Li Nanfang was not sure which emperor was buried in the 800 Imperial Valley, but Xue Xinghan, who had lived here for many years, knew it very well.

Yang Guang, the famous emperor of Yang in history.

Speaking of Yang Guang, the first reaction of many people is the word "tyrant".

Before Xue Xinghan came 800 years ago, he was so artificial. After all, Yang Guang was described in history books.

Yang Guang, with the word "Yang" in his posthumous title, and Xia Jie, the first king of slavery in China, with "Jie" in his posthumous title, and King Zhou of Shang Dynasty, with "Zhou" in his posthumous title, are known as the three outstanding young people in the history of China.

Therefore, Yang Guang is a tyrant, which is also recognized by the common people. He is also one of the typical figures in the Chinese dynasties.

When he first came to 800, Xue Xinghan knew that 800 and others were guarding the tomb for Yang Guang. He must have disdained it.

Let alone, Xie Qingshang mobilized her to stay here and guard the gate for the tyrant.

What kind of existence is the Xue family in Shu?

For thousands of years, the Xue family in Shu has been honored as the living Bodhisattva of salvation.

It is said that Li Shizhen, a famous doctor in history, had been instructed by the elders of Xue family in Shu when he was young.

One is that people talk about good people all day long, the other is that people will scold when they mention it. It's normal for Xie Qingshang to let Xue Xinghan, a good person, show the tyrant the gate, and she is not satisfied.

But when Xie Qingshang brought some thick ancient books from the old village head's home for Xue Xinghan to read, her impression of the tyrant completely changed.

Looking up at the sky at an angle of 45 degrees, he sighed and said, "history books, harm me."

When I write here, I have to talk about Yang Guang.

Yang Guang, the second son of Emperor Wen of Sui Dynasty, is the mother of empress Dugu. In 581, he was appointed king of Jin. In 589, he was marshal of the marching army and led the army to attack Chen. In 600, he was appointed emperor and son.

604 is the emperor's position, the year of Daye, 14 years in office.

"Sui Shu Shizu Ben Ji" records Sui Yang Emperor: "on the beautiful posture instrument, Shao Minhui."

The achievements and tyranny were outstanding. Some people compared King Zhou of Shang Dynasty and the first emperor of Qin Dynasty with him and called them three tyrants (Xia Jie, for one thing).

After he ascended the throne, he had great ambition for the national government, and worked hard to realize it. He built the Grand Canal, Daxing city and Luoyang City, the eastern capital, opened up territory, unblocked the Silk Road, created the imperial examination, and made three expeditions to Koguryo.

The Grand Canal, the imperial examination system, has influenced later generations for thousands of years.

In March of the fourteenth year of Daye, Emperor Yang saw that the world was in chaos and could not be retrieved. He ordered to repair the Danyang palace and prepare to move there.

But the drivers were all guards of Guanzhong. They missed their hometown and fled back one after another.

At this time, Hu Ben Lang, general Yuan Li and others conspired with Zhige Pei Qiantong to use the resentment of the guards for missing their hometown to push Yu Wenshu's son Yu wenhuaji to lead the mutiny and force Yu wenhuaji to hang Sui Yang emperor.

After Yang Guang's death, even a decent coffin was not used. Empress Xiao and the palace people demolished the bed and made a small coffin, which was secretly buried under the Liuzhu Hall of Jiangdu palace.

Later, on a night of lightning and thunder, the body of emperor Yang mysteriously disappeared.

All of the above are from the Tang Dynasty.

Li Yuan, a relative of the Yangdi emperor, took the great Sui Dynasty as his successor. In order to stop the common people in the world, of course, he had to be big black and especially black Lao Yang.

As the replacement of Sui Dynasty, Tang Dynasty can not say that it is a rebellion, but a forced soldier for the common people. Therefore, it is necessary to discredit and demonize the tyranny, fatalness, corruption and subjugation of the last monarch of Sui Dynasty, so as to prove that the replacement of Sui Dynasty by Tang Dynasty conforms to the will of heaven and the people's livelihood, not a rebellion.

But Datang was only one of several forces that discredited Lao Yang.

In addition to Li's father and son in the Tang Dynasty, there are also several forces.

In fact, the Confucian view of history, which claims to be "orthodox", is always based on the code of conduct of the current Dynasty.

To put it simply, a bunch of flatterers will brag about how they are in line with the interests of the regime.

Since there is a conclusion in China, which is called the final conclusion of the coffin, that is, all the final conclusions will be finalized after the death of a person. So when the Tang Dynasty began to demonize the Sui Yang emperor, almost all the Confucian scholars in the later dynasties evaluated it according to the theory of the Tang Dynasty.

In their eyes, Sui Yang emperor is what the rulers of the Tang Dynasty said. This is the object advocated and opposed by Confucianism. They completely deny Sui Yang emperor and give a warning to later emperors to prove that Sui Yang emperor's subjugation was caused by tyranny, fatuity, corruption and so on. They should not repeat the same mistakes.

The third one is the unofficial history.

As an official, he has no right to participate in the revision of the national history. He often searches for some deliberately exaggerated anecdotes and hearsay among the people, but he does it himself. So Daye Lue Ji, general history and so on came out.

The fourth force, of course, is the folk romance novels.

Ordinary people are mostly ignorant, so it's easy to follow suit. In ancient times, people didn't have so much entertainment to amuse themselves. When they heard that Mr. Shuo told stories, he would exaggerate and magnify them deliberately. If it's true, he can say it's false. If it's false, he can say it's true.

The fifth force is naturally inseparable from folklore.

After the further rendering of the romance novels, the common people will believe that following others' advice, and then listening to the wind is the rain, endless——

After the exaggeration of these five forces, no matter how good a person is, he will become an inexorable villain, not to mention the Sui Yang emperor who has already lost his country?

