clothes or not, and what kind of environment she is in, her eyes are hopeless to dull. She is still the queen, and she exudes that noble temperament. Even Wang Ling, who has a good figure and looks, can't match her in the most beautiful clothes in the world.

Wang Ling, who has always been proud of her looks and demeanor, does not like to be a neighbor to a queen.

When the other party is down and desperate, she can still exude the Queen's temperament, which makes Wang Ling feel inferior and want to go crazy.

The prison authorities, of course, ignored her request. Due to the fact that Shangfeng must not impose strict orders on her, the two soldiers who came after hearing the news just yelled a few words, raised their feet and kicked the iron door of the cell, then turned and left.

The soldiers came and left without looking at the "Queen prisoner".

It's not that I don't want to see it, but I dare not see it - before they came to perform this task, Shangfeng only issued two strict orders.

First, it is not allowed to use force against Wang Ling, even if it is to pluck her hair.

Because this woman's sense of pain has been destroyed, and she is indifferent to torture - before she says the code, she is the most important national treasure of China.

Since it's a national treasure, of course, there can't be any harm.

Second, no one except the designated personnel is allowed to see, let alone ask the female prisoner in the cell opposite Wang Ling for a glance or a word.

As for why?

It is the duty of every soldier to obey the order of the summit absolutely and unconditionally.

In just four or five hours, because Wang Ling couldn't bear the pressure of the female prisoners on the opposite side, she made four or five troubles.

Every hour, on average, there will be a noise.

Emotion, also more and more intense.

In the first three times, the soldiers came to see it. Just like the first time, they roared, kicked the iron gate, and then turned around to leave.

Wang Ling was so noisy that she was ignored for the last two times.

It's estimated that those soldiers are also very depressed. Your sister, are you a prisoner now?

When you are locked in, you have been deprived of certain rights, so don't ask for this or that again.

Besides, your request is reasonable.

It's just a prison. It's not for you to buy a house. You have to see if your neighbors are right.

Don't you think parents are prettier than you?

Your sister, don't you know our soldiers like beautiful ladies best?

Alas, it's a pity that we are not allowed to see her.

Otherwise, all our brothers in the company will surely have a little Mazar standing in line in front of the lady, doing nothing and saying nothing. It's also a kind of enjoyment to look at her like this.

The soldiers' indifference greatly stimulated Wang Ling. She became more and more excited. She even couldn't care to keep her image as a lady. She grabbed the iron window and tried to shake and kick the iron door, as if she was crazy.

In fact, it's normal for her to have this kind of emotion.

That's because she is very clear about her current situation. She can only wait to die except being rescued by her dear agent.

Despair, like a devil, kept churning in her heart, so that she could not control her emotions, in urgent need of a breakthrough.

The last time Wang Ling made trouble, the queen prisoner in the opposite cell once gave her a serious look.

The eyes, still dull, no trace of emotion, not sad not happy.

But Wang Ling had an indescribable sense of fear after facing her four eyes.

As if, the queen like noble, dignified and beautiful female prisoner, is a leopard, at any time will break open the cage, roar out, tear her to pieces!

Wang Ling is not afraid of death.

Instead, she had in her mind the most confidential information that could affect the national movement of China. The military did not dare to deal with her by dealing with ordinary prisoners.

So, instead, it became Wang Ling's biggest protective clothing, and then became arrogant. When she was interrogated, she basically yelled at the interrogators: "come on, if you have the ability, why don't you come to break my aunt? Don't you dare? Grass, shut up if you don't dare. They look like dogs, but they are silver like wax spearheads that even women dare not touch. "

Wang Ling dares to scorn and scold anyone who interrogates her.

But just a few seconds after I looked at the queen prisoner, I had the fear that my soul was shaking.

Just because she can really feel that the queen prisoner really wants to kill her!

She dare not make any more noise.

At least, I dare not stir up trouble before I think of a better way to change the prison.

Even though the garbage disposal workers who were swearing at her mouth, when they passed by her cell door, they used to stare at her for ten seconds with dirty eyes. They wanted to open the iron door regardless of everything and rush in to put her on the ground for three or five hours.

Soldiers are also human beings with normal physiological requirements. After staying in the army for a long time, they will think about that kind of thing when they see sows. What's more, Wang Ling is more agreeable than sows. It's normal to want to turn her over.

In the past, when Wang Ling saw that the garbage man looked at her with this kind of eyes, she burst into a rage, lit his nose and scolded him as a rascal.

After being watched by the Queen's prisoners this time, her arrogance was beaten down and she didn't do so.

But in her heart, she was cursing the garbage man. It's better to fall a big stone on the roof and smash her to death at work.

There are no big stones falling from the sky.

Only two people fell.

Wang Ling saw with her own eyes that a man with a woman on his back suddenly appeared from the garbage pipe, just like a swordfish going out to sea, and kicked the garbage man unconscious on the ground.

Then, the guy fell on his back and didn't move.

Then, the woman, who was almost wrapped around him, raised her head and gave her a smile, and tooted her mouth to stop talking.

"They finally came to save me!"

Wang Ling was stunned at first, and then she suddenly woke up.

She wanted to cry, to wail.

Want to laugh, look up and laugh.

She wanted to tell everyone in the world that the people she trusted didn't abandon her!

Unexpectedly, the place that can never appear, appeared.

Wang Ling suddenly stood up, holding the iron window in her hands, her lips trembling and looking at Alina coming.

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