Later, Li Nanfang found out why the ship didn't come, but left in a hurry after seeing the smoke.

It's like being driven away by something terrible.

Li Nanfang did not know at that time that when they lit all the thatch to make the smoke more conspicuous, the smoke was mistakenly thought that the volcano was about to erupt.

Since last year, Sir Philip's charity cruise ship was robbed by ham, but the submarine volcano erupted and produced a devastating tsunami, the boat runners have been even more afraid of the volcano eruption.

The route through the desert island where Li Nanfang and others lived was originally very remote, and several destructive volcanic eruptions of different sizes occurred after the tsunami that day.

As if, there are many demons hiding in this sea.

I don't know when to rush out. Even people and boats are hard hit on the bottom of the sea.

Within a few months, several submarine volcanoes erupted under this remote route, and even the 100, 000 ton American imperialist aircraft carrier, which is said to be indestructible, did not dare to take this route.

On that day, the boats that passed by the small desert island were a group of lifeless people. It turns out that when they found that there was a lot of smoke far away, their first reaction was to run away.

Fool, will run here to see if it is a volcanic eruption, or someone asking for help.

Li Nanfang later found out why people didn't come to save them, because on the third day after that day, they found that there were also billows of smoke on the sea far from the southwest.

When they first saw the smoke, they thought there were people in distress over there, burning a fire to ask for help.

It wasn't until the rolling waves, accompanied by lightning and thunder, came whistling, that they knew it was better not to stand by the beach.

Fortunately, the highest altitude of the island is almost tens of meters high, and the island is strong enough to avoid the 20 meter wave. Standing at the highest altitude, I relive the terrible scene a few months ago.

In the next 60 days, they witnessed two more eruptions.

Then, they despair.

Volcanic eruption is easy to say, but hard to see.

Do you really think that volcanic eruptions are as common as sunrise and sunset?

Especially in the route with few ships passing by, if there are more than two volcanic eruptions in a year, the route will be basically scrapped.

The crew ran to earn money, not to be knocked down to the bottom of the sea to feed the fish after the volcanic eruption.

According to modern science and technology, the prediction technology of natural phenomena such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions is pitiful.

Basically, being in the "no appearance" position means that everything is safe. After the emergence, all play "embarrassing state.

So, even Yang Xiao, who used to believe that he could leave the desert island, was desperate.

Li Nanfang has no way.

He is not the God of damnation. He can change everyone to the mainland with a little wave of his hand.

Originally, it's very sad for everyone to be here. The volcano in the nearby sea area will step on the horse every three or five times. This is no longer the word "despair".

However, Li Nanfang, the three people who depend on each other, can still accept the cruel reality.

Especially as Ham's wildness was gradually eroded and his stomach became bigger and bigger, all three of them had a sense of accomplishment about to become parents.

Lying on Ham's stomach and feeling the desire of the little life inside for the outside world has become Li NanFang's biggest pleasure at present.

AI Wei'er often came to listen, and his face was full of envy.

Every time after listening, she would pester Li Nanfang, saying that she really wanted to have a child.

In that way, even if the old man is alone on a desert island, he will be able to close his eyes.

No matter how hard and soft she is, Li Nanfang will not agree with her.

It's easy to sow seeds, but it's dangerous to give birth on a small desert island without any medical equipment.

Since last month, Li Nanfang has not allowed ham to eat enough.

Although the child born in this way will suffer from malnutrition, at least it will not cause frightening dystocia due to too large fetus.

With the coming of Ham's birth, Li Nanfang must work hard to prepare for the new residents on this small desert island. How dare AI Weier get pregnant again?

It's strange to say that after staying in this place for more than seven months, AI Wei'er, who suffered from the wind and sun every day, didn't have much change in her skin. She was still as white and delicate as ever, and seemed to be at least five years younger than her actual age.

It's all watered by boss Li.

Of course, women eat more seafood, and pure natural pollution-free spring water, itself can also play a beauty, slimming effect.

After dinner every day, Li Nanfang lies under the coconut tree and looks out to the East. It has become a habit for him to think about the women he misses so much. So it has become a habit for him to put his head on his legs, massage both sides of his forehead and talk with him.

"She should be thinking about you, too."

Just as ham snored softly, a silvery swordfish jumped out of the sea in the distance. Yang Xiao, who had been living in the thatched cottage all day, lifted the grass curtain and went out to do chest expansion exercise. He gave a cold look here. When he went to the back of the island, AI Wei'er asked in a low voice.

Li Nanfang grinned and asked lazily, "how do you know? You're not her

"How could she not miss you if you were so kind to her?"

