
A huge wave hit the bow.

Enough water for thousands of people to drink for a day, like the devil, fell on Sir Philip and others.

Interrupted their prayers.

It's also like laughing at them. What bullshit Li Nanfang is possessed by God. Lao Tzu is the God and the devil. He wants to take you all to the bottom of the sea, so that you can never live beyond your life. Amitabha - no, it's boundless heaven?

"God, save your people

A burly and strong man suddenly stood up from the deck, raised his hands to the sky and yelled, after he was hit hard by the huge wave rushing to the bow of the ship.

"God, please, save your people

These people who thought Li NanFang's jumping into the sea was a water sacrifice, their newly born confidence was broken by the huge waves, and they all cried out: "he has already jumped into the sea. Why can't the sea be calm? The sea, how many more people's memorial ceremony is needed to calm your anger? "


A gust of wind dispersed their voices.

The freighter, which was still slowly turning on the sea, turned right in the direction of the wind and immediately turned inward at a full 45 degrees.


Lord Fei and others, with a scream, glided from the height of the deck to the bottom.

Fortunately, the big guys were all tied with ropes, and they were immediately pulled by the guardrail.

The two women in the bow of the boat also screamed and fell on the deck.

There was a stab - dig a slot. The strong evening dress tied to the guardrail actually fell off the chain at the critical moment. Because it could not bear the weight of the two women's rapid decline, the place where the cloth was connected was torn open.

Let them slide down the sloping deck in a free fall.

Fortunately, the two women's reaction is not slow, timely embrace the guardrail.

They are connected by cloth. As long as one person can hold the guardrail, another person will not fall.

With a bang, the freighter, which was tilted at an angle of 45 degrees, finally failed to roll over and hit the water heavily.

There was no rollover this time.

So, what about next time?

Who can guarantee that another wave of the same level will not overturn the freighter?

Don't forget, when the huge waves hit, there were many containers on the deck that crushed the ship.

It is these pressure vessels that offset the strength of the huge waves.

However, when the freighter capsized, several containers, which were not well fixed, broke free of the fixed cable like angry hounds, and when they slid down, they hit the cabin heavily.

With a loud crash, the door of the container was shaken open and the contents rolled out.

It's wooden boxes that contain the things that traffickers need to take away when they retreat from Africa.

For example, some valuable antiques, calligraphy and paintings, precious necklaces and other things.

After a wooden box rolled out, it hit the handrail of the deck stairs, and the door of the box was directly opened.

When the hull tilted, the wooden box kept rolling, just like a naughty child who took out the things in his pocket and scattered them casually, the things inside also flew out.

Antiques, calligraphy and paintings, precious necklaces, and bundles of dollars flew to the bow with the wooden box.


Ai Wei Er saw this, screamed, just raised his head, once again lying on the deck.

With a whoosh, the empty box, which was about the size of a table, flew over their heads and straight into the sea.

Don't need ivy to remind, ham knows how to hide.

When she saw that her family was just flying into the sea, she felt so hurt that she could not care about it.

But when something wrapped in red cloth suddenly rolled down into the sea in front of her eyes, she screamed and raised her hand to grab it.

"Ah, what are you doing?"

When ham raised his hand to grasp, he had to loosen the guard rail, causing his body to slide down sharply.

Fortunately, she was connected with Avril.

As long as AI Wei'er doesn't let go, her action will be a swing.

"God bless, thank God!"

At the risk of being thrown out into the sea, ham caught the little red envelope and put it on his mouth and gave it a kiss.

She didn't pay attention to the shrill question of Ai Wei Er, raised her hand and grasped the guardrail again.

I feel a pain in my elbow.

Cut a hole with a knife.

The saber she held in her hand, when the hull tilted so much that she had to grasp the guardrail, slid down the deck to the sea, but was blocked by the steel groove under the guardrail.


Another wave hit the side of the boat.

The freighter creaked and tilted again.

"God, God!"

Some people cry and shout God, hoping that he can save everyone.

God must have heard his voice. Compared with just now, the power of this wave is not at the same level.

The freighter, only tilted less than 20 degrees, quickly returned to stability.


The third wave follows.

The power of this wave only made the freighter bump.

Bang - the sound of continuous water clapping the freighter is getting smaller and smaller.

In the end, even the power to make the freighter bumpy was gone.

Rainstorm, gale, lightning, I don't know when, stop.

I don't know how long it took for Sir Philip to look up at the sea with his eyes closed and his head bent over the guardrail.

There is a white mist, floating on the sea.


The sea under the moonlight is like a small lake in front of your house. When the night wind blows, it ripples layer upon layer.

There is a clump of fish, in the moonlight on the sea, swish out, and fall.

