"It's your wife. You hardly go home these few months. I'll come to see what's wrong with you? "

Director Cheng said, reached out and picked up a corner of the cheongsam, and walked past with a small waist.

After putting the small heat preservation bucket in his left hand on the table, director Cheng reached out to hook director Chang's neck and said, "now there is a drought in the world, and a piece of land is also dry and smoking. It needs director Chang to moisten it."

"Go, go."

Director Chang quickly opened her hand, got up from the chair, went around to the other side of the table and complained, "how many days have you been watering this land? I don't have so much rain for you to ask for. Hurry home. I heard that the city leaders will come here to inspect the work tonight. It's not good for the leaders to see you here. "

Director Cheng sneered and interrupted her husband: "hum, what's wrong with the leaders? Although you are the director of the drought relief office, you are my husband. My husband doesn't go home for several months, my wife sleeps all alone, and my heart is empty, so I need a man's watering. All these are based on love and reason. No matter how powerful the city leaders are, it's just a matter of controlling the heaven and the earth. Do we have to care whether our couple have sex life or not? "

"What are you talking about? Well

Seeing that Jiao Didi's wife lifted up her cheongsam, she leaned forward. Director Chang couldn't bear it any more and didn't dodge any more. She let the woman stick her belt skillfully and put it into her pants. After a violent shiver, she sighed: "you don't know. Every time you leave, I feel that the way people look at me is quite wrong. They, they can definitely guess what we did. Otherwise, your voice is too loud. "

"Guess what? Hear me, so what? "

Director Cheng continued to sneer, just about to untie her husband's belt, but the window suddenly turned white.

Then came the rumble of mines.

"It's going to rain, it's going to rain!"

Director Chang was so happy that he didn't care about anything else. He pushed his wife aside, rushed to the window, opened the window and looked out.

Just as it happened, another flash of lightning came across the night sky, followed by a louder thunder.

At this time, the young people who are fighting at night in the drought relief office have already run to the courtyard outside the downstairs, with their hands facing the sky, shouting excitedly: "come on, come on, I want to blossom!"

At this time, a heavy rain can affect whether director Chang can continue to sit on the throne of the drought relief office.

That's a bit of bullshit.

After all, Chang director is just a person, not a God, it doesn't rain. God has the final say.

But this is an indisputable fact.

Therefore, director Chang's concern about whether the heavy rain can fall down tonight can even explain why the director is always not pregnant.

After deeply feeling her husband's urgent desire for heavy rain, director Cheng is not good enough to continue to grumble. He arranges his cheongsam, goes to the window and stands side by side with her husband, stretching out his right hand.

When a raindrop fell on her right hand, the cheers of the people downstairs became louder: "it's raining, it's raining! Oh, oh

"It's raining. It's raining at last."

Director Chang also flushed with excitement and trembled.

If it rains, it will be a downpour, as if the sky leaks.

"This time, it should not be like the previous times, but the thunder is loud and the rain is small, right?"

Director Chang murmured. He turned around and just ran out of the office. He went downstairs to have fun with many subordinates and prayed for God to pour down the river. However, his wife whispered, "it's useless. This time, I still can't get down."

Although director Chang never engaged in feudal superstition, he was also very concerned about what his wife said at this time. It was very unlucky and unlucky. He turned back and said in a low voice: "smelly girl, what nonsense?"

"Really, it won't rain, just like it did several times before."

Director Cheng didn't care about being scolded by his husband. He grabbed his arm and said seriously: "if Qingshan wants to have a heavy rain, it will take a while to wait for something to come back."

"What are you putting --"

Director Chang was about to scold her, but he suddenly thought of something, and his face changed greatly: "you, you went to find the old monk again!"

Director Cheng did not speak, just nodded slightly.

Director Chang backhand, a grasp of his wife's hand, shaking, urgent asked: "he, how did he say?"

"If the dragon is not in the abyss, how can it be said that there is a heavy rain?"

Director Cheng hesitated, then whispered this sentence.

"If the dragon is not in the abyss, how can it be said that there is a heavy rain?"

Director Chang murmured this sentence repeatedly and reached out to pop up the window.

Outside, the night sky was still covered with dark clouds, lightning and thunder, and the wind roared, as if the sky was going to collapse over the green mountains.

In the mountains far to the south, there was a faint thump from time to time.

It's a joint Department led by the city leaders themselves. It's launching rockets into the sky over there for artificial rainfall.

Artificial rainfall is a kind of artificial behavior that according to the physical characteristics of different clouds, choose the right time, use aircraft and rockets to sow dry ice, silver iodide, salt powder and other catalysts into the clouds to make or increase the precipitation.

A few times ago, when the black clouds covered the green hill, the green hill carried out a large-scale artificial rainfall operation, but as a result - it is said that even the mineral water bottles that the members of the rainfall working group drank at the site were not satisfied with the rain.

From time to time, raindrops fall on Director Chang's hands.

He can clearly feel the cool meaning of long absence, but his mood is not as happy as just now.

