He was fascinated by a paper man. It was the first time that Yang Tiantian met such a strange thing.

The first time, you can feel the danger just now.

If it wasn't for the second eldest brother to drink in time, Yang Tiantian thought that her soul would be taken away by the paper man.

After fear let her body drama tremble next, murmur ground ask: "this, this is how to return a responsibility?"

"It's OK. Let's go. "

But the second eldest brother said faintly, holding up the torch and walking up the stairs of the highest hall.

Yang Tiantian was terrified by the evil eyes of the paper man just now. She didn't dare to stay any longer. She followed the steps of the second eldest brother in a hurry and came to the temple on the ninth floor.

Then she saw more paper people.

There are men and women, old and young.

Each of them was dressed in different costumes, including civil servants, military generals, concubines, eunuchs, and Golden Knights with axes and axes.

All the paper people, are the point of the eye, after the appearance of Yang Tiantian, Qi brush over.

9、 It's the largest singular number. In Chinese traditional culture, it has a different meaning. For example, Yang Tiantian, who has lived in a rich family like the Yue family for a long time, certainly knows about it.

From this, we can guess that since Zhang xutuo and other officials and generals are in the temple below, only one person can sit in the temple on the best floor.

Yang Guang, emperor of the great Sui Dynasty.

She looked up and saw a wider offering table, which was full of three animals and six animals. It was a sacrifice that only the emperor could use.

There is no black Spirit card, the emperor does not need a spirit card.

The first statue Yang Tiantian saw was not emperor Yang Guang.

It's a woman.

Because this woman is so beautiful, I can't help but attract her eyes.

The woman is wearing gorgeous palace clothes, kneeling on the right side of the center of the temple, hands crossed in front of the abdomen, eyes like paint, slightly pursed corners of the mouth, with a smile.

Who is this woman?

Yang Tiantian just asked herself this question in her heart, and then she woke up.

If she is right, this beauty should be empress Xiao, who has served six emperors all her life.

After staring at the statue of empress Xiao for a moment, Yang Tiantian was about to go to see the statue next to her, but her heart suddenly jumped, and she was about to utter a cry of surprise when she opened her mouth.

She opened her mouth, but she didn't make a sound like she suddenly lost her voice.

The cold sweat of soya bean came out of her smooth forehead.

Yang Tiantian was frightened by the statue of empress Xiao because she saw herself.

There was no need to look in the mirror at all. Yang Tiantian was sure that if she was asked to change into the clothes of the statue and sit there on her knees, she would look like this.

The slightest, not bad!

At this moment, time seems to overlap again, Yang Tiantian may become queen Xiao, and queen Xiao may also become him, otherwise she would never have such a clear sense of fear.


Never had the fear, let Yang Tiantian almost fainted, the body a staggering, instinctive hand, hold the pillars in the hall.

Then, she went to the second eldest brother in a hurry.

Second uncle, but I don't know when, disappeared.

As if he had never been here.

But the torch he used to guide Yang Tiantian to come up was clearly placed on the lampstand on the wall.

"Two, two

Yang Tiantian finally made a voice and called out the second master in a dumb voice.

There was no response.

Yang Tiantian wants to run.

But her legs, like lead, were heavy and weak.

Step, can't step out, only soft paralysis sat on the ground.

She wanted to move her eyes away from the statue of empress Xiao, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't do it.

The eyes of the statue of empress Xiao, like two invisible hooks, grasped her tightly.

Yang Tiantian only passively, with her own image, Gazing affectionately for a long time.

There was a soft voice in her ear: "Alas, are you here at last?"

"You, who are you?"

Yang Tiantian left hand on the ground, right hand in the heart, hoarse voice asked: "how, how and I look like?"

If she doesn't put her hand in her heart, her heart will jump out of her chest.

"You should know who I am. Why ask?"

The statue of empress Xiao was placed on the black huge and large altar table without a trace of movement, not even the tip of her brow. But Yang Tiantian was sure that the soft and pleasant voice was from her.

The smile on the statue's face is more bright and strange.

Especially that pair of eyes that locked Yang Tiantian tightly, the paint like black, just like the dark matter that can't be seen, hiding unspeakable evil.

"I, I don't know you, I don't know you --"

Yang Tiantian groaned and groaned in pain, hoping that the second uncle's shrill voice would ring out again and pull her out of the current unspeakable fear.

Even if it's a thunder.

As long as she can stop looking at the statue and dig her heart with a knife, it is not impossible to discuss.

The second eldest brother's shrill voice did not have, also did not have the thunder, more did not have who to take the knife to come to excavate her heart.

Only the beautiful voice of the statue came from her deep eyes: "you know me. I am you, you are me. You see me now, you see yourself. "

"I don't know you, I don't know you. Please, let me go. Let me go

Yang Tiantian wants to wail and burst into tears.

Tears, can let her vision blurred, and then out of the statue that pair of magic eyes.

