In the past, when Li Nanfang wandered all over the world, he could sleep until he woke up naturally no matter where he went.

Even in the execution of a task, soak in the stinky ditch.

To be able to take any environment as one's own home is one of the essential basic qualities of a top killer.

But since returning to China, Li NanFang's essential quality has disappeared.

Only when he lies on the board that his aunt deliberately prepared for him, or makes a shop on the floor in his aunt's house, can he sleep soundly.

Otherwise, even if the maid of flowers once told him that this big bed for distinguished guests was exactly the same as the one used by the prince of England, he would not open his eyes as soon as the sun came out and nodded.

He really wants to sleep.

Because only in his sleep, he doesn't have to worry about min Rou's safety, and he doesn't have to think wildly. Xiao rou'er may be being attacked by several men. When he thinks of this, Li Nanfang raises his hand and smacks his mouth.

Before the applause, the cell phone rang.

It's Yue Zitong. Check the post regularly.

The time difference between England and China is seven hours. It's 7:30 a.m. here and it's afternoon there.

It seems that my aunt had just had enough to eat. After the phone was connected, she belched before she spoke.

Li Nanfang immediately said, "it stinks."

Yue Zitong was a little puzzled and asked, "what stinks?"

"Just now, I thought I heard someone venting that kind of anger."

"Take that breath? Li Renzha, do you want to die? "

Yue Zitong's sharp voice is sharper than a steel needle. Decibels are even higher. She should be able to shatter the glass. Fortunately, Li Nanfang had been prepared. When she was about to wake up, she had already removed her mobile phone from her ear.

Li Nanfang had a sense of superiority in her intelligence when she thought that her aunt had been slow for at least two seconds before she woke up to being scolded.

After the curse of "if you want to die, I will provide you with at least 18 kinds of painless death methods", Yue Zitong gasped: "Li Renzha, don't think I can't reach you now, you dare to offend the mourners. Hum, when you come back, try to see. "

"When I go back, I will let you punish me severely. You are welcome to come here. If I frown, I will not be a hero. "

Li Nanfang, whose face is full of obscene laughter, raises his feet to the ground, comes to the window, pushes the window open and looks under the castle.

In the courtyard of the castle, the maid has been cleaning for a long time, but brother David has changed into a white Kungfu suit and is playing Taijiquan under a tree to face the sunrise.

The devil's goods are obviously forced. They look like gods, but they are happy.

"Video chat, I'll show you where I live now."

After changing to video chat, Li Nanfang leaned out with his mobile phone, hoping to give Yue Zitong a panoramic view of the castle.

Yue Zitong, who had vowed to break Li Renzha into pieces just now, was worried about his adventure: "Damn, can you? Isn't it just a broken castle? What's good to see? Go back. I'm going to fall, so I'm going to live a poor life? But this castle is really good. Hey, let's talk to your friends. I'll stay for a few days when I have a chance to have a meat party. "

"What kind of meat?"

Li Nanfang disdained to curl his lips and said, "if you really like it, I'll buy you one here."

"What about blowing?"

Yue Zitong in the video, also made the same action: "I really think that mourning is so easy to fool. I don't know that the ancient castles in European and American countries will never be sold to foreigners?"

Li Nanfang said lazily: "as long as you want, I can do it."

"That's what you said. If anyone lies, he's a son of a bitch."

Yue Zitong immediately hit the snake on the stick.

Basically, her whole body up and down, inside and outside, has been made clear by Li Nanfang.

But she knew little about him all the time. She really didn't know how capable he was.

Others say that if they want to give their girlfriend an old castle in Europe and America, the boasting content may be as high as 99.9%, but if Li Nanfang says it, the authenticity may be as high as 99.9%.

She's stupid. No.

Yue Zitong called, in addition to the routine check post, mainly to ask min rou.

After learning that there is still no news about min Rou up to now, Yue Zitong was silent for a moment, forced to smile and comforted in a soft voice: "don't worry, she should be OK. I've been praying to God for her these days. "

"And you, too. Be safe."

"Always remember that I'm still waiting for you at home."

"Li renscum, I miss you a little bit."

Yue Zitong's last few words made Li Nanfang, who wanted to talk to her, swallow those words back. He couldn't help saying, "Tong Tong, I miss you too."

"Call me Auntie!"

"When I press on you, do I have to call Auntie too?"

"Go to hell, you scum!"

After scolding this sentence, Yue Zitong's mood obviously soared many, also tooted red lips, on the screen came a kiss.

When Li Nanfang quickly put his mouth close, the video call ended with a beep.

This made him a little angry and scolded the enchantress.

Of course the enchantress can't hear it.

In fact, even if you hear it, so what?

She is a witch.

She likes to be the siren of the man she likes.

"The sad family is so willful. Who can manage it?"

With a proud smile, Yue Zitong was about to put down his mobile phone when the bell rang.

After seeing that fixed line number, the smile on Yue Zitong's face immediately stagnated.

