Helan Xiaoxin.

Li Nanfang saw Helan Xiaoxin and was surprised: "you are in Hongdou prison, aren't you? Why are you here? "

Helan Xiaoxin is not talking about anything. Two lotus arms entangle Li NanFang's neck, and half of his red lips are pressed down.

That kind of fascinating Mint musk flavor, more intense.

From Helan Xiaoxin's armpit.

Li Nanfang suddenly understood.

This faint fragrance should be the fragrance of Helan Xiaoxin.

In the Manchu Qing Dynasty, there was once a princess Xiangxiang who was fascinated by a romantic monarch. She had a natural body fragrance.

In fact, this natural body odor is a variety of body odor——

Body odor, everyone knows what's going on.

That's because people have sweat glands under their armpit skin.

When sweat glands secrete odor, it's body odor.

But not all people's sweat glands are secreting odor, just like pure white tigers, some genes have been changed, so they will give off a pleasant smell.

"Helan Xiaoxin, when did you have natural fragrance?"

When Li Nanfang thought of this problem in his heart, of course, he could not see that his eyes had begun to turn red and his face was ferocious.

"No, she doesn't look like Helan Xiaoxin - who is she?"

When the woman around him starts to undress him in a low voice, Li Nanfang suddenly finds something wrong.

It's just that before he can figure out where the trouble comes from, the fire in his heart, like being poured with gasoline, rises very high with a bang and instantly burns this thread of reason.

Black also extremely excited, up and down toss, the sound of the dragon, Li Nanfang burst out of his strong man instinct, where to take care of the woman in his arms is Helan Xiaoxin, where at present, just want to push her down, gallop.


Yang Xiao, dressed in a waiter's uniform, looks in through the crack in the door.

A pair of eyes full of excited evil.

He had been waiting for that scene in the room for a long time.

When he was in Qingshan Central Hospital, he hoped to see Li Nanfang and min Rou, and show him the whole process of human reproduction.

It's just that the plan is not as good as the change. Mindy min Rou went to Macao ahead of time. As a result, her whereabouts are still unknown. Of course, his wish can't be fulfilled.

This makes Yang Xiao quite unhappy.

Fortunately, there are plenty of women in the world besides min Rou, which is enough for him to make use of.

No one knows. When he was in brother Davidson's castle, Yang Xiao wanted to use his means to ask Li Nanfang and Graf, or which maid to give him a performance - poor child, now he doesn't know how to use his mobile phone to see the wonderful performance of the island love action star.

One heart, let Li Nanfang give him a live performance.

According to Yang Xiao's attainments in traditional Chinese medicine, if you want to produce a kind of medicine that can make people lose their senses in an instant and fill their whole body with only primitive desire, whether it is oral or gaseous, it is so simple that there is no need to explain.

But in the castle, he didn't find the best chance.

Now, after Li NanFang's success in having fun like that, Yang Xiao has finally found a chance.

With a blowpipe, he carefully prepared a light smoke 100 times more powerful than "I love a stick of firewood". After blowing it slowly through the crack of the door, Li Nanfang, who was invincible to all kinds of poisons but could not resist spring and medicine, and nvhan were immediately attacked.

When Li Nanfang lost his mind, the smell of Epimedium from the evening dress of female ham was just one of the spring and herbal medicines that Yang Xiao had prepared himself.

It's a variant.

In the isolated flaming Valley, the efficacy of all herbs is much stronger than that of the external herbs.

Seeing that the female ham is like a big white snake, entangles Li Nanfang and asks for something, Yang Xiao stares at every action of the couple in the room without blinking.

When female ham let out a slightly shrill scream, Yang Xiao was a little bit dispirited: "it turns out that the behavior of human reproduction, like wild horses and dogs, is so bad. But what about me? In the future, do you want men to -- "

After murmuring about this, Yang Xiao suddenly got upset.

He found that even if he became the most normal woman, he didn't want any man to lie on her and do such a tasteless action.

Perhaps, there is a man who can barely make him less exclusive.

It's Li Nanfang.

After all, Yang Xiao thinks that he and Li Nanfang are already acquaintances——

Moreover, during the day, I seem to enjoy being with him.

It's just that Li Nanfang is a man who has to die.

Can a man with his head cut off still carry a woman's two long legs on his shoulders like a madman and try to get her through?

Obviously, it's not scientific——

Yang Xiao, thinking wildly in his heart, saw that the couple in the room, in the fierce fight, no matter what kind of posture they changed, were just for one action, which made him feel more boring.

Looking back, no one noticed.

Yang Xiao took out the straw again, twisted it a little, took it in his mouth and blew in.

Just now, what she was blowing was a kind of medicine that can make people confused.

Now it's the antidote.

If you can only poison, but can't solve it, then what is the master of traditional Chinese medicine?

Moreover, the accuracy of Yang Xiao's grasp of drugs has reached an appalling level.

When she blows spring and medicine, she can decide how much to blow according to Li NanFang's unique physique, which will make him lose his mind and become an animal.

