My Exclusive Dream Game

Chapter 243: wake up

Chen Xu seemed to have had a long, long dream. When he woke up, his mind was still a little groggy, as if he had a bad cold.

Before he opened his eyes, he smelled a hospital-like smell similar to disinfectant water.

Am I in the hospital?

He opened his eyes with some difficulty, and his vision was dark, and he could only vaguely see the shape of a ceiling. I don't know if he has been sleeping for too long, and his eyes are a bit dry. He blinked vigorously, trying to reach out and rub it, but just about to move, his left hand could not move, as if being held down by something.

He looked down and found that there was a person lying beside him, with long hair scattered, and the light was relatively dark, making it difficult to see his appearance.

However, he still recognized that it was Luo Xiyun, and he could smell the faint fragrance floating on her body.

"She brought me to the hospital and stayed with me overnight..."

Chen Xu roughly guessed what had happened, as if he was surrounded by a warm current in his heart.

Suddenly, he remembered something, raised his movable right hand, reached the edge of the bed where Luo Xiyun was facing back, and felt empty.


The hospital bed looked smaller than a single person. He was lying in the middle, occupying most of the position. Although she was lying on her side, there was a small part outside the edge of the bed, holding his arm so that she would not fall.

He turned his body carefully, very lightly and slowly, so as not to wake her up. After lying down, her right hand was wrapped around her body, stretched down, and finally touched the edge of the bottom of the bed, clasped tightly, adjusted a little, and kept this posture still.

Chen Xu smelled the scent of her body, and his thoughts spread out, thinking about what happened.

After the dream was over, he still had the impression that he settled the results as usual, and he was in the mood of winning the prize, waiting for the cards he might get.

Then he really woke up and passed out into a coma until now.

"How come you faint suddenly?"

He recalled the whole thing and felt that his brain was still aching. At that time, he felt as if his brain had exploded, and he passed out in pain.

"Is there something wrong with the Dreamland device?"

Thinking of this, his face changed drastically. The importance of the dream device to him is self-evident. If it breaks, it will be a huge blow to him.

Calm down and think about it, but I don't think it's necessary.

"At that time, I had already woke up. It stands to reason that the dream device has stopped working. If it has a problem, it shouldn't happen when I wake up. I guess I can't wake up at all..."

"Could it be that……"

Suddenly, there was a guess in his heart. There are two things that are different from the previous three dreams this time. One is that he told Yang Jinxia that dreams are just a game. A penalty for the dream device was caused.

However, he felt that this possibility was very low. If he really violated any rules or the like, he would definitely be reminded when he settled.

The other is that he used the learning machine three times in his dreams, and memorized a lot of knowledge in his mind. The knowledge he memorized in his dreams will also be brought out.

Suddenly there was a lot of knowledge in my mind, which exceeded the brain's tolerance limit and triggered the protective mechanism, so I passed out in a coma.

The more he thought about it, the more right he got.

"Fortunately, I only used the learning machine three times. If I did it again, I might become an idiot on the spot." He felt a little grateful.

He used the learning machine three times before and after, and the total time was only a dozen hours, but the content he wrote down was equivalent to two sets of large encyclopedias. Just the number of words, there were tens of millions of words, and there were a lot of them. The pattern, the information of the video category.

It is no exaggeration to say that he may not be able to memorize all such complicated knowledge even after 20 years.

Except for fear, it is joy. Knowledge is never too much. After mastering a large amount of professional knowledge, it will be much easier for him to open up the situation in this field in the future.

He thought for a while, felt a burst of exhaustion, closed his eyes, and fell asleep again in a daze.

Because he was worried that Luo Xiyun would fall out of bed, he kept his hands in that position and slept very shallowly.

I don't know how long it took, he felt the person in his arms move, and he woke up. He opened his eyes and saw that it was already dawn, and Luo Xiyun just raised his head, his sleepy eyes were a little hazy.

When the two of them made eye contact, Chen Xu smiled and said, "Morning."

