My Exclusive Dream Game

Chapter 254: how about you

Chen Xu looked down at the hand on his chest and said, "I'm sorry."

As soon as the voice fell, his hand was already clasped on the opponent's wrist. He twisted and pulled the two people closer, and the other hand struck a certain position between the opponent's chest and abdomen like lightning.


Brother Jun's body arched sharply, his face quickly congested, and a **** ho sound made from his throat.

Chen Xu held his body, slowly put him down on the ground, and said, "Lie down well, it will be fine for a while." Then, he opened the door and walked in.

Behind is Liu Yumeng, she hasn't reacted yet, it looks like the tall military brother is already lying down. Chen Xu walked in and couldn't help being taken aback, taking a step back.

She heard her brother talk about the details of the military brother, who retired from the army and has the skill to wait for three or five people to get close. In addition to being Luo Zhenghai’s driver, he is actually a bodyguard.

As a result, Chen Xu, who didn't seem to be tall or strong, fell all of a sudden.

She couldn't help thinking of the scene in the bar that night where Chen Xu fisted and fisted a few men who caused trouble. Can't help but feel a little upset, I should have reminded Brother Jun just now.

After taking a step back, she woke up, why should she be afraid of him, puffed up her chest, and shouted in anger, "What are you doing in there, go out immediately, otherwise I will call the police."

When Chen Xu heard her threat, his eyes were a little cold, "Get out of the way."

"No." Liu Yumeng glared at him, "I warn you, you'd better leave right away, otherwise, you can't run away for a crime of forcibly breaking into a house."

Chen Xu looked behind her, Luo Xiyun was not there, he should be in the room. Otherwise, the driver doesn't need to stop him.

He looked at Liu Yumeng in front of him and said, "I know, you don't like me. You should also know that I don't like you either. Your Xiyun's friend is Liu Kun's sister again. It is because of their face. Come on, I don’t care about other things. But if you get in the way of my affairs with Xiyun, I will let you know what regret is."


Liu Yumeng sneered, "Scare someone, don't wait, come now. I want to see how you make me regret it."

Chen Xu ignored her and walked to Luo Xiyun's room.

"Stop for me..." Liu Yumeng wanted to stop him, who knew that there was a flower in front of him, and the person was gone. Looking back, the other person had already arrived at the door of the room.

She became even more annoyed and said, "Let you go out, I didn't hear it, right? Okay, I'll call the police now." Then she took out her mobile phone.

Chen Xu ignored her and said to Luo Xiyun in the room, "Just now, when I was brushing my teeth, I saw the razor on the side of the wash basin. It was given to me by you last month. I put it in the rental house. Here, you brought me here, right."

"And your toothbrush and cup, towel, slippers..."

"We only moved in the past one day, and there are traces of you everywhere. However, you are not there. When I think of this, it makes me feel very uncomfortable..."

With a click, the door opened, and Luo Xiyun stood at the door.

Liu Yumeng took the phone and saw that she really opened the door, so she ran over, took her hand, and said, "Xiyun, don't listen to him, man, there is nothing you can believe."

Luo Xiyun said, "I will ask you one last time, the two of them, what are you going to do?"

Liu Yumeng gradually opened her mouth when she heard her, looking at her in shock.


In this sentence, the amount of information contained was too great for her to be unacceptable for a while.

Listening to Luo Xiyun's meaning, Chen Xu has someone outside, and more than one?

How dare he do such a thing?

What shocked her most was that after listening to Luo Xiyun's words, as long as he promised to draw a clear line with the two women, he could forgive him.

"Impossible, I must have understood it wrong."

She couldn't believe it. Based on her understanding of Luo Xiyun, something like this really happened, and it must have been a clean break with this man, and it would never be possible to see him again.

Chen Xu's breathing paused for a few seconds, then took it, and said in a not loud but very clear voice, "To me, they are the same as you. I will not give up any of you."

Luo Xiyun's face turned pale, her hand suddenly lifted, stopped there, exhausted the last strength in her chest, and said, "Go, go, I will never see you again."

With that, she closed the door again.

With a bang, a door cut him off from her.

Chen Xu stood in front of the door for a while, and finally said, "Take care of yourself." Then, he turned and left.

He didn't know when it started to rain outside, so he walked into the rain without an umbrella.

The rain was not very heavy, and it made his hair and clothes wet little by little, cold and icy, wet and greasy, and felt very uncomfortable.

He walked all the way out of the gate of the community, and the door behind him slowly closed. He stood there, looking up at the water droplets falling all over the sky, feeling a little dazed.

He also didn't know what he should do.

When he was shocked by Bai Jinxuan's public confession and decided to accept her, such an outcome seemed to be doomed.

Perhaps it was earlier that Yang Jinxia dragged him half-dead, and when he resisted for more than three months, he was destined to have an irreconcilable conflict with Luo Xiyun.

Maybe, he should be like other men, who can lie or lie. After getting married, he lied to them to have a child. Until one day, even if the directness is punctured, she will choose to stay away. Close one eye with one eye. Or, just lie to her for a lifetime.

However, he couldn't do it.

If he can do it, he won't fall into the situation he is today.

The cold rain poured on his face to his heart's content, making his heart cold.

Suddenly, a black umbrella appeared in his sight. He turned his head and saw that it was Yang Jinxia standing beside him holding the umbrella. He was extremely surprised, "You... why are you here?"

Yang Jinxia was less than 20 centimeters away from him, with a gentle smile on his face, "Come to pick you up, if you are not in good health, don't run around."

Chen Xu remembered the sneer on her face after the three of them met last night, and the cold snort before leaving, and said, "Aren't you angry with me?"

"I'm angry, but I won't leave you alone." Yang Jinxia took out a silk scarf from nowhere, wiped the drops of water on his face, "Let's go, I'll take you back to the hospital."

Chen Xu did not move and said, "We have an agreement."

Yang Jinxia asked, "In this situation, is there still a need to comply with the agreement?"

Chen Xu knew that she was right. It didn't matter whether Yang Jinxia came to him or not.

He sighed and said, "I thought you would leave me too."

Yang Jinxia looked into his eyes and said, "Do you think that my reaction is too flat, and you suspect that I don't love you."


When Chen Xu saw her talking about this, he immediately pointed out, "I can understand Xiyun's reaction, and I am her, and I have my heart. But I really can't understand you, it doesn't seem to be it. One thing."

Yang Jinxia suddenly put away the umbrella, only then did he realize that the rain had stopped at some point.

"When you were young, did your parents beat you?" Yang Jinxia suddenly asked about irrelevant things, and before he could answer, she continued, "Generally speaking, parents love their children, but most parents, Have beaten children."

"Human feelings are very complicated, and sometimes they even contradict each other. The deeper you love a person, the deeper you love, and sometimes you will be a little dissatisfied or even resentful towards him. It is said that there is a survey, each pair The husband and wife have been married for a long time, and both have had the idea of ​​strangling each other."

"Why did you become like that? Even if it's not because of love, if you can get married, at least you don't hate each other."

Chen Xu didn't know how to answer. Fortunately, he didn't need to answer either.

"Because they were biased by negative emotions in the process of getting along, and they forgot their original intentions."

"Just like Xiyun, she loves you very much, knowing that you have other women, she feels a lot of hurt. That feeling is replaced by negative emotions like sadness and anger."

Chen Xu finally couldn't help asking, "What about you?"

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