Similarly, when she was blowing antidotes, she also decided how long Li Nanfang would be able to relax after "busy work" according to his special constitution, without hurting his body.

Only by ensuring that Li NanFang's physical condition is always in the healthiest state, can the black dragon in his body grow up smoothly.

Now that he is close to Li Nanfang, Yang Xiao will not allow him to suffer any physical damage before black dragon grows up.

As for the woman who was done to howl, does Yang Xiao have anything to do with whether she is dead or alive?

"It's boring. It's really boring."

At last, she saw that she had forced female ham to kneel on the ground and pick her hair with one hand, which forced her to raise her head. But with the other hand, she was patting her rich buttocks. Li Nanfang, who was riding behind her, laughed scornfully and closed the door.

The sound insulation effect of guest rooms on the cruise ship is not generally good.

There are two men and women in the madness, even if the people outside put their ears on the door, they can not hear any sound.

When Yang Xiao closed the door, he saw a black pistol on the floor in front of the bed.

He didn't care.

Because he saw with his own eyes just now that a man with a yellow beard ran out with his chin in his hands.

Look at the man. He's supposed to be a bodyguard.

Bodyguard, who doesn't wear a gun?

That pistol should have been left by yellow beard.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen."

Sir Philip's voice came from the stairway through a high-definition speaker.

The reception of the charity fundraising party is over for the time being.

Next, the highlight of tonight's show is that all the good people invited here will, with the encouragement of Sir Philip, give their greatest love to the people of England who need help.

In the form of real money.

Who gets more money, who gets less money, this is a very interesting thing.

The messengers on the cruise ship also want to see it.

So, the waiters on the second floor went up, leaving only Yang Xiao.

Yang Xiao did not go because he was not interested in helping the poor in foreign countries, and because he wanted to "protect the law" for Li Nanfang.

At present, Li Nanfang, who lost his mind and returned to the most primitive state, is also the most vulnerable time.

If the yellow beard, who had been beaten away by him, came to take revenge at this time, Yang Xiao would have hated him all his life.

There's a beautiful song coming from above. It's a superstar specially invited by Sir Philip to cheer you up.

The singing repertoire is the theme song "my heart is eternal" of "Titanic".

I don't know what Sir Philip thought. He even sang this classic song on his cruise ship.

Yang Xiao likes this song very much. After listening to it for a moment, he is absorbed in it. He holds his knees in his hands and sits on the ground.

Qin, Qi, calligraphy and painting were also one of the necessary lessons for Xuanyuan kings in the past dynasties.

So he can hear an unforgettable love through euphemistic and sad songs.

Just when he was listening most attentively, there was the sound of footsteps rushing up the stairs.

Yang Xiao frowned and looked slightly.

Sure enough, the yellow beard came, followed by two waiters.

As they went down the stairs, they looked around.

I'm obviously nervous. It's a prelude to doing something bad.

What's wrong with yellow beard?

Yang Xiao didn't need to think at all. He knew that they came for Li Nanfang.

Li Nanfang beat him at that time. Now he has come to find the place.

"Everything's normal down there."

A waiter behind the yellow beard pulled up his collar and whispered.

Yang Xiao was sitting at the corner of the corridor, which was a blind spot.

It's easy for him to see others, but it's hard for others to see him.

At least, when he walked five meters away, he didn't notice his existence.

"Well, there's another man here!"

Huang beard, who was walking in the front, finally saw Yang Xiao. He was scared and said, and his right hand immediately extended into the suit.

It's time to take out a gun.

Yang Xiao didn't look at them. He took a glass of wine from the silver plate on the ground with his right hand and said faintly, "go away. Now, I don't want to kill people. "

No matter how murderous people are, when they listen to the sounds of nature like music, they will also feel that God has the virtue of living well.

"Shoot him!"

When he saw Yang Xiao, Huang beard was scared.

But when he saw that he was just a waiter, he immediately felt relieved. With a grim smile, he reached out and raised his gun, aiming at the murderer!

His pistol, of course, was equipped with a silencer.

However, the installation of silencers on pistols does not seem to have much to do with the ability to kill people.

Huang Huzi and Yang Xiao are not allowed to install silencers for pistols. Even if they are equipped with rocket launcher, they will only ponder over how they died in hell.

Is there anything more pathetic than being killed and not knowing how to die?

The yellow beard, who had pulled the trigger and the bullet had come out of the gun, was crushed with a click in his throat, and his pupils were dilated quickly with a strong sadness.

However, when he fell on the ground at that moment, he saw a dark shadow, ghostly rushed to the two waiters, only then had a little comfort: "it's good to have someone to die with me."

The road to hell must be lonely, long and dark.

Therefore, every person who dies in the next second hopes to be accompanied by more people.

"Every night when I see you in my dream, I feel you. I know that you are not far away from me. When you travel thousands of miles, you come to me and tell me --"

Singing "my heart forever" silently in my heart, the corner of yellow beard's mouth slowly bends up an eternal smile.

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