One afternoon, vice president Li's mood was not very high. He refused sun Daming's warm invitation to play cards and stayed alone in the sofa playing with his mobile phone.

Although he is not a saint of love, he is not a fool. Of course, he can feel the feeling after min Rou invited him again but was rejected.

Undoubtedly, it was quite painful. It was a powerful blow to the girl's self-confidence. After that, when I see him again, I will feel embarrassed. Maybe I will resign because of it.

With the help of Li Nanfang, old min Lian recovered his property with interest. Six million is not a great amount, but it can bring earth shaking changes to ordinary people. The Min family can rely on this money to do a small business, such as opening a small supermarket.

That way, min Rou, who no longer has to work hard to pay her father's debts, is likely to resign and help her father start a business again.

Thinking that he might never see minrou again, Li Nanfang felt a strange sense of loss.

He can be sure that he didn't fall in love with min Rou - maybe, up to now, he hasn't fallen in love with any girl. At most, he cares about it very much, which has a lot to do with his unusual experience as a child.

But if you don't fall in love with min Rou, why do you have such a restless sense of loss after thinking that she might resign?

Li Nanfang couldn't understand it, so he could only get more and more agitated. Sun Daming just took the big one and laughed wildly. The laughter was so harsh that he sat up straight. Just as he was about to roar and laugh, the telephone on the gambling table rang.

The awareness of the drivers in the car class is still very high. They can't forget their work when playing cards. For fear of playing too much, they put their landline on the gambling table so that they can see the bell ringing all the time.

Immediately, all the laughter and sighs disappeared. Zhang Wei reached for the microphone and said, "this is Mr. Yue, the monitor of the car class. Hello, what can I do for you? OK, OK, I see. That's the arrangement. "

After listening to Zhang Wei's honorific title as general manager Yue, his nerves suddenly tensed. He looked at each other and thought, "general manager Yue, who has never used a special bus driver, suddenly called the car class. Do you know that we are playing cards at work?"?

But look at Zhang Wei's face, it doesn't look like being trained, it seems very unexpected.

Zhang Wei put down the phone, looked at everyone and said, "President Yue called and said that he would assign someone to be her driver."

Sun Daming and others immediately straightened their waists and their eyes were shining. They were eager for Zhang ban to send them to drive for president Yue.

The special bus driver, together with the Secretary, has always been the confidant of the big boss. As long as he is a self-motivated person, he will strive for this position.

Zhang Wei, who knows what the big guy is thinking, looks at it by himself, and the people he sees will immediately hold their chests higher - but they all lose the election.

Damn, I knew you would choose yourself. You are the monitor of the car class!

When someone scolded him like this in his heart, Zhang Wei's eyes finally fell on Li NanFang's face and said with a smile, "Nanfang, from now on, you will be the special driver of general manager Yue."

Li Nanfang had known for a long time that he would be a special bus driver. He said that the driver's license he had in his arms was obtained by President Yue. He also believed that Yue Zitong would appoint him as a special bus driver by name on the phone. Zhang Wei was just trying to sell his favor.

Li Nanfang is very generous in thanking others verbally. He stands up with a grateful look on his face and thanks Zhang ban for being able to recommend him. He secretly thinks about letting him lose when he gambles next time, so as to punish his forced behavior.

Soon, when it's time to get off work, Li Nanfang can no longer walk alone when others are standing in front of the car. He has to keep up with everyone and stand in front of the car waiting for the host's coming.

As in the past, the first leader to walk out of the hall after work is always general manager Yue.

Min Rou follows her and follows her step by step.

It's her duty to send Mr. Yue to her electric car after getting on the bus.

This will certainly notice Li Nanfang standing in front of the car, but her face is calm, but as long as you carefully observe, you will find that the sad color between her eyebrows is stronger.

"Secretary min, I'll come."

Before min Rou opens the car door, Li Nanfang opens the rear door, bends down and reaches out his hand to invite Mr. Yue to get on.

This boy is very dogleg appearance, let Yue always very satisfied, after nodding to him to encourage, just bend down to get on the car.

When Li Nanfang closes the car door and looks back at Min Rou, she has walked to the side quickly.

I don't know why, Li Nanfang feels that her figure is lonely and thin. He has a strong impulse to catch up with her and hold her in his arms. Just give her a hug, and he will feel better.

Fortunately, he restrained himself. When he got on the bus, he found that Yue Zitong was also looking back at Min rou.

"She hasn't forgiven you yet?"

After the car drove out of the parking lot, Yue Zitong asked in a flat tone.


"Don't play dumb."

"You're interested in my business?"

"Ghosts are interested."

With disdain, Yue Zitong turned his lips and looked out of the window, no longer talking.

Turn on the navigation, put the mobile phone on the next seat, Li Nanfang asked: "after I see your mother, how should I behave?"

Yue Zitong asked: "have you never eaten pork or seen a pig run?"

