My Exclusive Dream Game

Chapter 347: No need

Volume 347 of my exclusive dream game text does not need Chen Xu to rise to level 30. After Chen Xu has reached level 30, his strength has once again greatly increased, and after playing this game for so long, he has also learned more coping methods.

After two attempts, he successfully completed the task, successfully transferred for the second time, and obtained a new piece of equipment, a larger pistol, which can be loaded with 16 bullets, and its power is also higher than the previous one. Doubled. Of course, the price of bullets is also twice as expensive.

At this time, it can be said that the shotgun was changed. Have enough strength to do extraordinary tasks with the shepherd merchants.

However, this matter can only be put aside first, because the game is about to close.

There is a mandatory clause for Dreamland Equipment, players can only play for eight hours a day, and in the game, exactly one year. It must be forced offline.

In this case, it causes a problem. If the game has been running, the player must quit the game after one year of playing and wait for the next day to come in. Two years have passed in the game, and the progress of the plot spans too long to play.

Therefore, in order to accommodate the game time of most players, many games generally force all players to quit after running for one year, pause the time, and shut down the server. After two years, the server will be reopened to allow players to enter.

In this way, the vast majority of players will not miss the development of the game.

There will be a reminder before the game is closed. After Chen Xu's second turn, there were only a few days left, and he was definitely unable to complete extraordinary missions. Just make an appointment to do the task the next time you go online.

On the day before the game was closed, the two went offline early.

At this time, it was only two or three o'clock in the middle of the night in reality. There is still time, he picked another game, anyway, he has a lot of game time accumulated before.

The second game he picked is also a very popular game, "Fighting". It just happens that the game time is staggered with "Second Life".


At five o'clock in the morning, Chen Xu woke up, put on sportswear, and went downstairs for a morning run.

The temperature here in the capital was colder, and it was very dry, and the air was not so good, which made him a little uncomfortable. He ended his exercise half an hour earlier than usual and returned to the hotel.

After eight o'clock, Chen Xu was copying codes with a laptop computer, and he heard a knock on the door outside, while holding the computer in one hand, he walked over to open the door.

It was Cai Weiye who knocked on the door, and there was another person behind him, that was his assistant.

"So early?" Chen Xu glanced at him, then turned his attention to the computer, and asked casually.

Cai Weiye looked a little apprehensive and said, "Boss, I'm sorry, there was a traffic jam yesterday, and I didn't pick you up at the airport. I knew you were at the hotel, and I rushed over immediately, but Secretary Wen said that you were resting, so I didn't come in to bother you."

Chen Xu remembered that there was such a thing. At that time, he was eager to enter the dream game, and he couldn't take care of anything else.

He walked to the sofa and sat down and said, "It's okay, it's fine if you have this heart."

Cai Weiye looked a little silly, standing in front of him, did not dare to sit down.

Chen Xu looked up at him and said, "Sit down, what are you doing while standing?"

"It doesn't matter, I just stand."

Chen Xu's thoughts turned and he roughly guessed his thoughts. He must have thought he was angry and deliberately missed him yesterday. He didn't explain much, just stand as he likes to stand.

"How about the new products of those battery companies?"

Cai Weiye hurriedly replied, "It has done a good job. Several companies have made batteries with similar capacity, which can make the range of electric vehicles reach about 600 to 700 kilometers."

It is not that a higher capacity cannot be achieved, but it is not cost-effective. This capacity is the most cost-effective choice.

At this time, someone knocked on the door again.

Cai Weiye took the initiative to go over, looked in front of the cat's eyes, and said, "It's Secretary Wen." Then he opened the door.

Secretary Wen came with breakfast, saw him, said hello, "Boss Cai."

Cai Weiye is in charge of a laboratory. Everyone under his hand calls his boss, and others just follow suit.

"Secretary Wen is early." Cai Weiye didn't dare to ask for a big deal, and said hello politely.

Chen Xu asked him, "Have you had breakfast?"

"I have eaten in the car."

"Yeah." Chen Xu ignored him and went to eat breakfast.

"Then, I will wait for you downstairs." Cai Weiye did not stay here to disturb him, and left with his assistant.


Cai Weiye took his assistant to the lobby on the first floor and waited patiently.

His assistant was named Lin and Lin Lei, who was both a fellow and a junior, one term below him. His hometown is a small county, he is already in the best high school, and not many can be admitted to prestigious universities every year. Even fewer pass the test from other provinces.

When Lin Lei went to the university to report, he still picked it up at the station. From undergraduate to postgraduate to Ph.D., the two have a very good relationship.

Therefore, after Cai Weiye achieved great success in his career, he also wanted to promote his younger brother.

Lin Lei couldn't help fighting the injustice, "Brother Ye, even if he is the gold master, we don't need to be like this."

Just now, Cai Weiye's attitude was too humble, he really couldn't see it.

As several major battery companies announced the launch of a new generation of lithium batteries, Cai Weiye's original thesis was once again dug out, and his academic status continued to rise.

These days, after coming to the capital, several major companies treat them more courteously. Even the company's executives, in front of Cai Weiye, must respectfully call "Teacher Cai".

It is no exaggeration to say that Cai Weiye's academic status and influence are higher than some doctoral supervisors.

As a result, in front of Chen Xu, he almost bowed to his knees.

Lin Lei felt aggrieved.

Cai Weiye said, "What do you know, Chen is always my Bole, without him, where is my achievement today?"

Lin Lei said unconvinced, "But, you have also brought him a generous return. I heard that several major companies have spent billions to obtain patent authorization and share the sales of batteries. These, It's all in his pocket."

Hundreds of billions, what a fortune this is. No matter how great the kindness is, it will be enough to pay off.

Cai Weiye couldn't help being silent. Lin Lei came here after the laboratory was expanded, and many things were unclear. He himself understands that the laboratory was bought by President Chen with money, and the experimental plan was also designed by President Chen. Even the experiments were done by people under his hands.

His only contribution is to write the content of the experiment into a paper.

Only he and the first few experimenters knew about this matter.

Chen Xu didn't treat them badly either. He gave out several million in bonuses, and also paid an extra 100 million and bought a lot of experimental equipment. They also recruited troops to expand the scale of the laboratory.

Of course, in the eyes of unsuspecting people, he suffered a big loss. After all, he was the first author on that paper.

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