Luo Xiyun's expression was in a trance for a moment, and then the color of surprise surged, and immediately, his eyes turned red again.

In just one or two seconds, she saw the dramatic change in her emotions clearly in his eyes, thinking of how worried she was during the time she was in a coma, and felt sorry for herself, saying, "Sorry, let you Worried."

Luo Xiyun's eyes were red, and she pulled out her hands and hugged him around his neck. She hugged Chen Xu very hard, making Chen Xu a little breathless. She didn't support her at once, and her head fell back on the pillow. Half of Luo Xiyun's body was pressed on his body.

She still didn't let go, her shoulders trembling slightly.

Chen Xu heard her soft sobbing in his ears and felt a little uncomfortable. He didn't know what to say to comfort her, so he could only hug her tightly with his backhand.

After a while, Luo Xiyun suddenly released her hand, sat up on the bed, wiped the tears from her face with her hand, and said, "Forgot to notify the doctor." After that, he hurriedly jumped out of bed and ran out. .

Chen Xu looked at her back with a smile on his face. Sit up and stretched, maybe because he slept for too long, his whole body was a little awkward. He simply got out of bed and moved his body.

The curtains of the hospital bed next door were pulled up. He didn't think it was getting in the way, so he pulled it away, only to find that the next door was a man in his fifties who was looking after an aunt next to him.

He saw that the aunt's eyes were rather friendly, so he nodded and said hello.

"Young man, you are awake. Yesterday, you made your girlfriend anxious." The aunt seemed to be an enthusiastic person and said enthusiastically.

Chen Xugang wanted to answer. Luo Xiyun had already brought the doctor in. When he saw him getting out of bed, he said anxiously, "Why are you up? Hurry up, lie back."

She said, holding his hand and letting him lie back.

Chen Xu obediently obediently followed. After lying down, the forty-year-old male doctor who came in from behind came over, took out a small flashlight, checked him, and asked him a few more questions.

Then, he told Luo Xiyun a few words, saying that he would stay in the hospital for a few days to observe, and then left.

Chen Xu felt that he could be discharged from the hospital, but he glanced at Luo Xiyun next to him and knew that she would definitely not agree, so he didn't mention it.

Luo Xiyun took out a basin from under the bed and took a basin of water out of the bathroom on the balcony.

"I'll do it myself." Chen Xu said, feeling a little uncomfortable with the eyes of other people in the ward.

"Sit down." Luo Xiyun said, passing the water glass and toothbrush with toothpaste. Take out another empty basin to catch water.

He had to take it, brushed his teeth, and after washing his face, he took the initiative to take the water and walked to the balcony to dump it.

Then, when Luo Xiyun went to wash, he stood by the bed and moved around.

"Xiao Xu."

Suddenly, he heard his mother's voice, turned his head to look, and was surprised to see that his mother and father came in, followed by Secretary Guo, and asked, "Why are you here?"

"Thank God." Seeing that her son was really awake, Zeng Wenli almost cried with joy, took his hand, looked up and down, and asked, "How are you feeling now, are there any discomforts? What did the doctor say..."

"Mom." Chen Xu said, holding her two hands, "I'm fine. The doctor said that I can be discharged at any time. I just recommend staying for a few more days."

"Listen to the doctor, son, nothing is important to your body. You can do all the tests you can do. Don't be afraid to spend money..."

Chen Xu listened to his mother's babbling, a little helpless, but his heart was very warm. Only when he is sick can he know who is really caring about you.

Chen Xinwen, who had been silent for a while, grabbed his wife and said, "Okay, Xiao Xu just woke up, don't say so much."

Chen Xu said guiltily, "Dad, I'm worried about you."

"You don't have to work hard, the family debt has been paid off. Your mother and I have lived in the old house for so many years and have become accustomed to it. You don't have to buy a new house." Chen Xinwen said.

"I know."

At this time, Chen Xu couldn't say anything except nodding his head and saying yes.

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