In the face of such a huge wave, Li Nanfang was desperate no matter how good the water quality was.

If he is alone, he still has the hope to fight hard.

That is to find a wooden wine bucket from the boat and tie myself to it with a rope. After taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes and let the wind and waves beat me. At last, I was washed ashore like a dead fish.

Wake up, untie the rope, spit out the sand, pat the bottom, happy to go.

But the problem is, he's not alone.

He's not fighting alone!

Oh, no, he has more than one burden. He's so wrapped up that he's not allowed to live alone.

As soon as he got to the bow of the boat, he found that he was very lonely and needed company. Ham, who bravely went to the paradise, also woke up. He raised his hand, threw away the red dress covering his chest, and waved a pair of super beautiful buttocks. When he ran to him, he fell down on the deck, but he reached out and hugged his legs in time.

"Li Nanfang, take me with you," he cried

Go, you're paralyzed.

Li Nanfang looked down at the woman with her chin raised and her face full of tears. He really wanted to kick her into the sea.

If it wasn't for this woman, he was living a carefree life of Prince and princess with his aunt in Castle Peak.

Just because this damned girl peddled minrou away from karawich, she forced him to come to the British Isles. In order to find out who is the real ham, she got on Sir Philip's boat.

As a result, this is what happened.

It's all this damned girl - well, it seems that it's not the husband who blames others at this time.

What's more, it's not just ham who wants Li Nanfang to be taken with him.

Yang Xiao, who used to be so fierce, was a big man who killed people like a hemp, but now he was not as good as a woman. He held Li NanFang's arm and almost hung on him.

And the white peony of water spirit, then dog skin plaster like stick on his back, both hands around his neck, two big long legs wrapped around his waist, eager to be integrated with him, mouth still recite words, saying that he is her hero, no matter he is going to heaven or hell, she will wholeheartedly follow, life and death, the same boat.

"I don't want to go to heaven, I don't want to go to hell, I just want to go home."

In the blink of an eye, Li Nanfang, who had already arrived hundreds of meters away, had more than 20 stories of huge waves. He was hugged by three people and couldn't move any more. After murmuring, he realized that he was going to say goodbye to his aunt. Suddenly, his heart was full of sorrow and he couldn't control his hopelessness and fear. He suddenly opened his mouth and let out a shrill roar.

Whistling, like crying, like a dragon.

But with, let him also don't understand the excitement.

It's like he's been waiting for this day for centuries.


A thunderbolt, which seemed to split the sea in two, exploded from the top of the freighter.

Anyone who has a little knowledge of life should know that when it thunders, lightning flashes first, and then thunder is heard.

This is because sound travels in the air many times slower than light.

But this explosion of thunder, but almost lightning and thunder, at the same time.

The lightning, which splits the thick sky, stretches and stretches like a giant dragon.

A flash of lightning came down from the bow and hit the sea.

Boom, there is a few meters high blue fireball, suddenly take off.

But without waiting for the blue flame of the fireball to rise, it went out in an instant.

But there are raindrops bigger than soybeans, falling from above.

Li Nanfang didn't see it.

He's closing his eyes, opening his mouth, still roaring.

So, he didn't see Yang Xiao beside him. When the lightning came down, he suddenly shook his body - just like the lightning shocked him. He opened his mouth and let out a shrill scream, as if he had been tied by a rope around his neck and then tied to a high-speed train with a speed of more than 300 meters per hour. He didn't give him any reaction at all. He dragged him and jumped over the deck guardrail, Flying to the sea.

Someone fell into the sea.

In a very strange way, the plane flew forward abruptly for a full five meters before it suddenly fell down.

Sir Philip, as well as hundreds of hostages, saw this scene clearly.

When the big waves hit and the time came, Lord Fei and others incarnated themselves as the most devout believers. They knelt on the deck, folded their hands on their chest, bowed their heads and closed their eyes, and recited the book of songs aloud. Oh, no, it's the Bible.

They hope that God can forgive them for their sins in the world, forgive them and lead them to the gate of heaven.

However, just before their death, they were able to achieve the unity of man and nature. They were no longer afraid, no longer panicked, and their hearts were calm. Some of them even had a happy smile on their faces. When they were ready to wait for the call of the angels, a long shrill howl broke their self paralysis and dragged them back to the cruel reality again.

It's like a long roar like a dragon's song, like a needle, like a sharp thorn, stabbing their eardrum. It's very painful.

More unbearable.

It seems that the roar of the sea has disappeared from the sky and the earth. Only this howl forced them to open their eyes and look at the bow of the ship.

He looked at the four men.

Four people tightly entangled.

Two men, two women.

Three dressed, one naked.

As soon as they saw these four people, they saw one of them and suddenly they floated into the sea.

"Water sacrifice!"

All of a sudden, Sir Philip, who has loved unofficial history since he was a child, flashed this word in his mind.