She didn't want to take the call.

But just as the bell was about to end, she pressed the answer button.

"What are you doing now?"

An old and dignified voice came from the mobile phone with obvious dissatisfaction.

"What do I do, you care?"

Yue Zitong wanted to say that.

But she didn't dare.

No matter whether she was expelled from Jinghua's family or not, she did not dare.

Because the old man who called her was her grandfather.

"I, I was in the bathroom."

There are too many reasons for not answering the phone in time. According to the wisdom of general manager Yue, it is absolutely handy.

"You come back to Jinghua, right away."

The old man's voice was obviously lower than before, but his tone was still so stiff, with the domineering spirit that he could not resist.

"I'm, I'm busy."

These words, Yue Zi Tong is said, but the tone is timid.

She's really busy.

Now, she has increased the strength of arming XianMei stockings with southern black silk technology. From the moment she opens her eyes in the morning to the dark, that is, she can make use of the time of lunch break to flirt with Li Nanfang. At other times, she is either resting or eating. It can be said that the heel of the whole person who is busy can kick the back of the head.

In this case, where is she free to go to Beijing?

Or right now!

What's more, she has long been expelled from her home by Jinghua's wife's family, hasn't she?

She won't go to that ghost place all her life. She doesn't think about it once.

Without waiting for her to explain why she was so busy, master Yue said coldly again, "go to pick up your car. It should be almost there. You should go downstairs now."


When Yue Zitong was stunned, the call ended.

"Why did you suddenly let me go back to Beijing in such a hurry?"

Yue Zitong really can't understand what the old man wants to do.

It's just that the old man called in person. If it was Yue Lincheng and other people in the Yue family, Yue Zitong would sneer and say that people don't listen to rabbits.

But to master Yue, if you give her three more courage, she will not dare to say so.

The old man's obscene influence on Yue Zitong since childhood. She didn't dare to resist until she died.


Just when Yue Zitong was staring at his mobile phone, the landline rang.

It's the younger sister at the front desk: "Mr. Yue, there are two officers looking for you. We asked them if they had anything to do with you. They only said it was confidential and they didn't tell us. "

The Secretary, Xiao Du, had been sent out on business by Yue Zitong before noon, so someone came to find Mr. Yue, and the front desk girl could only call her landline.

"Oh, tell them to wait and say I'll be right down."

Yue Zitong put down the microphone, looked at the unfinished work on the desk, sighed helplessly, picked up his mobile phone and walked out of the door quickly.

She didn't expect that her grandfather would send an officer to pick her up.

However, Yue Zitong, who has been in Guoan for six years, knows very well that soldiers have always been resolute in carrying out their duties.

If she had any more ink, I believe the two officers would rush up and take her away by force.

If that happens, it will damage the dignity of President Yue.

Yue Zitong didn't know the two officers.

But as soon as she got out of the elevator, two officers who were already at the door waved and saluted her: "Mr. Yue, please come with us. Time is running out. I'll explain to you on the way. "

Yue Zitong originally thought that after meeting these two people, he would let them accommodate and give her one more hour to arrange her work.

But after listening to the officer and seeing that both of them were holding the rank of major, he cleverly shut up.

On the steps outside the hall, there was a green warrior.

Because it's lunch break, there are a lot of employees out in the sun and taking a walk. Everyone is pointing at this military vehicle.

Some people who know how to do it can see from the license plate that it's from the headquarters of the major military region.

When everyone talked about it, they saw that the two officers who had just entered "escorted" general manager Yue and walked out of the hall quickly.

Two officers, one on the left and the other on the right, are following President Yue. They are not escorting each other?

"Ah, what's wrong with Mr. Yue? The people from the headquarters of the major military region were dispatched? "

The employees were so surprised that someone couldn't help saying this.

Some people said, "I'll wipe it. Is it true that kaihuang group will commit a crime this year. As soon as they annexed the southern group, the people from the big military region came to find fault

"Cha, what is annexation? The southern group is in the bag of general manager Yue. "

"But, Mr. Yue, she --"

As soon as the man was about to refute something, he saw an officer quickly walk to the front of the car, pull open the back seat of the car, slap a salute and ask her to get on the bus.

Those with more problems in IQ will no longer doubt that general manager Yue will be cleaned up by the military region.

In that case, the officer would salute her?

Stop teasing me.

Long after opening the door, Mr. Yue pushed jiaodidi into the car like a sack.

As soon as Yue Zitong got on the bus, the officer closed the door for her and jumped into the co driver's seat.

In the sound of a short car horn, under the gaze of many employees, the military car drove out of the parking lot.

As soon as the red light at the front intersection was on, the military vehicle did not stop at all. It quickly turned left, bypassed the car in front and rushed across the intersection.

"Hey, that car --"

The traffic police on duty were furious when they saw a car running a red light in front of him.

But immediately, he pretended that nothing had happened.

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