My Exclusive Dream Game

Chapter 287: Underground world

It was a peculiar language, with a rough and majestic voice.

After the lens adjusted to the light, Chen Xu finally saw the scene outside the door. There were four people standing outside, wearing black armor and helmets, holding weapons similar to broadswords in their hands, facing the clones. He looked respectful, half-hidden his body, and was performing a strange etiquette.

The clone walked out without saying a word.

Outside is a huge square, with a strange pattern carved on the ground, covering the entire square.

Not far away, there are a few huge circular pillars, which seem to be the support of the underground world.

There are lights on the pillars, and the dazzling light shines from there. It is precisely because these lights are too bright to see how high the column is. No matter how high it is, it is completely dark.

Due to the presence of the four people behind, the clone did not take a closer look, and walked straight ahead.

This square is very big, except for the four people, no other people can be seen.

He kept walking out of the range of light, and after a while, he ran into the wall. In the darkness, several passages can be faintly seen.

The clone walked to the nearest passage, and after passing through, came to another huge square. The difference is that there are a lot of people here. In the eye, you can see a tall house.

At the exit of the passage, two people were guarding him. When they saw him coming out, they saluted, and there was no sound or obstruction.


Chen Xu had already guessed it just now, and looked curiously at this underground human habitation.

In this square, there is a huge circular pillar every some distance, and there is a circular lamp on the pillar, which is very large, shining with golden light, and can illuminate a long distance. It is also the light source of the square.

"Strange, what is this building so high? If it is divided into several floors, it can accommodate more people." Chen Xu was a little puzzled while observing.

Said it is a square, in fact, the area is very large, at least from the video, you can't see the side at a glance.

After passing through a clearing, the clone finally walked into a street. On the road, there were some pedestrians, men and women, wearing very exotic clothes. When they encountered the clone, they would automatically give way to the side of the road.

"Are there any obvious characteristics in him?" Chen Xu was a little curious. Whether it was the four people at the beginning, the guards guarding the passage, or even the pedestrians on the street, they were very respectful to the clone. There must be something in it. the reason.

"Is it the clothes he wears?"

Chen Xu guessed this because the clone had no other features that could be quickly identified.

In addition to the pedestrians, he also noticed the buildings on both sides of the street. How should I say, it feels a bit inconsistent. In terms of style, it is exquisite. But there is no industrial beauty of modern architecture.

This is interesting.

He is like watching a movie, following the footsteps of the clone, exploring this underground world.

The clone did not stay much longer, passing through this area from the main road, and at the end, there was another passage. There were also guards outside the passage, and when he saw him, he did not stop him either.

After passing through the channel, there is another huge space...

The entire underground world seems to be composed of such a huge space.

The clone also seemed to realize that the clothes on his body were too garish. When passing through a tunnel, he took off and put on another clothes.

Considering that the clone's language is not fluent, I came in this time and prepared a package. In addition to the clothes, there was some food and water.

After changing clothes, although the style is a bit incompatible with the locals, it is not as eye-catching as before.

Chen Xu didn't observe too much detail. Except for the beginning, the next step was fast forward.

It wasn't until half a month later that the clone finally saw a different scene after passing through the passage again, without the dazzling light, and without the huge circular pillar.

This is a much smaller space. The only light source is a light in the middle, emitting a white light. The light becomes very weak as it is far apart.

Chen Xu's first feeling is that it is messy. Whether it is people on the street or buildings, there is a huge difference from the previous spaces, just like the difference between a slum area and a rich area.

It's a pity that the clones don't speak their language and can't find out more information.

The more you go out, the worse the conditions.

Finally, after passing through a tightly guarded passage, the clone came to a space where no one lived.

"Is it an abandoned residence or a natural underground cave?" Chen Xu was a little surprised. There is such a place in the underground world.

The clone lit a torch, and the fire shining brightly, and plants growing everywhere, he stayed here for a while before returning from the passage.

Then, the clone began to walk back, food and water almost exhausted.

Feng Song performed an autopsy on the original body of the clone. Their body structure is quite different from that of human beings. What it shows is that they have a higher utilization rate of food energy, which means they are more resistant to hunger and thirst.

As long as one meal and a small amount of water are needed a day, it is much easier to feed than humans.

Even so, the food and water he brought could only last for a month at most. The order he got was to bring back what he saw and heard, and he was very faithful to do his task.

When the clone walked back, it didn't go so smoothly, especially when it wanted to enter the "rich man's area", it was stopped and prevented him from passing.

He could only change into his original clothes and pass through another passage. This time, it went smoothly.

The dress he was wearing was obviously a status symbol. Chen Xu guessed that this suit represents that he has a parasitic armor.

If his guess is correct, it also means that fighters who can wear parasitic armor are among the few elites in the underground world.

The clone went back faster and went smoothly all the way until it was stopped when it was about to enter the square at the beginning.

The clone naturally couldn't understand what the two guards were saying. At this time, he could only force it.

The clone's physique is extremely strong, and even Chen Xu can't compare with him in terms of physical fitness. In the case of a close-range sneak attack, the two guards were instantly killed and rushed into the passage.

After arriving at the square, I saw the four people again.

After a fierce battle, the clone won, but he himself was seriously injured. When he was riding up the elevator, he saw reinforcements from underground people just rushing in.

After reaching the ground passage, the clone ran out of the cave. After a while, he heard footsteps behind him, and the underground people actually caught up.

Finally, before he could wear his protective clothing, he opened the door, ran all the way, and fell when he ran out of the cave.

When the video fell into darkness, Chen Xu felt a little complicated. Although it is a clone, this kind of spirit and will to complete the task desperately made him a little touched.

He took off his glasses and soon calmed down. Thinking about the situation seen in the video.

The intelligence brought back by the clones this time is very precious, at least let him know that there are such a group of humans living there.

Although just looking at the flowers, Chen Xu can roughly judge the technological level of the underground people from the content of the video. At least there is no need to worry about the other party pulling out a huge army and giving him a gunfire.

The parasitic armor has not been seen either, it should be a very rare type of armour.

However, he did not take it lightly to create such a civilization in the underground world, and the level of science and technology is certainly not much lower. Rotten ships also have three-point nails, and the underground people may have inherited part of their inheritance. It is not surprising that there are some powerful weapons.

Chen Xu decided to continue to strengthen combat readiness. This time the clone forced to break through, and I don't know if it will cause other changes.

The specific arrangements will have to be discussed after analyzing the information in the video. He fast-forwarded and read it, skipping most of the content.

This kind of meticulous thing should be given to the biochemical people, their patience is better.

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