Christie is a serious journalist.

She felt that as a journalist, when reporting anything, she had to abide by the rules that the journalist industry must abide by.

Fairness, justice, reality, no exaggeration, etc.

So when Sir Philip held up his cell phone and said that the young man in the video was possessed by God, she immediately stood up.

She has great respect for Sir Philip. Just holding a charity party every year to provide millions of homeless people with a warm Christmas Eve deserves the respect of the people of the three islands.

But respect is respect, but facts are facts.

God, just people's spiritual belief, is nihility, not the fact of existence.

When Christie was in college, she had read such articles in works such as materialism and firmly believed that there was no God in the world.

This time, it has nothing to do with what Chinese people are.

It's just that everyone was so lucky that when the tsunami waves hit, the volcanic eruption on the seafloor along the coast happened to generate strong heat, which prevented the huge waves that would smash the freighter.

What's more, the news also said that the possibility of such a situation is only one in 100 billion.

"Child, do you say that God is only our spiritual belief and does not exist in reality?"

Sir Philip looked back at the reporter with a slight frown, but it soon spread.

The female reporter was right - if it had been before yesterday, Sir Philip would have supported her.

"Yes, sir."

Christie nodded hard and then explained, "Sir, please allow me to make my position clear. I believe in God, but it's only in spirit. He can give me strength that no one can give me when I suffer failure, despair and pain. "

"Son, I don't know if you've ever read the article about human landing on the moon."

"Human landing on the moon?"

Christie was shocked, then understood and said with a smile, "Sir, I've read a lot. But I think that's just an element in science fiction, to increase the mystery of the back of the moon and arouse human yearning for the back of the moon. "

Since human beings determined that our moon will always face us, they have a strong interest in the back of the moon.

What's behind the moon?

According to modern legend, after the failure of World War II, the German madman, with his sexy mistress and loyal men, flew to the moon in an aircraft that had not yet been developed.

He's going to be there and rebuild his invincible army that can sweep the universe.

Even there is a famous prophet. One hundred years after the end of World War II, he will come to the earth again with his invincible army and set off a new round of bloodbath.

This kind of legend is not very reliable, but it has a large market among the people in various countries.

Until the success of Apollo moon landing program, Armstrong went to the moon and said the famous saying: "my personal small step is a big step for mankind."

The prediction that a certain German madman would build an invincible fleet on the moon was defeated.

However, a new round of prophecy has begun - he is on the back of the moon.

What's on the back of the moon?

There should be no human life in that place.

The temperature on the back of the moon is about 180 degrees below zero.

There is no need for Christie to explain these common sense, and Sir Philip knows it.

But he didn't mention the surface of the moon. He just said with a smile, "son, do you know what voice Armstrong heard after he said that sentence when he landed on the moon?"

Christie froze and shook her head.

She had never read Armstrong's famous saying in any book, and then she heard other voices.

Sir Philip's tone suddenly became heavy and serious: "boy, you're a little too early. Go back. Believe me, I am your ancestor

This sentence is that after Armstrong said that sentence on the moon, he heard a voice deep in his mind, like a hallucination, but very real.

After returning to earth, he immediately reported the incident to the leader of NASA.

However, the U.S. authorities did not disclose the incident, and even forbade Armstrong to tell it in his autobiography.

Otherwise, it will cause the dissatisfaction of some believers who will offend God because of the American landing on the moon, thus causing certain difficulties for the next moon landing plan.

As a foreigner, how does Lord Fei know the top secret of the United States?

That's not what Christie can know, and she can't ask.

Otherwise, they will be suspected of spying on high-level secrets, taken away by the invincible CIA, tortured by Tiger stool, chili water, binding, enema and other torture. They will ask her to tell the high-level secrets to those people——

"Child. Believe me, God exists. He, too, has always been there. He is paying close attention to each and every one of us in silence. When we encounter unbearable danger, he will appear beside you in various images and ways to help you tide over the difficulties. Or take you to heaven. "

"Then, sir, what about God?"

Christie was half convinced by Sir Philip's magic wand.

"He has returned to where he should have been."

Sir Philip turned and looked deep into the sea. His blue eyes were full of worship.

Several times, he wanted to tell Christie that when Li Nanfang was whistling, there was the sound of a dragon singing from the sky, under the water and in all directions of the freighter, which made everyone subconsciously see a flying black dragon.

The black dragon with teeth and claws, roaring angrily, pours on the huge waves as high as tens of meters.

So arrogant waves, in front of the black dragon, but like a cat with a mouse.

Low low wailing, crawling at the foot of the black dragon.

Sir Philip didn't say it because he knew that even if he said it, no one would believe it.

