My Exclusive Dream Game

Chapter 268: Return home

"I, just go take a look."

Liu Yumeng heard Luo Xiyun's words and didn't say anything. I'm afraid she doesn't even believe this kind of words.

Luo Xiyun's reaction at the moment when he heard Chen Xu's accident just now proved that her feelings for Chen Xu were really unusual.


She started the car, went back to the hotel to get her luggage and passport, and drove to the airport.

On the way, Luo Xiyun had already called to book tickets. The latest flight back home was three hours later, and it took more than ten hours to fly back to China. By the time she met Chen Xu, it was conservatively estimated that it would take twenty hours.

Liu Yumeng came with her, so naturally they also went back together.

On the way to the airport, Luo Xiyun kept calling Chen Ziqi, but he couldn't get through or send messages without replying. Then I called Chen Xu, but I couldn't get through either. It was anxious.

Then, she called Chen Xu's parents, but still couldn't get through.

In the end, she could only call Secretary Jin and finally got through, but Secretary Jin didn't know after asking three questions, except that Chen Xu did not go to work today.

Until she got on the plane, at the reminder of the flight attendant, she turned off her mobile phone.

"Don't worry, there is no news, it's not bad news. You have to think for the good, now, get a good night's sleep. You see how haggard you are."

Liu Yumeng comforted her.

Some time ago, Luo Xiyun accompanied Chen Xu in the hospital, and rest was not good. After breaking up with him, he couldn't eat and sleep even more. I only got better when I went abroad these days.


Dream territory.

Chen Xu was sitting in the landing ship, holding an alloy lunch box, and was eating. The food was simple, rice, potatoes, and sauced beef.

He was eating while looking at the screen.

It has been almost a month since I entered the dreamland, and after that, those black birds never appeared again. However, he didn't dare to take it lightly. Every time he went out to work, he was always in awe, and he didn't dare to go too far away, lest he would be caught off guard by the black bird.

In addition, he has only one person, and the progress of the project is very slow.

The camp that was originally planned to be built in one day, when he was the only one left, took a month and has not yet been built.

Among them, the biggest obstacle is that he did not continue the memory of this identity. It took a lot of time to drive those construction vehicles proficiently.

The biggest role of the landing ship is transportation. Only when the camp is established can the instruments brought on board the spacecraft be installed and put into use.

Among them is a weapon of mass destruction.

After installing these equipment and the weapon, we can proceed to the next step.

"According to the plan, a supply ship will be sent down today. I don't know if there will be personnel support."

He kept looking at the direction of the sky, thinking in his heart.

Although he didn't inherit this memory, he saw the arrangement in the plan through the spacecraft's log.

Every ten days, the spacecraft will launch a small communications rocket to send back the situation of their exploratory team to the mothership. As long as the rocket can fly out of the atmosphere, the mothership can receive the rocket's signal.

He has passed back the news of the deaths of other people. I don't know what kind of arrangement is on the mothership. However, he did not hold out much hope.

The Dreamland Device is determined to let him play single-player games, why would it send someone over to give it to him?

The sky is full of thick clouds. The strange thing is that these clouds are very thick, but they don't give him a gloomy feeling. Just like the clouds on a sunny day, they are especially white and look like cotton candy.

"I don't know if the three rockets flew out of the atmosphere."

He was somewhat worried, not to mention, those supplies were very important. If the planned supplies were not dispatched, half of the camp's functions could not be used. It will be more difficult to gain a foothold on this planet.

After various tests, this planet is not suitable for human habitation. Other issues are not too big, such as gravity, the composition of air, and so on. The most troublesome thing is radiation.

If it is directly exposed to the air of this planet, it will not take too long to cause great damage to his health.

This will cause him great inconvenience.

In the future, he must wear heavy protective clothing if he wants to go out. It's no different from surviving in space.

I don't know how these plants and black birds survived here.

At this moment, he saw a spacecraft bursting out of the clouds and flying towards this side.


He was a little excited, waiting for the supply ship to land.

The speed of the spacecraft was extremely fast, and within a few minutes, the supply ship landed aside.

Chen Xu didn't act rashly, sitting there, eating all the food all the time. As soon as I put the bowl in place, I saw a large group of black birds appear above the clouds.

"Sure enough, it's because when the spacecraft penetrated the clouds, there was too much noise, and it disturbed the black birds before they attacked."

He guessed in his heart, opened the spacecraft's defense system, opened fire, and wiped out nearly one-third of the blackbirds in just ten seconds.

Next, the black bird surrounded the two spaceships and pecked frantically.

Chen Xu had the experience of the last time and was not panicked at all. At any rate, it is a spacecraft used to carry a spaceship. The thickness and hardness of the outer layer are worthy of peace of mind.

Sure enough, half an hour later, the black bird returned for no reason.

This time, Chen Xu didn't plan to let them go. He chased them for a while, and killed nearly a third, and the rest flew into the clouds.


When Luo Xiyun got off the plane, it was already five o'clock in the afternoon. After she turned on the phone, she opened WeChat for the first time and saw that Chen Ziqi had sent her several messages, and the last one was a location.

When she clicked on, her fingers trembled a little, "Sister Xiyun, I'm sorry, the phone is out of power, and it's only charged now."

"Chen Xu... can't tell in WeChat, let's talk about it after we meet."

"Get off the plane, contact me immediately."

"This is my positioning."

Luo Xiyun didn't hear what she was most concerned about, so she hurriedly dialed it, but prompted to shut down, and her heart was even more disturbed.

"Mr. Luo." From a distance, Secretary Guo waved to them.

Before boarding the plane, Luo Xiyun notified Secretary Guo by phone and asked her to come and pick up the plane.

Luo Xiyun didn't talk nonsense, and directly posted the location and said, "Send me to this place."

Secretary Guo didn't ask much, helped them with their luggage, went to the parking place, and moved the luggage to the car.

The address given by Chen Ziqi is a nursing home, not in the city center, and the location is slightly off, not too far from the airport, about an hour's drive.

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