My Exclusive Dream Game

Chapter 316: I am very unhappy

This year's Electronics Fair was held in a well-known city in the central part of China, which happened to be Bai Jinxuan's hometown, so she agreed to sing a song at the opening.

This is what she said when Chen Xu was in a video with her.

A few months ago, Bai Jinxuan's single "Winter Love" was popular all over the country. Then, he released a digital album with ten songs in it. In two months, it sold 1.5 million copies, shocking the whole country. Music scene.

Every song in the album is of good quality, coupled with her own terrifying popularity, within a short period of time, it went from online to offline, from the streets and alleys to KTV.

Bai Jinxuan also completed a magnificent turn, from a traffic star to a talented and talented female singer.

Some media even call this year the year of Bai Jinxuan.

Under such circumstances, it is difficult for Chen Xu to find a chance to meet her. After waking up from his dream, he only met once. The rest of the time, only video is available.

It is said that Xiaobie wins newlyweds, because there are fewer opportunities to get together, and he is still eager to meet her. However, this time he went with Luo Xiyun, so he can only hope that he won't meet him then.

On this trip, Chen Xu and Luo Xiyun took the entire company and took the high-speed rail for about ten hours.

They arrived one day in advance and booked a five-star hotel.

Luo Xiyun has always been generous in terms of employee treatment. When she was at Wanhua Company before, she strongly advocated raising employees' salaries in order to increase their enthusiasm. She has promoted several large-scale salary increases.

Of course, she also has high requirements for employees. If she fails to meet her requirements, she will never be merciful when she is fired.

When she came out to start the company, the situation was even worse, because the prospects were unclear, and the newly recruited employees were very resistant to learning an unfamiliar programming language. Many people quit their jobs within a few days of coming.

In order to recruit people, she had to improve her treatment. In just a few months, the employees have changed several times. Later, after Luo Xiyun made a game engine specially used to make VR games, he shocked the employees and the personnel began to stabilize.

After that, Luo Xiyun continued to publish papers and became a recognized top expert in VR in the industry. He designed a new programming language to be used in the VR environment. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the founder of the mountain.

Now, after the successful development of the first generation of VR glasses, they are reluctant to leave even if they drove them away.


"what happened?"

When Chen Xu and the others rushed to the hotel they had booked, they found a lot of young people in front of the gate.

Secretary Guo said, "It seems that Bai Jinxuan lives here. These are all her fans."

Chen Xu glanced at Luo Xiyun, she was also a little surprised, noticing his gaze, she couldn't help but shook her head, meaning it was not her deliberate arrangement.

The group finally entered the hotel.

The employees discussed in a low voice, "I didn't expect Bai Jinxuan to live here too. Is she recording the show here?"

"Don't you know? She will sing at the opening ceremony of this electronics show. You are a fake fan."

"I don't know what she really looks like."

"She also lives here. Maybe we have the opportunity to meet her."

"To be honest, I didn't think she was so pretty before, but when I watched her sing on a show last week, wow, it was so charming..."

"Previously, many Heizi said that she was just a studio singer, but she sang a cappella directly on the show, which shocked everyone."

"I am invincible in the daytime..."


Listening to their discussion, Chen Xu knew how terrifying Bai Jinxuan's popularity is now. Those eleven songs are really too popular. Many passersby, even sunspots, have turned their fans. Now on the Internet, this has become a stalk.

Soon, everyone went to their own room.

Chen Xu and Luo Xiyun lived in the same room. After the door was closed, they listened to her to say, "If you want to see her, go."

"I'm here to accompany you." Chen Xu went to help take out the suitcase.

The exhibition will last three days, plus today, four nights to live, so a lot of luggage.

After finishing packing things, Chen Xu did not go out, took out his laptop and started to work.

Before I knew it, it was night.

Luo Xiyun glanced at the time and said to Chen Xu, who was still busy at the computer, "Let's go downstairs for dinner."

"Yeah." Chen Xu closed the computer after saving the data. Go out with her.

At the restaurant on the second floor, the employees had arrived. They were talking enthusiastically. As soon as the two of Chen Xu arrived, they fell silent.

Luo Xiyun beckoned and called the waiter over and started ordering. After ordering a few items, he handed the menu to Chen Xu. He said, "Look at it."

After a while, the dishes came.

While eating, Chen Xu saw an acquaintance come in by surprise. It was the boss of Bai Jinxuan's brokerage company, the woman named Shao Qing.

She came with others, and after sitting down with her companion, she walked over here.

"Long time no see, what a coincidence, I ran into you here." She smiled.

Chen Xu said, "Yeah, it's been a long time. Looking at your complexion, you have had a good time recently."

"It's okay." Shao Qing looked at Luo Xiyun who was sitting next to him and asked, "This is..."

"My girlfriend." Chen Xu said, but he didn't mean to introduce them to each other.

Shao Qing said, "Oh. Good meeting, good meeting."

Luo Xiyun nodded slightly to show politeness, but did not speak.

"I have friends over there, I'll go there first." Shao Qing finished speaking and left. It seems that it is really here to say hello.

After Chen Xu waited for her to leave, he whispered to Luo Xiyun, "She is the boss of a brokerage company."

He did not say his name, and Luo Xiyun also understood.

This episode did not affect the atmosphere at the dinner table.

After eating, Chen Xu said to Luo Xiyun, "Go up first, I'll talk to that person about something."

"Okay." Luo Xiyun didn't say much, and followed everyone upstairs.

Chen Xu sat alone, and after a while, Shao Qing also sent her friend away, walked over, and sat opposite him.

She praised, "Your girlfriend is so beautiful."

"thank you."

"Does she know about you and Jin Xuan?"

Chen Xu said, "It has nothing to do with you. I am looking for you to ask something."

Shao Qing said with a smile on his face, "What's the matter?"

Chen Xu asked, "What is the equity structure of your brokerage company?"

"What are you asking about this? Do you still want to inject capital into our company?" Shao Qing asked rhetorically.

"I just want to buy some shares from some shareholders."

Shao Qing looked into his eyes. Seeing that he didn't seem to be joking, his expression became more serious. He shook his head and said, "You should know that in companies like ours, shares cannot be bought with money."

"That's because the money given is not enough." Chen Xu said, "I hope you can convey it, maybe they are willing to talk."

Shao Qing watched him for a while, and then slowly said, "Do you know what it means to be a top traffic, plus a creative and powerful singer? Jinxuan is now a gold mine, and no one will let it go. Opportunities to make money. Don’t think about it."

Chen Xu picked up the cup, took a sip of water, and said, "What is the penalty for the brokerage contract that Jinxuan signed that year? 1.2 billion, right? You tell the shareholders behind the company that if they refuse to sell their shares, I paid for this money."

Shao Qing's expression changed a little. Her first reaction was that this kid bragged not to draft, but for some reason, she did not dare to say the irony.

Maybe it's because when he talks about 1.2 billion, his tone is too relaxed?

She said cautiously, "This is 1.2 billion."

"Actually, it doesn't matter if you have money or not. It's just that your agency has squeezed her too hard. It's a show and a commercial act. It's hard for me to see her. I'm very unhappy."

"Now, I give you two choices, either, I buy 51% of the shares. Or, I pay for the liquidated damages. However, I have to remind you that I am stingy. They think it over."

Chen Xu finished speaking, stood up, and left the restaurant.

ps: Ask for a monthly pass.

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