Ai Wei Er's reason is very simple: "just like now, I often think of my husband."


Li Nanfang was silent for a moment, and suddenly asked, "do you think more about your daughter, or do you think more about him?"

"I miss him."

Avril blurted out.

Li Nanfang rolled his eyelids: "I thought you would reply that you miss your daughter. After all, he died when you were in trouble. Besides, you have me now. In the case of me and your daughter, his impression in your mind should be more and more blurred. "

In the past, Li Nanfang would certainly be jealous and angry after listening to AI Weier.

But now, angry, jealous and so on, it's bullshit.

Slowly recalling the past bit by bit, including pain, has been the only spiritual support for them to ignore despair in addition to eating and sleeping.

"I think it's good for him to live. If he lived, he would be happy to know that I am with you now. "

When AI Wei'er said this, he was interrupted by Li Nanfang: "very happy? We're all in this situation, and there's no such thing as happiness. "

"At least, you won't hit me."

Ai Wei Er suddenly laughed.

Smile, is so bitter.

Li Nanfang was stunned: "he, he hit you?"

Ai Wei Er lightly replied: "if he doesn't beat me every day, he will lose sleep."

"Would he be a violent man?"

Li Nanfang came to be interested: "I always thought that you used to be very happy. Because every time you mention him, your eyes are full of tenderness. "

"He's the voice of domestic violence."

AI Wei'er's eyebrows trembled in a hurry.

It's an instinctive reaction to the terrible afterthought.

Li Nanfang raised her hand and pressed her left hand on her cheek, hoping that this action would give her some safety.

Ai Wei Er smiles again.

This smile, even some gloomy: "you think, every time I talk about him, my eyes are full of tenderness, is in the memories of our happy life?"

"Isn't it?"


Ai Wei Er shook his head: "I'm recalling the two days when he didn't hit me."

Li Nanfang was silent.

He didn't know what to say to make women feel better.

Avier married her husband for two years, only two days free from domestic violence.

Those two days were her birthday.

Her husband is a devout believer and attaches great importance to the birthday of the patriarch.

Coincidentally, AI Wei'er's birthday is on the same day as that of her husband's patriarch.

Except for these two days, even if she is pregnant, her husband will beat her up.

Her husband beat her with skill.

It's a special leather material that wraps her all over, and then it's easy to whip.

That kind of special leather material can effectively insulate her skin and flesh from injury, but the pain will be magnified infinitely.

She couldn't scream every time.

The mouth ball has the function of a muffler.

"So every time I think about him, I think about my birthday. Only in those two days will he seriously treat me as his wife. "

AI Wei'er shrugged and said with a self mocking smile, "don't think I'm a masochist. He tortured me so much that I didn't divorce him. Because as long as I ask for a divorce, he will kill my family - he is the kind of person who can do what he says. Just like after I married him, my mother's business has greatly improved. "

"But I don't hate him too much."

Avier pursed the corners of his mouth and continued: "he beat me every night because there was such a rule in the religion he believed in. He said that as long as I can survive three years, it will prove that I really love him. He will love me seriously and treat me well all his life. "

Li Nanfang, who felt that he had been silent for too long, felt that he had to say something: "it's a pity that he will die in another year."

"I killed him."

AI Wei'er's blue eyes were full of crazy light. He clenched his teeth and said in a dumb voice: "when I was four months pregnant, he beat me to bleed. That night, I used his whip to strangle him in bed."

For no reason, Li Nanfang shivered, subconsciously about to turn over and sit up, but AI Wei'er's hands were pinched on his neck, looked down at him, and asked with a smile: "why, are you afraid that I will strangle you one night while you are asleep?"

Without waiting for Li Nanfang to say anything, she bent down and gave him a kiss on the mouth.

When she raised her head again, tears had already fallen into Li NanFang's mouth.

So bitter, like her voice: "silly child, you are so good to me, how can I have the slightest adverse thoughts to you?"

"I never meant to abuse you."

Li Nanfang raised his hand and gently wiped away her tears: "what is the religion your husband believes in?"

"Not very clear."

AI Wei'er wiped his tears, shook his head and said, "I have asked him many times, but he didn't say it. I begged him if I could join his organization. I feel that after I become his companion, he may not torture me any more. But he would not

"It wasn't until that night, when he was about to die, that he called out a strange name."

After wiping his tears again, AI Wei'er said with a strong smile: "I think those two words should be that he always beat my organization."

Li Nanfang asked, "which two words?"

"It should be - flame."

When AI Wei'er said these two words, it seemed that suddenly there were two firelights flashing in her eyes.

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