This group of sand than fish, constantly repeating this action, gradually disappeared in the moonlight on the distant sea.

calm and tranquil.

peace and tranquility under heaven.

The storm stopped and the hurricane disappeared.

Even the people who are looking at all these things can hear the crickets.

Of course, it's an illusion.

But just now the sea, which was still very angry, is completely quiet, which is real.

"We are saved."

Sir Philip got up from his shoulders and looked at the floating full moon on the sea. He felt that what he had experienced from last night to now was a dream.

A very, very terrible nightmare!

Fortunately, I wake up now.

I believe that before long, there will be military helicopters coming from the coast.

"Water sacrifice."

I don't know who, mumbling out these two words.

Then, everyone's heads, like being controlled by the remote control, looked at the bow of Li NanFang's boat.

"He is the incarnation of God. It was he who, at the most critical moment, jumped into the sea to defuse the sea's anger and let us be rescued. "

There are others, whispered.

If it's normal, after hearing about it, you will turn your lips and say that it's nothing strange. The sea is suddenly calm because the submarine volcano has stopped erupting, and the energy has been exhausted. What's the relationship with the incarnation of God?

But now, no one would say that.

They all firmly believe that Li Nanfang is the incarnation of God.

God is not satisfied to see the sea, to overturn the freighter, let Li Nanfang into the sea, to calm its anger.

"May the LORD be with you."

Sir Philip was the first to react and began to cross his chest.

All the people who slowly got up followed his example.

Those women, also all low cry up.

AI Wei'er grabs the guardrail and stares at the sea. He is very eager to see her man. He suddenly gives his head from under the water, raises his hand and gives her a coquettish kiss, saying that I'm back, my dear.

If that's the case.

She swore - she would give him a baby!

Unfortunately, the sea has been calm.

Don't say it's human, even swordfish don't come out again.

There were only a few wooden boxes, slightly undulating on the sea.

Ham was standing next to Avril.

She had tied the little red bundle around her waist with a piece of clothes.

In her right hand, she held the saber tightly.

Looking at the eyes of the sea, with a ecstatic smile: "good, Li scum, you die well, you die so well! When you all die, no one knows. I'm the real ham. Although the loss is heavy this time, my foundation is still there. As long as my gold shield is still there, I can still order the traffickers in the British three islands to reorganize their headquarters. "

These people stare at the sea with different minds.

But they have one thing in common, that is, they did not notice that in the northwest of the distant horizon, there is a thick black line, towards this side.

This time, it's not a huge wave, but a new round of Hurricane triggered by the huge energy rapidly discharged to both sides when two volcanoes collided.

Li Nanfang didn't know.

With the kiss of the white peony, after he plunges his head into the sea, he searches around for Yang Xiao who is hit by the big waves.

The sea is so big, and Yang Xiao has been knocked unconscious by the huge waves. If Li Nanfang wants to find him, it's really looking for a needle in a haystack.

And more importantly, the sea is very hot.

When volcanoes erupt under the sea floor, the heat generated by the eruption is unbearable to fish.

Li Nanfang can't stand it either.

He used to like hot springs very much.

But is the sea almost boiling hot spring?

This is a hot oil pan.

I believe many people have taken care of the sauna or the sweat room invented by Aimei peninsula?

Now Li Nanfang, who is swimming under the sea, has this feeling.

The taste of sweating in water conservancy is not too good.

When the first big wave hit the freighter, Li Nanfang wanted to give up.

I can't find Yang Xiao. What should I do?

Don't look for it - Yang Xiao's cry, just like the magic sound, always rings in his ear.

Forced him to dive deeper, like a headless fly.

It's all up to luck.

no way out.

Fortunately, Li NanFang's luck has always been good - the last trace of air in his lungs will be exhausted. When he had to go to the sea to breathe, he saw a dark shadow lying flat under the water, calmly, gracefully and slowly sinking.

"I hope this is the devil. Otherwise, I will be disappointed. "

All of a sudden, Li Nanfang was in a state of high spirits. He pushed his feet and swam to the figure like a swordfish.

Yang Xiao's eyes and mouth were tightly closed, his hands and legs were open in a big shape.

A long hair, flying slowly in the sea, it is convenient for Li Nanfang to rescue him.

"I really should buy lottery tickets. I shouldn't waste my good luck on a monster who wants to kill me."

After confirming that this man was Yang Xiao, Li Nanfang felt a little sorry. He took his hair and suddenly slapped the water and rushed up to the sea.

He doesn't worry. Yang Xiao will drown.

Because he is very clear that when anyone's force value reaches Yang Xiao's level, even if he can't swim, after being knocked unconscious by the waves, his body will quickly start the self-protection process to ensure safety.

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