After all, the black dragon only exists in Oriental mythology, and has little to do with God.

People don't believe it. It's someone else's business.

As long as you believe in it and appreciate Li Nanfang from the bottom of your heart, it will be enough.

I don't know what's going on, but Christie can't help but ask, "will he come again?"

"I think he will come back."

He looked back at the pretty girl and nodded with a smile.

Christie asked, "if he comes back, can you show me him?"


Sir Philip closed his eyes and said in a voice only he could hear: "if he could come back."

Ambassador Liu Qizhao, of course, can't hear the words of Sir Philip talking with the beautiful female reporter.

Even if he heard it, he would not put it in his heart.

At this time, he is highly focused, holding the mobile phone tightly, listening to the movement inside.

There was the sound of thin and light footsteps. After it came from there, a nice girl's voice rang out: "Hello, uncle Liu."

Whether he is the owner of the Yue family or not, Yue Zitong will politely call Liu Qizhao his uncle when talking to him.

Ambassador Liu, who is six in forty this year, is old enough to be an uncle to Yue Zitong, who is 22 years old.

"Hello, miss."

Ambassador Liu has not seen the real person of Yue Zitong, but has seen her picture.

Work photo, life photo, fruit photo - that's Li NanFang's patent. Anyone who looks at other men will have bad luck.

After hearing her voice, Ambassador Liu immediately came up with the beautiful appearance of his wife's head.

To tell you the truth, when I first saw the photo of Yue Zitong, Ambassador Liu could hardly believe that she was the owner of Yue's family. She wanted to lead the aircraft carrier of Yue's family to a better tomorrow, no matter how strong her connections were.

She is too young.

What is the biggest characteristic of young people?

Especially a beautiful girl who "got rich overnight".

Arrogance, of course.

Therefore, Ambassador Liu and others subconsciously put the label of "not easy to deal with" on Yue Zitong's forehead.

However, when Yue Zitong answered the phone and uncle Liu called out, Ambassador Liu's concern vanished in an instant.

A girl who knows how to respect others will gain respect from others.

This is also the reason why Ambassador Liu called her Miss after hesitation.

"Uncle Liu, don't be so polite. Just call me by my name."

Yue Zitong holds the landline microphone in his right hand, opens the mobile phone in his left hand, looks at the time, and yawns gently.

The time difference between Britain and China is about seven hours.

When Ambassador Liu dialed the landline, it was 10:30 a.m. in the British Isles.

In China, it's around three in the morning.

In the past, when she was in Castle Peak, Yue Zitong had been holding her Mickey Mouse pillow for a long time.

However, in the courtyard with hundreds of years of history, Yue Zitong, who has just taken over as the leader of the Yue family, has to forget to eat and sleep and try to get familiar with the resources controlled by the Yue family in the shortest time.

At any time, human resources are the most important.

When Qi Yue, the close secretary and bodyguard provided by Zonggang, knocked on her study and asked her to come outside to answer the phone, she was browsing the detailed background information of Ambassador Liu.

Yue Zitong asked Ambassador Liu to call her name directly. Of course, it was also a kind word.

If Ambassador Liu really takes Yue Zitong's polite words seriously and calls her Zitong directly, I believe he doesn't need to do anything with the master-in-law at all. When his father hears about it, he will take the dragon's head crutches and smash this despicable villain into his head.

The common people can never imagine that in the highest class they have no chance to contact, the hierarchy is the most strict, which needs everyone to strictly abide by.

Otherwise, one by one, they will not be able to explode their thorns. If they are not well disciplined, they will eventually fall down and the monkeys will be scattered.

Therefore, unless Ambassador Liu is stupid, he will call Yue Zitong by his name directly. He just laughs silently: "Miss, I may have to tell you some bad news now. Maybe, maybe it's a rumor. "

Just took over the tea cup handed over by Qi Yue, Yue Zitong heard a Leng: "uncle Liu, what's the matter, please tell me straight away."

When I get a call in the middle of the night, I'm afraid that something bad will happen.

In particular, Ambassador Liu, who is supposed to be very calm, hesitates repeatedly when he speaks.

This shows that something really bad has happened.

"What bad things can happen? Is uncle Liu's position in the British Embassy unstable because of his grandfather's death? "

When Yue Zitong thought about this in his heart, he heard Ambassador Liu ask softly: "I want to ask first, where is Li Nanfang at present."

Li Nanfang?

Li Nanfang!

After hearing Ambassador Liu mention Li NanFang's name, Yue Zitong's nerves suddenly tensed and replied in a loud voice: "he is in the British Isles at present! Uncle Liu, he, he went to see you? "

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