But she could not see that even if the voice had already sobbed, no tears had come down.

"Late, late. From the third day of March, when you broke the Imperial Valley's ban and climbed the lost soul cliff, your destiny is no longer under your control. "

In the quiet voice of the statue, there was more obvious resentment now.

Just like Yang Tiantian robbed her most precious things, but she couldn't get them back. She had to bite her teeth and curse.

Valley of the emperor, lost soul cliff, in front of the nine storey pagoda.

Originally, the cliff with waterfall flowing down is called lost soul cliff.

How can a man not lose his soul when he goes to the lost soul cliff?

Where is the lost soul?

The answer is obvious.

Yang Tiantian's lost soul in the lost soul cliff should be attached to the statue of empress Xiao which should not be her appearance.

That's why she saw her face on the statue.

Yang Tiantian doesn't know that Li Nanfang was framed by Longcheng city and put into the detention room of the police station. After he passed out of a coma, he once rode a black dragon in his dream and passed through the lost soul cliff. He came to the nine story pagoda and saw the statue of empress Xiao.

Li Nanfang, who was in a trance at that time, saw himself when he saw the sculpture.

Li Renzha was so brave that when he suddenly became a female sculpture, he was scared to death.

What's more, the cowardly Yang Tiantian?

In the valley of the emperor, no one is allowed to step on the lost soul cliff for no reason except the second eldest brother who guards the tomb.

Otherwise, the man would come to the ninth floor temple and see his own statue.

It is absolutely the most frightening thing to become a statue when you are still alive.

No one.

"I, I didn't mean to climb the lost soul cliff. I'm just curious, curious - please don't look at me again. Please

When Yang Tiantian asked for help, she had a new feeling.

The current scene is the real retribution she got after climbing the lost soul cliff without permission.

In my dream, being whipped by a man who looks like Li Renzha is just an appetizer.

"Curious? ha-ha. Curiosity is a good word

After the statue's smile, his voice suddenly became fierce: "if you are not curious, how can you let your majesty go to you every night? What are you? You are just the offspring of a country girl you met on your way south to enjoy the flowers. Fortunately, after he left a blood line for the Yang family, he regarded himself as authentic. "

"I didn't, I didn't. I don't know. I don't know anything. "

Yang Tiantian didn't know how to explain it. She only shook her head in pain and cried.

But no tears ran down, just like no matter how she shook her head, she could not avoid the eyes of the statue.

"Cunt, break into the lost soul cliff, seduce your majesty Yuanshen to come back all the way. It's ridiculous to talk with you every night, but you don't know anything and push it all away!"

The voice of the statue was more sharp: "do you know that your majesty Yuanshen is thousands of miles away, accompanying the host to face great crisis? At this time, he needs to work together with the host to return to China and wipe out those rebellious demons! But you're a bitch, but you don't care about your identity as your Majesty's thirty-seven generations. Let your majesty -- "

"No more."

A gentle, mellow man's voice suddenly rang out from the side, interrupted the words of the statue.

It's like a knife, with a click, cut off the two hooks between the statue and Yang Tiantian's eyes, and let her tears burst out suddenly.

Look up in a hurry and look at the source of the sound.

Tears blurred, Yang Tiantian can only see a tall figure, from the statue next to the altar jumped down, but can not see his appearance.

"Your majesty

The voice of the statue was obviously urgent: "it's not my concubine who said you. You can cultivate to the present state, thanks to your tolerance and magnanimity to be with your host and face all the storms together. "

"Well, Zitong, I said not to talk about it."

The man's voice, once again interrupted the words of the statue, with obvious guilt.

There was also a little shame: "after dawn, I will return to China with that villain. I'm not as licentious as you said. Just because I covet her beauty, I forget the pain of suffering for thousands of years. I'm glad to see her every night. It's just a whim. What's more, don't talk about blood. Don't you hear that after the ninth generation, there will be no connection between the blood and the bones of your closest relatives? She has been thirty-seven generations for thousands of years. What's more, the relationship between me and her only exists in the virtual world. "

"Yes, Zitong understood."

The statue is silent for a moment. After answering in a low voice, Yang Tiantian's fear disappears.

She hastily raised her hand to wipe her eyes and bravely looked at the statue again.

Although the statue is still that one, the colors on the clothes are no longer as gorgeous as they were just now, mottled and old, and surrounded by a few spider silk.

As for her face, there were countless tiny cracks.

Where is there a little bit of coquettish appearance?

Facial features are vague, only the outline is clear, but Yang Tiantian is very strange.

Just the eyes, still a little bit of paint like black.

But, pale, without any soul.

"Zi, Zi Tong?"

Staring at the statue, Yang Tiantian pursed her lips.

Zitong is the general name of the ancient king's wife, which means queen.

Catalpa, in fact, is a plant.

Catalpa tree is the most precious one among trees. The ancients used catalpa as the symbol of having children. When the emperor established the empress, he called the empress catalpa child.

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