In his ear, only the words of his wife echoed.

In front of my eyes, there is also an illusory image of an eminent monk with white beard.

He has never met the old monk with the name of "Kongkong".

What's more, he doesn't want to admit that he can sit on the throne of director of drought relief office today and has an inseparable relationship with master Kongkong.

But in fact——

Slowly, director Chang's thoughts returned to the beginning of last year.

At the beginning of last year, the old director of the drought relief office was going to retire at the end of February this year. Who will replace him and become the new director of the drought relief office will become the "national affairs" that director Chang and others are most concerned about.

Despite the fact that the drought relief office is a clean water yamen, the influence of the top leader in Qingshan is not even comparable to that of the traffic police on duty on the road.

But in any case, the head of the Yamen is a serious deputy.

It is also the leader of the Bureau directly under the municipal government, on an equal footing with the leaders of industry, commerce, taxation, public security, land and other departments - in theory.

Therefore, it is easier to be the head of the drought relief office than in other departments directly under it if we want to solve the problem of hierarchy.

For gilded people, the drought relief office is the best springboard to climb up.

Therefore, the retirement of the old director, of course, will attract the attention of all the positive people, and show their magic power, looking for relationships everywhere, hoping to sit on this throne.

Napoleon said that a soldier who does not want to be a general is not a good soldier.

This sentence also applies to officialdom all over the world. Civil servants who don't want to climb up are not good civil servants.

Of course, director Chang also wants to be a good civil servant - but he knows better that he and the director of the drought relief office are far away from each other.

1、 There's no one on him.

2、 He is forty-eight years old this year, and has long passed the age of being an official of this rank.

3、 He is not good-looking. He has an ambition to serve the country and the people. He has worked hard in the officialdom for more than 20 years, that is to say, he has been a regular subject.

4. In a word, director Chang is very clear that no matter who comes to compete for the director of the drought relief office, it is possible, but he alone can't.

Since he can't do anything, director Chang doesn't expect him to eat the cake. Instead, he keeps an ordinary heart. When others are moving around, he still commutes to work every day and spends all his energy on dealing with the female tiger at home.

To say that director Cheng is a female tiger is not to say that she is hot tempered, but to say that women of her age demand sex life is the age of tiger and wolf.

Director Chang clearly remembers that after returning home on the day of last year's Laba Festival, his wife came back a few days ago to send new year's gifts to her mother's home in a city in Northwest China.

After the couple met, director Cheng asked him if he wanted to be the director of the drought relief office.

At that time, director Chang immediately burst out laughing and said that he wanted to do it. He also hoped that director Cheng, who was only in charge of a few cleaners in a certain street, would make great efforts to help him.

"I'm not kidding you. As long as you do as I say, the throne of director is yours! "

"You son of a bitch, when you go back to your hometown, you won't be contaminated with anything unclean. Are you crazy?"

This is director Chang's first reaction at that time. He reached out to touch his wife's forehead.

But his wife raised his hand to open it, grabbed his collar and said: "say, do you want to or not!"

The old man was often frightened by his wife's ferocious appearance. He said that of course he wanted to. Whoever doesn't want to, is a fool.

But the question is, who can help him?

Does it mean that any leader above has a crush on his wife and wants to take him as an underground lover to promote him as director of the drought relief office in exchange?

In that case, he would rather resign and drown in the sea than refuse green hat.

"Bullshit. Where's the leader from? I think so

Director Cheng Yu's face is red with shame. He pushes away Lao Chang and says so.

At midnight on New Year's Eve, she would go to the southern Black Dragon Valley alone, put a censer on the top, kneel there and burn incense devoutly - don't say anything, or even think about it. As long as she stayed up until she was ugly, she could go home.

On New Year's Eve, it's the coldest time in winter.

Especially at the top of the barren mountain in the southern Black Dragon Valley, after kneeling for two hours, can't it be frozen into ice?

Even if it can't be frozen into a popsicle, you have to be scared to death.

The ghost place of heilongyu is famous in Qingshan.

It's a bad name.

According to the local legend, every night when the moon is full, people at the foot of the mountain will see the highest place, with black smoke rising, and faint women crying.

There are several brave young people who have been together with sharp weapons and flashlights on a full moon night.

As a result - the next day, they were found fainting on the mountain by their family.

When they wake up, even if they kill them, they don't say what they see.

In such a vicious place, director Cheng asked Chang, who was not much thicker than hemp stick, to go there alone at midnight on New Year's Eve and kneel down for an hour.

This girl, there must be a good friend outside. She wants to follow Pan Jinlian and XiMenqing's example and kill her husband, so she can get along with each other.

Seeing that Lao Chang didn't go to that place, he began to doubt her style. Director Cheng was so worried that he stamped his foot and said in a sweet voice, "Lao Chang, if someone didn't tell me when you went to the northwest nine years ago that you would make a great achievement in officialdom, I would marry you a loser if I stepped on a small yellow flower in the local area?"

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