"Grass, are you afraid that I will steal your money?"

After discovering that Miller's eyes were not right, Smith's face turned black and his right hand reached to his waist.

Miller's reaction was not slow either. He pulled the windbreaker with his left hand and reached in with his right hand. When he grasped the handle of the gun, he had opened the insurance. The muzzle of the gun was across his clothes and he said with a smile: "ha ha, Smith, you think too much. I urge you, just want to see my account, can have lovely four million. After all, I've never seen so much money in my life. "

"Me too. So when I have so much money, I will never do anything stupid. "

Smith's brow twitched a few times, and his right hand, which stretched to his waist, drew back.

"That's wise."

The protrusion of Miller's front windbreaker disappeared, and his smile became sincere.

"Go, go, let's go to a bar and have a good drink."

Smith laughed and walked quickly to the gate.

This is a private hospital.

Who would have thought that every month at least hundreds of abducted girls, like min Rou, would be disguised as patients, sent by ambulances, and then taken away by different gold owners. When "pets" are raised and tired of playing, they will be sold, or they will simply evaporate from the world?

If there is a hell in the world, this private hospital named "kangweiya" is hell.

Compared with those gold owners, Smith and others, including ham, are just doglegs who earn some hard money at best.

Because of the existence of these people, ham and others will have business to do and money to make.

The two of them, who were on guard against each other, walked out of the door of conwyard hospital quickly, looked around at the long street under the yellow street lights, turned around and walked quickly to the East.

"It suddenly occurred to me that I needed to do something urgently. I'm sorry, Smith. I can't go to the pub with you. "

When he came to a big tree, Miller stopped.

What's his emergency?

Just want to get his four million as soon as possible.

Smith was very clear that he had never seen the woodlouse in the world, and nodded his head on the tree. He took out his mobile phone and began to transfer.

He didn't worry that Miller would attack him.

The password of mobile bank transfer is in his mind.

If Miller does kill him, he won't get another cent!

Similarly, after Miller received four million, there was no need to plot against him.

Otherwise, I still can't get a cent of his four million dollars - Smith sneered in his heart and quickly entered the password with his fingers.

The transfer is fast.

At most dozens of seconds, Miller's mobile phone came to the account SMS prompt.

The extra four million in the account is a long string of zeros.

It looks like such a celebration.

Miller forced the ecstasy in his heart and counted it carefully for three times to make sure that it was four million dollars, not four hundred thousand dollars. Then he turned off his cell phone. As soon as he looked up to say something, his smile solidified on his face.

Just as he repeatedly checked the balance of his account, more than ten policemen came out of nowhere, surrounded them and pointed their guns at them.

Smith had already raised his hands, the bare back of his head, and leaned against the tree.

Even if he is Superman, in the face of more than ten black holes in the muzzle, there is no room for resistance, only obediently let go.

Thinking that in order to swallow the $8 million, he and Miller would not hesitate to kill all the other accomplices, but failed to achieve their long cherished wish, Smith wanted to burst into tears.

The British police, no matter how hard they are forced, at least quickly pounce on a few people and press them to the ground. After they click the handcuffs, they stick tape on their mouths so that they can't make a sound. They also put a black cloth bag on their heads.

This just two people are carrying a, quickly step to stop in front of not far alley walk.

In the alley, Mr. Beckham, the chief of the London police department, is talking in a low voice with a girl.

No matter where you go, the chief of the London police department is the number one.

But in front of the girl, who was wearing a black top hat, black windbreaker, black gloves, black high waisted riding boots, and a little white flower on her chest, she showed an almost flattering smile.

There are three reasons for director Beckham to do so.

First, of course, it's because this girl is quite beautiful.

A real gentleman should show his demeanor in front of a beautiful woman.

Second, when the defense ministers of the British three islands arranged for him to accompany the girl, they repeatedly told him that this is the hero's fiancee who saved more than 200 hostages, including Sir Philip, in a critical moment, and was respected and remembered by all members of the royal family.

No matter how big the shelf is, can it be bigger than the royal family?

Third, because of the identity of the girl.

The Minister of national defense made it very clear that although the beauty named Yue Zitong is young, she is the head of a super family in eastern China.

In China, when someone heard that Yue Zitong was actually the head of a super family, his first reaction must be like this: "how young is he? Shuilingling's little sister is the head of a big family? I think it's reliable to be the head of a household for me when you obediently follow me. "

But in European and American countries, girls become a family in their early twenties, which is no surprise.

Don't say she is a girl in her twenties. Even if she is only a teenager, as long as she is the first in line successor, she will automatically become the new owner after the new owner dies.

