My Exclusive Dream Game

Chapter 213: update completed

It's raining.

Sitting in the office, Chen Xu looked through the glass of the window and looked at the rain water outside, which looked like white lines.

Suddenly, a few drops of rain fell on the glass and spattered, forming a small drop of water sticking to the glass, and the scenery outside suddenly became blurred.


From the electric kettle on the coffee table, there was the sound of boiling water, and a burst of white water mist rose from the top.

With a soft click, the switch automatically jumped.

The gurgling noise in the kettle gradually subsided, and a plain hand stretched over, lifted the kettle, and poured hot water into a purple sand teapot with tea leaves.

During the transpiration, the purple clay pot was filled with water, with a layer of foam floating on it.

Secretary Jin put the kettle back in place, covered the purple clay kettle, poured two cups of tea, and said to a middle-aged man sitting on the sofa, "Mr. Chen, please use it slowly."

"Thank you." The middle-aged man said politely and watched her leave the office.

After the door was closed, he said, "Chen Xu, you are really nice here."

"Uncle San, don't make fun of me."

Chen Xu stood up, walked over to him and sat down, and said, "I am here, where is your office so magnificent."

This middle-aged man, his third uncle Chen Xinyi, had just returned from his hometown and brought him something by the way.

"I did it for the sake of ostentation. Ziqi always dislikes rusticity. Although your place is a bit smaller, it looks like doing things. In addition to the good place, the people are better."

Chen Xinyi snarled outside and asked, "You found such a secretary. Does your girlfriend have no objection?"

Chen Xu took a sip from his teacup and said, "No, Secretary Jin was introduced by Xiyun."

Chen Xinyi's eyes changed a little, he sighed, and said, "Chen Xu, how come I haven't found out before that you are so effective with women. I heard them say that your girlfriend looks like those big stars on TV ."

"It's almost time, so you can stay for dinner, and I will take her out to see you." Chen Xu glanced at the time and said.

Chen Xinyi said, "Okay, that's it."

Then, he talked about his real purpose, "Last time you said on the phone that you would start a joint stock company with someone else, this time I came here specifically to take a look. By the way, how did you do it?"

It was then that Chen Xu suddenly felt that his third uncle would be so busy at ordinary times that he would make a special trip. As expected, he asked him, "Which aspect do you want to know?"

"Actually, some people wanted to buy shares in my supermarket before, but you also know that most of our partners doing business over there are not very good. If the business is dirty, the relationship is gone. Therefore, I have never had that plan. , All refused."

Chen Xu nodded, indicating that he was listening, while filling his teacup with tea.

"However, in the past two years, I have found that my career has stagnated. If I want to develop, I will always encounter problems like this. Take this new store as an example. The new manager always makes mistakes. If I If you don’t stare in the store, problems will occur within a few days. However, I don’t worry about changing to someone else."

"It's the same with other things. I can't do it alone and leave it to others, either I can't do it well or I can't believe it."

"I know, this is because management can't keep up. You are young, smart, read more books, and now open a company. In your generation, you are the most promising, so I will follow You learn from it."

Chen Xu knew that he hadn't said a word, he could trust himself.

He didn't believe it. There was no one with a higher degree of education than his third uncle, so he couldn't believe it and was worried about being deceived.

Sanshu's current troubles, he has also had it, so he can understand it, and after considering it, he asked, "Sanshu, according to the current scale, can you handle it?"

"Reluctantly, just too tired."

"What if we add another store?"

"That's not going to work."

"Maintain the current scale, in three to five years, can you still be able to take care of it?"

Chen Xinyi frowned and said, "What do you want to say?"

"Uncle San, I don't understand the profound principles. I only know that we are just ordinary people. There is so much information that our brain can process. So much time. Even if we don’t eat or sleep 24 hours a day, How much can be done? So, when necessary, make trade-offs."

Chen Xu said frankly, "Actually, you must also understand this truth. It just depends on whether you are willing to make a trade-off."

Chen Xinyi frowned and thought about it there.

Chen Xu didn't bother him, and sat there drinking tea in silence.

After a while, Chen Xinyi said, "You should tell me, you can cooperate with others to start a company."

Chen Xu knew that his concept could not be changed with a few words, and he did not force it. He carefully talked about the negotiations with the Jinyun Group.

Chen Xinyi was listening, asking a few questions from time to time.

Before you know it, it's already night.

The rain stopped. Chen Xu booked a seat at a nearby restaurant, and made an appointment with Luo Xiyun to have dinner with his third uncle.

Originally, Chen Xu wanted him to stay overnight, but he didn't agree, so he could go back to the store and watch.

Luo Xiyun went to the bathroom and when there were only two of them left, Chen Xinyi said, "Your girlfriend is really good. I have not seen the second one for so many years. You have to treat them well."

"I will."

"Also, there is something, I want to ask you to help."

Chen Xu said, "Uncle San, don't worry if you have anything to say, don't be so polite."

"My matter, you should have heard Ziqi say. I think, let you help me persuade her. She is willing to listen to you now." Chen Xinyi said.

Chen Xu was very surprised, "Didn't you split up with that woman?"

"Oh, it's hard to say in one word. In short, you have to help me with this matter."

Chen Xu saw that Luo Xiyun had returned and said, "I will do my best."



After sending Sanshu away, Chen Xu and Luo Xiyun walked towards the company, arm in arm.

"What were you talking about when I was away just now?" Luo Xiyun asked curiously.

"He found a girlfriend and asked me to persuade Ziqi."

"This is a good thing. It is not easy for him to bring Ziqi up by himself. Now that he wants to find a companion, Ziqi shouldn't stop it."

"Ziqi disagrees with him being with that girl."

"Girl? In your twenties?"


"No wonder then."

Chen Xu was about to speak, but was stunned. Before his eyes, a prompt popped out, "The system update is complete. This update has loaded a large Valentine's Day special event. Do you want to participate?"

ps: This is the first update, there is one before twelve o'clock.

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