My Exclusive Dream Game

Chapter 303: You really changed

It was already evening, and the setting sun hung over the horizon, staining the surrounding clouds with a layer of red glow.

Pushing the wheelchair, Chen Ziqi walked to a clearing and looked at Chen Xu in the wheelchair. He closed his eyes and raised his head slightly, as if he was enjoying the fresh outdoor air.

She hesitated and asked, "Chen Xu, what happened before?"

"What's the matter?" Chen Xu didn't move, and laid his head lazily on the top of the backrest, basking in the slanting sunset, looking particularly comfortable.

Chen Ziqi complained, "Do you know that it took me more than ten days to lie down and scared me to death. If something happens to you, how can I tell your parents?"

Chen Xu finally opened his eyes, turned to look at her, and said with satisfaction, "This time you did a good job. You can withstand the pressure and didn't call my parents. Otherwise, they would have to worry about death."

After he finished complimenting, he explained, "Actually, I had an operation. As for the operation, I won't tell you. The operation was successful. Now I wake up and I'm fine."

This is what Chen Xu thought early in the morning. He sleeps for ten days, so there must be a saying.

Of course Chen Ziqi knew that he had an operation. She asked the doctors and nurses, and they all told her like this. She just wanted to ask what kind of surgery was done, but now that she didn't want to say it when she saw him, she knew she couldn't pry his mouth open, so she gave up.

People are fine now.

When Chen Xu saw her, he was not suspicious, and couldn't help feeling that Yang Jinxia had always done everything without dripping water. If the doctors and nurses had spoken out before, he estimated that Chen Ziqi would not be fooled.

Chen Ziqi thought of another thing, her voice became quieter, "Sister Xiyun, she only came once."


Chen Ziqi saw his reaction so plain, but she was a little worried, "Are you okay?"

"What can I do?" Chen Xu said amusedly, "This matter has to be taken slowly, not in a hurry."

Chen Ziqi saw that he could still laugh, but she was relieved. She was mainly worried that he couldn't think about it. Now it seems that his mentality is really good.

Instead, she became a little curious and asked, "Are you really not in a hurry?"

"I ask you, if your future boyfriend..."

"Dare he? I interrupted his leg."

"Haha..." Chen Xu couldn't help laughing.

Chen Ziqi looked at him in surprise, what's so funny about it? Moreover, in the past, Chen Xu seldom laughed in such a disregard of image. He has always restrained his emotions. Whether he is angry or happy, he will not express too much, such as laughing out loud or swearing angry. Things like that, never.

What's going on today, why are you laughing so profligately?

She couldn't help asking, "What are you laughing at?"

Chen Xu smiled and said, "You, the double standard is too serious. If others hear it, they will scold you to death."

"whispering sound."

Chen Ziqi looked a little disdainful, and after a while, she asked, "Then what are you going to do?"

Chen Xu said jokingly, "Stalker, just pester her for a lifetime."

"Tsk tsk..."

Chen Ziqi looked at him pretendingly in surprise and said, "It seems that this operation has made you fully understand."

"What a great enlightenment, no education, I am not going to be a monk." While Chen Xu was talking, a familiar figure came up from the corner of his eye and said, "The leisure time is over."

"Huh?" Chen Ziqi looked at the incoming person. It was a woman in her early thirties with short hair and she looked shrewd and capable.

"Mr. Chen, I finally found you."

The person here was Liu Shanshan, and her tone was complaining. They had just negotiated the entry of the job. As the boss, Chen Xu acted as a shopkeeper and disappeared for more than ten days. The company is just an empty shell. These days, she is so busy that she is not to blame for her resentment.

Chen Xuyu was mild, "Sorry, due to physical reasons, I was hospitalized. I have worked hard for you during this period. I heard Jinxia say that you did a good job."

Liu Shanshan just complained a little bit. Chen Xu is the boss after all. She quickly corrected her attitude and said, “Originally, you shouldn’t have bothered you at this time. It’s just that you need to sign these documents.” She said, she said, The document was handed over.

Chen Xu took the file and was not in a hurry to open it. Instead, he pointed to the bench next to him and said, "Sit down."

Liu Shanshan sat down and noticed the little girl's gaze next to the boss, and gave her a polite smile.

"This is my sister, Chen Ziqi. This is the person in charge of my new company, Liu Shanshan, you can just call sister Shanshan." Chen Xu introduced, then picked up the file and looked at it.

"Sister Shanshan." Chen Ziqi yelled obediently.

Chen Xu sat in a wheelchair and looked at the documents in his hand. He looked carefully. Since you have decided to start a company, you must enter the role, contract or something, naturally you can't sign randomly. This has nothing to do with trust, but a basic quality.

There are more than a dozen documents here, and it has been an hour since he finished reading them. It was already dark, and the three returned to the ward.

Chen Xu saw that there was no problem with the documents, he signed all of them, handed them to Liu Shanshan, and said, "Tomorrow I will go to the company."

Liu Shanshan hesitated, "Your body..."

"My body is fine."

When Liu Shanshan saw him say this, he said goodbye.

After she left, Chen Ziqi spoke, questioning his decision just now, "You don't want to go to the company from a wheelchair, do you?"

Chen Xu got up from the wheelchair, moved a little, and said, "You don't really think I can't walk anymore, do you?"

"You..." Chen Ziqi was stunned when he saw that he was walking steadily, and then said angrily, "Are you kidding me?"

Chen Xu said amusedly, "You have to push the wheelchair and take me out for a walk. I can't bear to refuse your kindness."

Chen Ziqi glared at him for a while, then disappeared inexplicably, and said quietly, "Chen Xu, you have changed. You would never do this to me before."

Chen Xu patted her head and said, "People will always change. Didn't you hate the smell of disinfectant in the hospital? We will move home tomorrow."

After more than 30 years of time in the dream, even if I haven't recovered all the memories, my mentality is completely different from before. How can it be unchanged.

Looking back now, he felt that he was too boring.

In many cases, the interesting life will not automatically hit your head, you need to find and create it yourself.

To be honest, he can't wait to return to his original life, the big city full of fireworks.

In the future, this city, this country, and even this world will be greatly changed because of him.

He really looks forward to tomorrow.

ps: It's the middle of the month again, ask for a few monthly tickets.

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