However, there is a big difference between the home owners in China and those in Europe and America.

The power of European and American family owners is limited within the family.

However, the energy of Chinese masters is often closely linked with the power of the state.

Frankly speaking, offending the owner of a super family in Huaxia is tantamount to offending Huaxia!

Give Beckham three more guts and he won't dare to offend China.

Can we not treat Yue Zitong well?

"Ms. Yue, is it time for us to act?"

When his men escorted Smith to the scene, he didn't care to keep his gentlemanly demeanor in front of the beautiful women. After kicking them hard for more than ten times, he shook his head and waved his hand to order to get rid of the two killers. He came to Yue Zitong and asked for instructions with a smile.

"Wait a minute."

Yue Zitong did not answer his question, but looked at the Smith who was about to be dragged away.

Well, these two scum are guilty.

Beckham, who has reached the perfect level of observing words and colors, can not see Yue Zitong's face covered by the shadow of the top hat brim, but he can guess from her cold voice that she is going to dry.

She didn't want to leave the Smiths alone.

If it wasn't for these people, how could min Rou be kidnapped?

If it wasn't for these people, how could she become the watchman of shuilingling!

Yue Zitong hates these traffickers.

Now that Smith and her husband have been arrested, she is ready to vent her grief in front of the police in a rude way that does not conform to her status as an expensive girl.

European and American countries are very particular about people and rights.

Criminals who commit heinous crimes also have this right.

So it's against the law for Yue Zitong to beat up Smith's behavior in front of the police - but Beckham decided to pretend that he couldn't see them. He just waved to the men who stopped waiting for his order and went to one side to smoke.

Law and propriety are nothing more than human feelings.

As a citizen of our country, it's the little sister who leads her to be the chief culprit of wangmen. It's normal for people to vent their selfish desires.

The police officers who were carrying the two men understood the meaning of the boss, looked at each other and let them go.

The Smiths, with their black pockets over their heads, didn't know what was going on.

Well, how can we let them go?

Does it mean that the police decided to give them another chance to be a new man and let them go for the sake of heaven's virtue?

If so, it's time to open their handcuffs.

Standing on the ground in handcuffs, how confused is the image?

Just when they were confused and didn't know what to do on the spot, they looked at their Yue Zitong coldly, slowly raised their right hand with black gloves and waved.

Qi Yue, standing behind her, immediately stepped forward, slightly bowed her head and listened to her instructions.

Director Beckham, who took a smoke, looked this way.

As you can see, Yue Zitong's whole face is hidden in the shadow of his hat brim, and his vermilion lips seem to open.

Beckham didn't think much.

He can't speak, of course, can't see Yue Zitong whispered to Qi Yue: "kill."

Qi Yue nodded and walked slowly to Smith.

Just like the fat pig who has not yet been put on the market, when the butcher approaches, they will feel some terrible atmosphere and begin to feel uneasy, so do the two Smiths with black bags on their heads.

They are just handcuffed and have no fetters on their feet. They can walk if they want. Wow, the stars in the sky participate in Beidou.

That kind of terrible gas field, let them feel strong uneasiness, instinctive lift foot to run.

Smith is going north, Miller is going south.

Smith, who runs north, has to pass by Qi Yue.

Qi Yue stopped two meters in front of them, like a statue in the dark.

It doesn't move.

But there it is!

When Smith ran one meter away from her shoulder, his left shoulder suddenly sank, twisted his waist, and his right foot in ordinary black sports shoes flashed out!


Qi Yue's side kick accurately hit Smith's left cheek.

It made a fracture sound that could be clearly heard by Beckham standing more than ten meters away.

Then, he and more than a dozen of his men saw Smith continue to run forward - his head drooping on his chest, like a ghost without a head.

She broke Smith's neck with this kick.

People without brains are still running forward. It's terrible to think about it, not to mention seeing it with your own eyes.

Beckham and others are also people who have seen the world.

Hands, more or less contaminated with a few lives.

But they have never seen anyone kill people in such a domineering way!


A cool breath came from the sole of Beckham's feet and quickly spread all over his body. He stared at Smith whose neck was broken. After running a few meters, he fell to the ground with a puff. When he twisted a few times, he didn't move.

Yue Zitong's bodyguard, in our face, killed a suspect in such an overbearing and cruel way?

When this question rose from the bottom of Beckham's heart, before he made a decision, another horrible sound of fracture came from not far from his right side.

It's all instinctive. Beckham and others look over there

See, Yue Zitong's bodyguard, from this time already lying on the ground of Miller chest, stand up.

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