My Exclusive Dream Game

Chapter 342: Formal area

Bai Jinxuan accompanied Chen Xu in the game for more than a month. In reality, it was probably an hour later.

In fact, she is also very busy. When she received the invitation to enter the game, she was recording a show. Then, she said that she was tired and wanted to take a break, so the program team announced a break.

She threw away all important work and came to accompany Chen Xu. The main reason was that the two had too little time to meet, so she cherished it twice.

As for whether there will be rumors of her playing big names in the future, she can't control it.

However, it is difficult for her to keep the program set there forever. One hour is long enough, and it is not appropriate to drag it any longer. Therefore, although she was reluctant to give up, she decided to leave the game.

As soon as she left, Chen Xu also quit the game. He felt a little helpless. He originally wanted to accompany them in a more leisurely and more relaxed life. As a result, each of them was busier than the other, and it was him who was the most free.

In the end, he actually wanted to be alone in the game without anyone to accompany him. Where does this make sense.

He still has a lot of time, and he can stay until tomorrow morning, and there are still more than ten hours. So, I re-selected a game to enter.

He is not very interested in the mainstream fighting games and upgrades. He prefers to try other types, such as gunfighting, fighting, and various sports...

"Your points are up to the standard, and you are about to enter the official game area, countdown, three, two, one..."

Chen Xu was on the edge of a beach, lying on a surfboard, struggling to crawl towards a huge wave. Halfway through the climb, he heard a prompt and was taken aback. Then, the screen in front of him turned, and he had automatically exited the game.

He appeared in a larger square, looking bigger and more crowded. It can't even be called a square, because it's too big to see the side at a glance.

He looked at it curiously, maybe because the venue was too big, the people here didn't seem so crowded.

He thought of Shang Mu, so he sent a message over, "I'm here."

After a while, I didn't receive a reply, knowing that this guy was mostly in the game.

They have already added friends. If both of them are in the square, they can send messages at will. But if one party is in the game, no information will be received.

However, before entering the game, the shepherd sent a message to tell him the name of the game.

He didn't rush to make a decision, but thought about it. When in the novice zone, he can enjoy all kinds of games. But when you come to the official area, you have to start thinking about earning credit.

The monthly internet fee is 3,000, that is to say, on average, he earns at least 1,000 credits a day. Here, you have to deduct the time you first entered the game. When you are at a low level, you want to make money? That is dreaming.

"Which game should I choose?"

He recalled the posts he read before, teaching some people who aspire to become professional gamers, how to choose games.

In the dream device, the number of games still running exceeds 100 million. From any classification point, the top ten most popular games have the most money-making opportunities. Similarly, professional players also have the most opportunities.

As a newcomer, these popular games are not the best choice, because these games often run for a period of time. The professional players inside have been playing for a long time, and the level equipment must be very high. As a latecomer, it will take a long time just to catch up to their level. In the early stage, you can make some hard money at most.

The competition is too fierce.

Therefore, it is best to choose a game that suits your talents and has the potential for fire. If the vision is good enough, making money is a breeze when the game becomes popular.

Even if the game doesn't catch on and become the top player in the game, there is definitely a chance to make money.

Of course, if the game cannot continue to operate and goes bankrupt, it is really a blood loss.

As for the game selected by the Mushang, it is a popular game that has occupied the top category for a long time, and a new area just opened.

This is a common gameplay of popular games. A well-known game is equivalent to a high-quality ip. Opening a new area is like shooting a sequel to a once-hot movie, with low risk and high returns.

This game has been popular for many years and is a very long-lived game. This time, the fifty-third division was opened. One can imagine how awesome this ip is.

Chen Xu thought for a while, and decided to go to this game to join the Mu Merchant. In terms of vision, he felt that he was definitely not as good as a shepherd merchant. He had determined to be a professional player a long time ago, and his understanding of the game was far above him.

Moreover, the two people worked together very happily before, playing games together, there is also a caregiving.

After he made the decision, he didn't wait a minute, and immediately chose to enter the game.


When Chen Xu opened his eyes, he saw the blue sky.

He stood up. There was a piece of grass here, with two corpses lying beside him. Judging from the wounds on his body, it was likely that he was bitten to death by a wild animal.

"Am I a policeman?"

He guessed in his heart that this was the identity the game had arranged for him.

[Novice task, kill a mutant black wolf. Success, gain 50 experience, failure, death. 】

This game is a comprehensive game. What does it mean? Players of any type can find their favorite items in this game.

For those who like to fight and kill, the game will arrange the corresponding identity for you, and then through various tasks, let you continue to fight and upgrade.

Here, you can fight alone, you can also form a team with others, and even enter some dungeons, you can command a large group of NPCs to fight.

Like fighting, can participate in fighting competitions, like music, can participate in music competitions, like to play, can participate in ball games...

All in all, in this game, only you can't, nothing can't be done.

This game also has a name called Second Life. Players can treat this as a second life. It is said that its history is almost as long as the Dreamland device.

For a long time, this game has the largest number of online users.

When entering the game, the game will arrange your background according to your own talents.

It is normal for him to be assigned a policeman's identity with precise throwing and a sense of crisis.

Chen Xu looked around vigilantly, with his hand already pulling out the gun from his waist.


Suddenly, there was a sudden warning in his heart, and when he turned his head, he saw a world-wide black shadow rushing towards him. The gun in his hand was fired, and with a bang, the dark shadow fell down.

[Complete the task, kill a mutant black wolf, get 50 experience room]

He was slightly relieved when he saw this prompt.

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