My Exclusive Dream Game

Chapter 349: Wander around

In the afternoon, the meeting finally ended. Soon, Cai Weiye was surrounded by people. Chen Xu smiled secretly when he watched this scene. This is the trouble after becoming famous.

Of course, in many people's minds, this is a good thing to ask for. Just like Cai Weiye now, he seems to be enjoying it.

"Mr. Chen."

Someone came to him. He was one of the bosses of several battery companies. He seemed to be in his fifties. He was thin and smiled enthusiastically.

Chen Xu stepped forward to shake hands with him, "General Manager Gao."

Mr. Gao said, "Is Mr. Chen free tonight? I have a private banquet and would like to invite you to the banquet."

"I'm sorry, I still have work at night, next time, ah." Chen Xu declined.

"Oh, that's all right." Mr. Gao said, and left.

After leaving the hall, Secretary Wen reminded him in a low voice, "Mr Gao didn't seem to be very happy just now."

"Really." Chen Xu didn't care very much.

At banquets like this, they all boasted about eating, drinking, and drinking. He was really not good at this, and he didn't want to waste time on such interpersonal communication.

As for such rejection, he doesn't care whether it will save others' face.

Secretary Wen also mentioned a sentence without saying more.

After getting in the car, Chen Xu said, "By the way, you can come for me for tomorrow's meeting. I won't come here. If you have any problems, just call me."

"Okay, Mr. Chen." Secretary Wen followed him for a while, knowing that he was impatient to deal with such trivial matters, "Do you need someone to accompany you?"

"No, I just wander around."

He brought Secretary Wen with him this time, plus Cai Weiye and his assistants, there was no other manpower. It’s not difficult to find someone. It’s easy to transfer someone from the battery company. Otherwise, you can also find Yang Jinxia. She has someone here.

However, he felt that this was a trivial matter, and there was no need to cause such trouble.


At night, Chen Xu went into a dream again, and he also experienced some fun in the game "Second Life".

In reality, there are always various restrictions, even at a very high level, it is impossible to do whatever you want. It is not only legal, but also moral.

Only in the game, he can do some extraordinary things, kill monsters honestly, and even pk with people. Not to mention, it's quite addictive.

This year, he and herding merchants successfully completed the prerequisite tasks and became extraordinary.

In the game, it is almost 100% virtual reality, mastering extraordinary power, and feeling even more exciting. It seems to have fulfilled the wish of my youth.

After becoming a transcendent, he truly crosses a threshold and has the ability to earn credit.

This year, he also brought in Yang Jinxia, ​​how could he not bring his wife when playing games. He has already discussed with them, enter the game every three days, three people take turns in, no one is left behind.

There is nothing to say about the things in the game. It is nothing more than upgrading to fight monsters and doing tasks, and participating in some competitions by the way. The best result is in the second marksmanship competition, winning the thousand and ninety-third. It can be considered to have left his name on the marksmanship rankings.

As for Yang Jinxia, ​​he doesn't need to be promoted from Novice Village. She can follow him. After forming a team, she can get a part of the experience and upgrade quickly.


The next day, Chen Xu walked around the capital alone.

He didn't drive a car, he drove one on the Internet, and it was quite interesting to hear the driver talk about it all the time.

In fact, he doesn't like to go to scenic spots. The main reason is that there are many people and queues everywhere, which is too troublesome. This time I came here, but I didn't even enter the Forbidden City, so I went outside for a while and took some photos.

These days, if you don’t take some photos when you travel, it’s like you haven’t been there.


Chen Xu was flipping through the photos that he had just taken. Suddenly someone took a photo of him from behind. Looking back, they were two little girls, both wearing thick down jackets and their noses were red with cold. "Can you take some photos for us? ?"

"Okay." Chen Xu took the phone.

He didn't care about their titles, they were all Bensan people, and it was normal to be called an uncle. He usually wears a suit now, and looks rather old-fashioned.

When they were posed, he took several pictures in a row, returned the phone to them, and said, "Look at them, how are they doing."

"Thank you Uncle." The two girls looked through the photos together.

Chen Xu saw that they were in their early twenties, and the accent was not like those from the capital, so he asked casually, "Are you here to travel?"

"Yes, I came with my parents." One of the girls replied, "I heard people say that there are not so many people coming in winter."

Chen Xu looked at the people on the square, not to mention the crowds, it is by no means small.

The girl said, "Unexpectedly, there are so many people here in winter."

"Yes." Chen Xu chatted with them a few words, and then went shopping elsewhere. It can be seen that although the two girls took the initiative to strike up a conversation with him, they still maintained a certain degree of wariness.

It is good for girls to be cautious when they are away.

It was almost noon, and Chen Xu was hungry. He happened to pass by a hot pot restaurant and walked in. I'm tired of all the dishes on the banquet recently, and I want to change my taste. As soon as he walked in, the waiter asked him if he had an appointment. It turned out to be full.

When he was thinking of another home, he saw the two girls sitting in it and waved to him to indicate that they had a seat there.

He hesitated for a while before he walked over and smiled, "What a coincidence."

"Uncle, are you not following us?" one of the girls said, laughing like a silver bell. Of the two girls, she wants to be more cheerful and generous, and the other is more gentle and shy.

Chen Xu smiled and said, "Then you still call me over?"

This is a four-seater table. He sat opposite them, picked up the menu, and asked, "Have you ordered?"

"It's already ordered." The cheerful girl looked at him and said, "I don't look like a Beijinger from your accent."

"Well, I'm on a business trip." Chen Xu said while flipping through the menu.

This hot pot restaurant has a small pot for one person, so you can eat your own, and it doesn’t matter. He also saw this before he came over to sit at the same table with them.

The girl asked, "Where did you come from?"

After Chen Xu spoke, they were all a little excited and said, "So are we."

It was actually a fellow, and with this level of relationship, the sense of strangeness subsided a lot.

Chen Xu asked, "Are you college students?"

"Well, we are still in our sophomore year, so we took a leave of absence." The shy girl replied.

At this moment, there was a sudden noise at the next table. The three of them looked over and saw a man yelling at a pair of men and women at that table, and the woman explained a few words.

The man became more excited, and suddenly walked over, grabbed the hot pot on the table, and poured a pot of hot soup on the man sitting at the table.

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