In order to completely discredit Lao Yang, several stories about him as a licentious tyrant are recorded in historical materials.

Among them, the most famous is that Yang Guang killed his elder brother Yang Yong, occupied his sister-in-law, received the harem, and talked about his life freely every day.

Otherwise, it was how he brutally forced the people to dig the Grand Canal and said it would be more convenient to go south to see Qionghua.

At that time, he was holding a beautiful woman in his left hand and a golden bottle of wine in his right hand. Looking at the trackers on both sides of the canal, he was happy to have a song "the love of the trackers" with the empress. It was a happy childhood.

Or he went to Korea three times because he was interested in the rich beauty there - and so on.

What the common people are most fond of talking about is the legend related to Zhang Lihua.

During the southern expedition to the Chen Dynasty, Yang Guang heard that Zhang Lihua was a great beauty, so he sent someone to tell General Gao that he must keep her.

However, he was worried that Zhang Lihua's peerless beauty would destroy the Sui Dynasty, so he said: "in the past, Jiang Ziya killed Daji with a mask. Today, how can Zhang Lihua be left behind?"

So Lao Gao beheaded Zhang Meiren without authorization.

For this matter, let Yang guanghuai hate in the heart, said in the future will revenge this revenge.

Not really.

Yang Guang in history is by no means like the works of historians and folklore.

Many people have not thought about it carefully. If Yang Guang did not go to war to expand his territory, how could the nations of all nations come to court to claim their ministers and pay tribute, so as to establish the great heaven and Dynasty status of China?

If he had not built the Great Wall in the north and attacked Turks in the north, how could Northern Xinjiang be more stable in the early Tang Dynasty?

Without his three expeditions to Korea, how could Northeast China be at peace in the early Tang Dynasty?

If he had not opened the canal, how would song's prosperity come?

If he didn't start the imperial examination, how could the children of the common people have the chance to be a minister?


Yangdi is an emperor who was crushed by the great cause!

He is not only for himself, but also for the people and the country.

Yang Guang is afraid that in his lifetime, he will not be able to complete all these grand plans and great wishes, so he should speed up the implementation, and want to leave wealth, culture and the real spirit of the great Sui Dynasty for future generations!

But in the end, he was exhausted by the great cause.

It has been 1500 years since emperor Yang died, but it has been 1500 years.

The power of folklore is terrible.

Until now, few people know that in 589 ad, Yang Guang, who was only 20 years old, was worshipped as the Grand Marshal of the army of the Sui Dynasty. He led 510000 troops to the south to attack the Chen Dynasty and complete the reunification.

Under the command of Yang Guang, the Sui army was well disciplined, brave and good at fighting. It broke through the long river at one stroke and was invincible wherever it went.

However, he did not commit any crime to the common people, and he did not get any money from the Chen government, which won wide praise from the people.

"All the people in the world are regarded as virtuous."

This is the praise of Yang Guang by the people at that time.

At the age of 20, Yang Guang completed the great cause of the reunification of China, ending the split of China for hundreds of years, ending the three or four hundred years of war, and ushering the country into an era of peace and prosperity.

In the 10th year of kaihuang reign, when a large-scale rebellion broke out in some parts of the old area of the south, Yang Guang was appointed as the general manager of Jiangnan and stationed in Jiangdu to pacify the rebellion.

His mission in the South was rather complicated and difficult. In order to ease the resentment and suspicion of the south, he carried out reasonable administration after the military occupation and broke many political and cultural barriers that prevented the southerners from becoming loyal to the Sui Dynasty——

Build a canal.

Zhangye was patrolled to the West.

The establishment of the imperial examination.

Developing the western regions.

The eastern expedition to Korea

These five projects can sum up Yang Guang's life.

Unfortunately, when they mentioned Yang Guang, they only remembered the atrocities such as killing his brother and sister-in-law, digging the canal regardless of the people's life and death, and levying the Korean army for labor and money.

After his death, the emperor of Tangtang did not even have a coffin to bury him. He was only confined to Liuzhu hall by the empress who was loyal to him.

It was not until the soldiers loyal to Emperor Yang took advantage of the thunder and lightning in the late night that they stole his body and fled to the northeast to bury him in the depths of 100000 mountains.

The valley where Yang Guang was buried was renamed the valley of the emperor.

The sergeant who stole his body here is willing to be his professional grave keeper.

Eight hundred people lived outside the valley of the king.

Thousands of years later, dozens of generations of 800 residents built a nine storey Pagoda with their hands, which finally gave the great emperor a place of rest worthy of his status.

In the nine storey pagoda, there are military generals who are loyal to him.

Like Yu Wenshu, the sculptures of Mai Tiezhang and Zhang xutuo are all in the nine storey pagoda.

And then there is Yang Guang, the hard-earned empress, empress Xiao.

Speaking of empress Xiao, the records in historical books are quite interesting.

I can't help but want to talk about her, even if I was scolded.

In history, there are countless sisters who have charmed the monarch.

However, after many changes of dynasties, it can still make the monarch with a group of beautiful women bow down to the women under the pomegranate skirt. I'm afraid there are only a few stars in Chinese history

And empress Xiao is such a strange woman, who has won the title of the most popular woman in history.

Empress Xiao is naturally beautiful and charming.

As for how beautiful she is, language may not be able to describe it at all. Judging from the fact that Li Shimin has lost three souls and six spirits when she is nearly 50 years old, she should be worthy of being beautiful.

Perhaps, empress Xiao was born to be a man and a woman.

When she was born, a fortune teller was surprised by her appearance. He calculated the eight characters of her birthday carefully, and finally came to the conclusion that her mother is in the world and her life is full of peach blossom.

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