A scum who has been in prison not only has a beautiful policewoman's girlfriend, but also has been actively pursued by Secretary min, but has been politely refused. These days, it has been widely spread in kaihuang group.

There are those who feel sorry, those who admire, and those who are angry. However, more people are interested in it and begin to wonder whether they should do something to be angry with each other and go to jail. It is said that Li Nanfang got into the little policewoman in this way.

Naturally, Li Nanfang has heard these rumors, but he won't care. He laughs them off lightly. There may be a lack of big mathematicians like Chen Jingrun everywhere, but there will never be a lack of people with pure thoughts.

Every day, he goes to work with Yue Zitong, one driving and the other riding.

Four wheels and two wheels arrive at the destination almost at the same time. That's because Mr. Yue is very happy. As soon as he looks in the rear-view mirror, he can see the feeling that he is driving hard with his tongue sticking out behind him. When he's happy, he just opens the gas door and leaves him far away. Then he slows down and waits for him to catch up, and then he opens the gas door.

General manager Yue said it was a kind of game, and the name of the game was walking the dog. Li Nanfang readily agreed, saying that he was taking the mouse from the dog. Anyway, these days, both of them are very happy. There are no killers, no annoying suitors, and their lives are plain and comfortable.

Several times, Yue Zitong thought how good it would be to live like this in the future?

The appearance of Li Nanfang makes the boring life of President Yue wonderful.

Women are really boring, not in the daytime, but at night.

No matter how many people she is surrounded by during the day, even if she walks on the red carpet under the magnesium lamp all day, as long as she is alone at night, her life is boring.

Today is the weekend. The little mouse, who was chased by the dog all the way, looks back at Li Nanfang with his tongue sticking out. He smiles with pride. After Wang Defa's gallant opening the car door, his smile converges, turns back to the cool and arrogant boss, nods to him and walks up the steps quickly.

The slim figure of little mouse has disappeared behind the door of the hall. Li Nanfang shrinks his tongue, raises his hand and wipes the corner of his mouth. He begins to reflect on whether he really likes to be cheap. Otherwise, he can't do this difficult action all the way to please women.

"Li Nanfang, wait."

Li Nanfang put the car away and was just about to go to the car duty room. Wang Defa ran over with a white express envelope in his hand. After running over, he looked around and asked in a low voice, "Lieutenant Li, do you have a new task? This express is from abroad. Maybe you're going abroad. "

"Why, you want to go too?"

Li Nanfang took over the express, saw the eye clip in the armpit.

"I don't know how to speak a foreign language."

Wang Defa shook his head, and his regretful look proved that he really wanted to broaden his horizons abroad.

"Then make good use of your spare time to learn foreign languages. Maybe I will take you abroad in the future."

Li Nanfang patted him on the shoulder. When he turned to leave, he thought of something: "Oh, by the way, pay more attention to the foreigners who come to our company in the future. No matter who they are with, they should tell me in time."

The last time black scorpion pretended to be a special commissioner of Yaping group to assassinate Yue Zitong, Wang Defa didn't make any response. Fortunately, Li Nanfang accidentally met her and solved her in time, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

He doesn't think that the little mouse's skilful skills can withstand the attack of professional second rate killers.

"OK, no problem."

After Wang Defa patted his chest and promised, he said mysteriously, "Lieutenant Li, Secretary min is very haggard these days. I don't think you are - cough, someone called me over there. I'll go ahead."

After he mentioned Secretary min, Lieutenant Li didn't look very good.

"You know what? I'm doing it for her good."

Looking at Wang Defa's back as he left in a hurry, Li Nanfang scolded in a low voice. Suddenly, he got upset, took a deep breath and tore open the express.

There is a plastic bag in the express, which contains a big red invitation.

A few days ago in the morning, ye Xiaodao once called. Li Nanfang just got through. He just yelled like a madman for five minutes. The foul language was unbearable. The most frequent word was "little bitch".

According to Ye Xiaodao, in order to find Su yaqi'er, he went with a helper. He came from the Spurs of West Africa, a legendary young man in the liquor industry. It is said that he can still kill people with a knife after drinking three bottles of high-level vodka and then leave calmly.

In addition, ye Xiaodao, who is known as a kilogram fighter, and the Spurs, should be able to drink eight Jin of liquor in an hour.

In an hour, two people can drink eight Jin of spirits. What's the concept?

Most people don't dare to think about it. Before seeing Su yaqi'er, ye Xiaodao only worried that she wouldn't let them join hands. He never thought that he would lose.

What happened?

Ye Xiaodao and the Spurs joined hands against Su yaqi'er. They drank eight and a half catties of strong liquor in an hour, but they still lost. When they woke up, they found that they were sleeping in the pigsty on the farm, sleeping with more than a dozen old sows for 30 hours!

Young women in sexy clothes, leaning on the sports car outside the pigsty, embracing their chest with both hands and looking at them with a wave of smile - this is a shame for the arrogant Ye Xiaodao, which is more painful than killing him. They raise their feet to wake up the Spurs who are still in a state of ignorance, take out the knife and rush out, vowing to smash the little bitch to pieces!

