My Exclusive Dream Game

Chapter 353: Cross-border strike

After Chen Xu joined the company, he saw that the employees were busy with their own affairs, and they were very focused. It seems that Luo Xiyun is not there, and the company's operation is still normal.

He strolled around the company and was quite satisfied. Now, the first generation of VR glasses equipment is about to start production. Luo Xiyun went abroad this time to customize the production line.

Luo Xiyun is going to take the route of foundry. This is a general trend. Just like mobile phone manufacturers, all major companies hand over production to foundries.

Now, the OEM is being discussed, mainly because the products of Future Vision are very different from the VR equipment on the market, and there is no ready-made production line. Need to order, in this regard, there is more background in foreign countries.

In fact, in addition to the problems of the production line, there are also the procurement of various parts, which need to be discussed one by one.

This is the trouble with entities. In the future, when Yunxu Company becomes bigger, it will form a stable and healthy supply system, which will test the company's management level very much.

The biggest problem here is that there is no experience. Some time ago, Luo Xiyun dug a few people from other companies, specifically responsible for the production of this piece. However, she didn't let go all of her hands, and ran with her.

Chen Xu can't help with these things for the time being. Of course he understands the production line, but he only understands the technical aspects. After the data center is built, he can help build an automated production line.

However, Luo Xiyun obviously couldn't wait for that time.

Now, the various departments of the company are not idle, and the promotion has not been left behind, advertising through various channels to enhance the popularity of the product.

The software department is the busiest. In addition to improving the vr device operating system, it also provides various technical support to independent vr game and vr film and television content companies.

This department is also the department with the most people in the company, accounting for more than half of the total number of people in the company. Since its establishment, it has continuously increased its manpower.

There is no way, in order to maximize the operating capabilities of the equipment under the current hardware conditions, Luo Xiyun has come up with a brand new programming language from the beginning. Today, this language is called the Roche language by people in the company.

There are two versions of Roche language, one is Chinese and the other is English.

At present, most people in the company are using the Chinese version, the reason is very simple, it is easier to learn.

It's just a little more relaxed. As a programming language, it has a very rigorous logic. To master, you need to learn some logical knowledge. If there is no foundation at all, it is not so easy to learn.

In addition to the language used in the operating system, the development of software, videos, games, etc. based on this environment also uses this language.

Therefore, this language must be promoted as soon as possible. The employees of these software departments are the seeds of the future.

Luo Xiyun has made a plan. After the sales of vr glasses have a certain foundation, they will encourage employees in the software department to go out and start businesses, let them do content, and provide some support.


Chen Xu felt very troublesome when he thought of these things. I couldn't help but feel distressed for Xiyun. She just wants to be an entity, and she is still engaged in high-tech. There are too many links involved.

Yang Jinxia is the same, even if he is engaged in flash memory particles, he also wants to be a mobile phone. Those who want to be successful are all hard work, not easy.

They are too ambitious. In comparison, he has a lot of salted fish, choosing the easiest way to push others to the front desk, hiding behind the scenes, and reaping the profit.

"This machine is really too hanging."

Chen Xu came to the video company, and as soon as he walked in, he heard a somewhat excited voice. He immediately recognized the owner of the voice, the director Wang of the animation project he had met through Chen Chao.

Director Wang looks very young, less than thirty. He didn't have a background in animation. He entered this business because of his passion for animation. He had participated in two animated movies that were very popular before. He felt that he had accumulated enough and jumped out of himself. Be a director. The project is exactly Erlangshen.

The script is readily available, and there are a lot of character modeling, scenes, and even the sub-shots, he prepared in advance.

It was because he saw that he was prepared so well that Luo Xiyun quickly finalized the cooperation plan.

After signing the contract, Director Wang came over with his team and couldn't wait to start work.

Chen Xu saw a group of people surrounded by a display screen, all of them excited, stepped forward and asked, "Director Wang, what's the matter?"

"Mr. Chen." Director Wang found out that he was coming, and asked expectantly, "Do you sell this machine?"

Chen Xu looked at the screen. This machine was made by him to make special effects. It can do special effects for games, movies, and animations.

He shook his head and said, "You said this, sorry, this is independently developed by our company. At present, it is not for sale."

Director Wang was a little disappointed and sighed, "That would be a pity. With this machine, at least the animation production cycle can be greatly shortened. According to this progress, I am confident that the movie will be made within a year. "

As he said, there are still some regrets. At present, the level of domestic special effects companies is still not high enough. With insufficient funds, they can only rely on time to slowly wear down. It is normal for an animated film to last for several years.

If the production cycle can be shortened to one year, it is a great thing for animators.

"Your company's technology is really powerful." Director Wang also understands how difficult it is to do this. Then, he asked curiously, "How much does this set of equipment cost? "

Chen Xu didn't hide it from him, saying, "The investment in hardware alone costs 20 million yuan."

Just a machine can not support the production of special effects. In the back, there is a huge set of servers to provide computing support.

Director Wang was a little surprised. This number was much lower than he thought.

Chen Xu continued, “As for the software, it’s not easy to calculate.”

Director Wang suddenly, indeed, the most important thing here is obviously the entire production software. He is not someone who has never seen the world, he has also been to a foreign special effects company. Many of these large-scale professional software are developed by their own homes, which are considered core technologies and will not be sold casually.

He said with some emotion, “I’ve heard people say that the one who defeated you may not be your peers, but a cross-industry. Now I have finally learned. If your company changes to help people do special effects, domestic special effects companies estimate A large piece of death."

Chen Xu smiled and said nothing. In this regard, the company does have relevant plans. At present, the domestic film industry is so profitable, how could he turn a blind eye to it.

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