According to an unofficial history, when ancient people were angry in the sea and wanted to swallow everything, they would throw a living man into the sea.

This is called water sacrifice, also sea sacrifice.

As for whether the sea has calmed its anger after throwing people into the sea, there is no record in unofficial history——

Sir Fei, who has read a lot, knows that the situation of water sacrifice also exists in China.

The most famous is the legend of Qin Shihuang.

It is said that one year, when Qin Shihuang went to Dongting Lake on a boat to play, he didn't know what was wrong with the God of water. Suddenly, there was a huge wave. The wind was strong and the rain was pouring. Seeing that the boat was about to turn over, he hurriedly took out the imperial seal, yelled at the lonely king and threw it into the lake.

The moment the seal enters the water, the huge waves disappear, the dark clouds disperse, and a bright moon is hanging in the sky. It can be said that the sea is clear and the river is clear. The girl's clear song comes from the far shore: "I'm looking up at the moon, how many dreams are there, flying freely --"

Ten years later, an emissary passed by Dongting Lake at night. Suddenly, a man holding a jade wall stopped him.

He asked the emissary to give the jade to haochijun, and said to the emissary, "ZuLong died this year."

The messenger was puzzled and asked what he meant.

But this strange person, but no longer do any explanation, in the twinkling of an eye disappeared in the night.

Confused but also feel bad Messenger, with Yubi back to Xianyang, immediately made a report to Qin Shihuang.

After listening to this, the first reaction of Qin Shihuang was that "ZuLong" in this sentence was talking about him. After a long silence, he said: "Mountain Ghost, you know what happened in a year at most."

That is to say, the strange man that the night messenger met was just a Mountain Ghost.

The Mountain Ghost, at most, knows about a year.

But this jade was thrown into the water at the water sacrifice ten years ago. How could the Mountain Ghost know?

Qin Shihuang said this, obviously in the mouth, do not believe that he will die this year.

As a result, the first emperor died in that year.

It seems that it's a bit far away. The book is back to the main story.

The shrill and excited roar of the Dragon awakened the pious repentant Lord Fei. When he and his companions saw with their own eyes a man flying from the bow to the sea in a strange way, the term "water sacrifice" immediately flashed into their mind: "is this the root of making the sea angry?"

As soon as the idea came to light, Sir Philip was dumbfounded and said, "ha ha, how can I think like this. Alas, it's all poisoned by Chinese culture. Don't read those books any more - is there any future? "

When he thought of this, he said sadly: "even if this man is the reason why the sea is angry, he has fallen into the water to sacrifice the sea. But who can stop the tsunami that will bring great difficulties to the British three islands? "

"What's the name of this man? Do you think you can calm the anger of the sea and let us escape from this disaster by calling us so ugly? "

When Prince Fei looked at Li Nanfang again, the shrill howling became more and more harsh. He forced him to raise his hand to cover his ears and open his mouth. Just as he was about to make a roar, saying whether he could make everyone feel at ease when they died - an incredible scene suddenly happened.

It seems that it has been swept by. In more than ten seconds at most, it will sweep the huge waves of the freighter!

Actually, it stopped.

Who can imagine that a huge wave with more than 20 layers is about to rush over from a hundred meters, and then take a hard shot of the cargo ship that has begun to tilt down to the bottom of the sea, but it suddenly stops and can't go forward any more, just standing abruptly on the sea?

Like, there is an invisible high wall, horizontal in the distance of 100 meters, let the huge wave hysterical rush, also towering.

Seven or eight seconds later, the huge wave fell down, but from both sides of the invisible wall, that is, hundreds of meters around the freighter, it raised its angry head again and dashed toward the coastline.

The wind is still roaring.

It's still raining!

There was a white mist coming out from the front of the huge wave.

The capsized freighter, affected by the huge waves on both sides, kept swinging from side to side.

Slowly, spinning rapidly on the sea.

A freighter with a displacement of several thousand tons is like a toy in the hands of the sea.

It turns faster and faster, but it doesn't overturn.

"What's going on?"

Lord Fei and others clung to the guardrail and looked at the scene they couldn't believe.

"God is revealed! God, come to save his poor people

I don't know who it is. I suddenly yelled.

Then, we all made a fierce cross in our hearts, staring at the man who was tightly held by two women in the bow of the boat, and asked: "is he the God who came to protect us from this disaster? When he roared, he was accusing the sea of taking us away? Otherwise, how can the huge waves be blocked in front of the freighter? "

Although the tsunami is terrible, it does not last long.

That's what happened in the past.

But the destructive power of these waves is irresistible to human beings.

After the surging waves, the next waves will be just like that.

Of course, this general is only compared with the huge waves.

The wave that followed was several meters high.

But it's no longer fatal to cargo ships with thousands of tons of displacement.

Fatally, Sir Philip and others staring at Li Nanfang in a daze find out in horror that the hurricane is coming.

The opposite direction from the big wave.

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