"Are you implying that I can see you as a pig?"

"If you want to die, make a sound earlier. I can offer you at least 18 kinds of painless death methods for free."

"Do you often use this sentence to bluff people?"

"Sometimes, it's true."

"It's like you're holding a gun to my head - well, my throat is itchy."

Li Nanfang coughed, raised his hand, rubbed his throat and said, "it must have been too much smoking recently. Oh, by the way, I heard that women who smoke and give birth to babies are three to five times more likely to have defects than non-smoking women. What do you think of this problem? "

Yue Zitong was silent for a moment, then said: "cigarettes are a part of my life."

There are generally three reasons for girls to smoke. One is curiosity, the other is not learning well, and the third is that she has suffered.

There is no doubt that the third reason is that Yue Zitong is addicted to smoking. When she learned that she had to marry a monster, she was desperate and degenerated.

Li Nanfang understood the meaning of her words and stopped talking with a smile.

He is willing to give aunt Yue a little advice. Since it's not good not to smoke, you can try to smoke. He has a big water pipe on him, which is green and environmentally friendly. He can also have a beauty. However, considering that it's time to get off work and there are many people coming and going on the road, if he really gives this advice, it will cause an accident.

Do not drive, provoke a woman to throw, it is a stupid suicide.

Cherish life and stay away from abnormal women.

Li Nanfang silently warned himself in his heart that this sentence seemed to reverberate in his ears, and there was an abnormal woman bumping into the normal driving car.

"Lying trough!"

After seeing a woman riding an electric bicycle, suddenly bumping into her from the side of the sidewalk, Li Nanfang was so surprised that he hit the steering wheel and stamped the brake.

Yue Zitong is looking at the mobile phone in the back. The car body suddenly stops after a flash. Inertia makes her body tilt, and her forehead bumps heavily against the window glass.

"Li Nanfang, what are you doing?"

Yue Zitong raised his hand to cover his forehead and cried angrily.

"How do I know?"

Looking back and yelling, Li Nanfang leaned on the co driver's seat and yelled out of the window: "if you want to find someone else, I have no time to talk to you, grass!"

Yue discovered that an electric car was lying on the ground outside the front of the car. A woman in a cream T-shirt and a floral dress was about to get up from the ground with one foot in front of the wheel.

"Boy, you hit someone!"

Yue Zitong raised his hand just to push the door down to have a look, Li Nanfang suddenly whispered: "stay still!"

A few days ago, Li Nanfang once ran into a woman on his bicycle. As a result, the woman was a killer. If she was not lucky, aunt Yue would have been lying in the cold morgue now. Where would she have the chance to yell in front of him?

We have to guard against what we have learned from the past.

Li Nan Nan's shrill voice seemed to remind Yue Zi Tong of what he had thought. Rarely, he didn't refute it, so he pulled back his hand.

Li Nanfang jumped out of the car and slammed the door. As he quickly walked around the front of the car, he glanced under the car. The woman's right foot was almost crushed by the wheel. There were several obvious abrasions on her shin skin.

When he jumped out of the car, Li Nanfang made up his mind that if this woman is really a killer like the black scorpion, he will not hide his amazing strength any more, and will directly hurt the killer.

It is said that during this period of time, Li Nanfang always pretended to be a pig eating tiger. In the face of all kinds of provocations, he had to swallow his anger, which made Li Nanfang more and more worried. If this continues, he will really become a pig.

God may like Li Nanfang to be a pig - this is an ordinary woman. At best, she is more beautiful and sexy, like a ripe honey or peach, or a peach that has drunk too much.

Before he came to her, Li Nanfang smelled the strong smell of wine.

Only a silly bird like Ye Xiaodao, when carrying out the assassination mission, may fill a bottle of horse urine, raise his voice, howl and go out laughing - and then kill.

However, this does not fully prove that women are not killers. Many killers, when approaching their targets, deliberately sprinkle alcohol on themselves and pretend to be drunk.

If you want to completely confirm whether this woman is a killer or not, it depends on her hands.

A killer, no matter how common her appearance is, will leave obvious cocoons at the mouth of her right hand (or possibly left hand) after she is used to holding a knife and a gun.

Women's hands are very white, tender, soft and beautiful. Their tentacles are as soft as jade, but there are obvious cocoons at the mouth of the tiger.

Li Nanfang, who asked about the woman, seized her right hand by the chance to help her. With a flick of his fingers, he confirmed that he was a master with a knife.

Even through the cocoon in a woman's hand, Li Nanfang can judge the shape of her usual knife, just like Xiao Li's flying knife described in the novel of the great Xia Gu Long: as thin as a cicada's wing, three inches and seven minutes long, one shot is not a false one!

This is your own death, don't blame me!

Li Nanfang gave a sneer in his heart. He clenched his fist in his left hand. When he was about to hit the woman's left rib, the woman suddenly opened her mouth and vomited.

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