"Ye Xiaodao, I'll count three times. If you don't stand well, next time you get drunk, I'll let you sleep with a group of old prostitutes and girls for 30 hours."

Before Su yaqi'er counted, ye Xiaodao threw away the knife, and then kicked the Spurs, which showed the pistol, in a somersault, and then began to praise her with a flattering smile.

Even if she stood there and was picked up by Ye Xiaodao, he would not dare to touch her half hair. It is said that since a short eyed assassin failed to assassinate her six years ago, the assassin's family, with 17 or 8 relatives, including three kittens and four puppies, had been chopped into meat mud, no one would dare to give her any more ideas.

Li Nanfang is the only one in the world who provokes this little bitch but is safe.

"Tell me, where is Li Nanfang now?"

Before Su yaqi'er's voice fell, ye Xiaodao immediately asked, "which brothel are you going to throw me in? Let's get on the road while it's still early. "

"You tell him I'll find her sooner or later and chain him to my bed leg."

Su yaqi'er takes out an envelope from the car, smashes it in Ye Xiaodao's arms, jumps on the car and runs away.

"Ha, ha ha, Lao Li, I believe that little bitch dares to say and do something. You'd better be careful in the future. Also, don't let her know that you suddenly disappear from her side, just for your aunt. Otherwise, hey, hey, your aunt is dead, and she still died miserably! "

Ye Xiaodao chuckles wildly and cuts off the phone.

The bird man is the bird virtue. As long as he can see that Li Nanfang is more unlucky than him, he will immediately forget the shame of sleeping with more than a dozen old sows for dozens of hours.

Others may take ye Xiaodao's warning as a fart, but Li Nanfang won't.

Because he knows very well what kind of woman Su yaqi'er is, that is, a madwoman with tremendous influence. The idiom that regards human life as grass mustard is used to describe her. But when she meets a man she likes, she doesn't need to say anything from a man, and will automatically show all kinds of skills to make senior sex wolves shy, so that he can be happy enough.

After thinking of this, Li Nan Nan's mind was filled with Su ya Qi'er's angry body, and the sound that seemed to take away the man's soul came from his ear. There was a strong male reaction immediately.

That 20-year-old madwoman, even the demons in Li NanFang's body were afraid. Every time she was tightly entangled with her octopus, the demons would quickly run away with a howl.

"Especially, how can there be such shameless women in the world? Compared with her, Yue Zitong is a very pure fairy. "

Li Nan Nan scolded, put his left hand into his pants pocket, soothed the restless little thing, and whistled to the door of the hall.

"Good morning, vice president Li."

When Li Nanfang came in, he walked across from a guy in the sales office. He immediately nodded his head and bowed to say hello, with a look of reverence on his face.

Now people in the whole company know that Li Nanfang is a car driver, but they call him vice president Li. Needless to say, it's related to Sui Yueyue, the little sister of front desk customer service. Besides her, vice president Li has never claimed to be vice president.

Sui Yueyue, who was looking down to sort out the visitor registration form, felt someone standing in front of and behind the stage, and said in a soft voice without looking up: "please wait a moment, I'll be busy soon."

Li Nanfang leans on the front desk and lights a cigarette.

No matter whether he is in kaihuang group or not, Li Nanfang always abides by the principle of not affecting other people's work.

"All right."

Sui Yueyue knocked the next enter key, saved the data, looked up, and found that it was Li Nanfang. A fluster flashed in her eyes. She dodged his eyes and asked with a strong smile: "Li, Li Nanfang, what's the matter?"

Li Nanfang puffed out a cigarette ring and said slowly, "should you call me vice president Li?"

The corner of Sui Yueyue's eyes jumped down, and she did not speak.

She regretted that when she had dinner in the restaurant last Thursday, she was so tongue tied that she told others a joke about Li Nanfang, who claimed to be the vice president of the company when he first came to the company.

As a result, on Friday, Li Nanfang slapped the district leader and patted president Yue's desk. Then Secretary min began to pursue him. He declined because he had a girlfriend who was a policewoman.

Even if the brain water is no longer enough, we can see that Li Nanfang is not the scum he used to be. Even if he has to be said to be scum, he is also the kind of person who can't be provoked.

"Why don't you talk?"

When Sui Yueyue kept silent with embarrassment and fear, Li Nanfang asked again.

Sui Yueyue swallowed hard and said in a low voice, "yes, I'm sorry."

"Sorry? Hehe, I'm sorry, can make up for the reputation loss caused by your nonsense? "

Li Nanfang gave a silent sneer and said, "I hope to receive your call from the hotel suite at 8 pm the day after tomorrow. Of course, you don't have to. However, I advise you to consider clearly whether you want to continue to live in Qingshan city in the future. "

Sui Yueyue's face turned white immediately. She raised her head to say something. Li Nanfang had gone to the elevator.

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