My Exclusive Dream Game

Chapter 345: Transfer

Almost alone killed a group of horse thieves, Chen Xu truly became the hero of the town this time.

He felt that if this game had a reputation system, he estimated that his reputation had already been revered in the town.

The scene was messy everywhere, he didn't wait much, and quickly got rid of the crowd, and went back to the dormitory to rest.

After the character entered the resting state, he boarded the game's internal forum and browsed the above posts. The most conspicuous are the few official posts on the top.

The first one is the ranking list. After clicking it, it is a total ranking list. The highest one is already thirty-five. Her name is Cang Yue, and she is a female from a Western country.

There are only a thousand people listed above, the first three hundred are all of level 35, and the rest are all of level 34. The gap is very small.

Then, he looked at other lists. On the homepage, there were ten lists, which were also the most influential lists. In addition to the rank list, it is the personal strength list, the personal wealth list, and so on.

In addition, there are many classified lists, which add up to hundreds of them. In these lists, it is estimated that many of them are duplicates. For example, the top of the ranking list and the personal strength list is the woman named Cang Yue. At present, it can be called the first person in the district.

How is the personal power ranking ranked? Every two years, the official will hold a full service area arena, as long as the level meets certain conditions, you can participate. Let these players decide the outcome.

Not long ago, the first round of the ring game was only finished and ranked on this list.

In the game, various competitions really emerge in endlessly, such as marksmanship competitions, swordsmanship competitions, pharmaceutical competitions and so on. Therefore, there are so many lists.

He looked for a while, got a little understanding, and then returned to the homepage.

The second official post is about various records and achievements. Players who broke 10th, 20th, and 30th levels first, etc., were the first to be transferred to be Transcendent, the record holder of each dungeon...

He clicked on the post and saw that there were more than 300 copies developed. As for the record, he doesn't care.

The main reason to come to the forum is to learn more about common sense.

There are a lot of free posts in this forum. If you take a moment to look through it, you can still get a lot of rewards.

He looked at it for a few hours.


Early the next morning, as soon as Chen Xu woke up, he received a new task to follow the bandit team that had come down from the county to copy the nest of the bandit.

Last night, there were two fish that slipped through the net, but they were caught by the townspeople before they ran far. The director sent someone to inform the county overnight, and the county took it very seriously, and immediately sent a bandit team down to completely wipe out the bandit.

Chen Xu was very curious. From some background information, he knew that the country he was in was just a few years after reunification, and it was chaotic everywhere, with banditry everywhere, and the smaller the place, the more chaotic.

The county actually sent someone over to suppress the bandits overnight. This is too efficient.

Then someone told him in a low voice that the number one in the county was from Chenjiaji, and many relatives lived here.

It was only then that he suddenly realized that this was the case.

At noon, the members of the suppression team arrived. There were a dozen people in total, wearing uniform uniforms, all with guns. They were obviously elites in the county.

After lunch, Chen Xu followed them, escorted the two captured bandits, and killed them towards the bandit’s nest.

There was no suspense in this battle, and the people who were left in the old nest of the bandits were taken away by a pot.

With his outstanding marksmanship, Chen Xu killed several more bandits, gained more than one hundred experience points again, and gained another level. Also got a few gold coins.

This time, everyone returned in triumph. Once again, he was warmly welcomed by the townspeople.

Next, Chen Xu concentrated on leveling here.

As time went by, there were more and more players in the town. One month later, when Chen Xu's level was close to twenty, the number of players in the town had exceeded 10,000.

There are more players, the monsters in the wild also increase, and there are several copies, so don't worry about no monsters to kill.

Level 20 is a hurdle. It needs to be transferred, and it is necessary to do the required transfer tasks.

The first transfer is very important and determines the future direction of development.

He didn't hesitate much, so he decided to keep going on the path of the gunman. He has this talent.

If you want to change your job, you must go to the county seat. That is to turn a big map.

When he succeeded in reaching the twentieth level, he received a transfer order and was transferred to the county in view of the credit he made. He doesn't need to worry about going to the county at all.

It took him a long time to reach the county seat. Before entering the city, he saw countless players fighting monsters, almost blocking the way into the city, which looked strange and scary.

There are probably more than ten times more players in the county than in the town.

He entered the county town, and after he went to the police station to report on his duties, he began to perform job transfer tasks.

The people on the forum concluded that the twentieth-level transfer tasks are strange, and basically everyone's tasks are different. And looking at the degree of completion, the higher the degree of completion, the more benefits you will get when you change jobs.

The transfer task he received was to go to a manor outside the city to rescue a rich man who had been kidnapped. The time is one day.

There is no doubt that this is a special copy task. If it is a normal map, such a task has already been done by the player.

He took the task card, went to the designated place, and saw a manor with the door open. He checked the equipment, confirmed that there was no problem, and walked in.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw four people approaching oncomingly. When he saw him, he pulled out the guns without saying a word.

He was faster, and before they fired, he solved them.

In this case, he could only bite the bullet and rush in.

ten minutes later--

Chen Xu reappeared at the gate, spitting out, "Fuck!"

There are too many enemies in this manor, and there are more than 30 in total, which is nothing. These people are scattered, to him is just a food delivery.

Ascending to level 20, his physical fitness has been greatly improved, strength, physique, speed, etc., is simply a little superman.

The problem is that at the last level, when I pushed the door to enter, there were ten guns facing him, directly sifting him into a sieve.

Fortunately, after this kind of job transfer task is dead, there will be no loss of level and equipment, otherwise it will be too troublesome to start from the beginning.

He thought about it, and then went in for the second time.

This time, there were more than a dozen enemies in the manor. Before reaching the end, it was in danger and almost died several times.

This is the most difficult part of the job transfer task. If you fail the first time, try again later. It is more difficult than ever.

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