My Exclusive Dream Game

Chapter 380: just one time

Luo Xiyun looked in the direction where Chen Xu was, judging from his voice, he was at least half a meter away from her, just as usual.

This is really a weird person.

In such a dark and enclosed environment, a normal person would instinctively move closer to others, but he still keeps a distance from her.

For a moment, an annoyed mood surged in her heart. I took back what I wanted to say, and didn't want to make a sound anymore.

After a while, she suddenly felt a bit of coolness, soaking her skin through her thin clothes, she couldn't help but shiver.

Chen Xu took the initiative and said, "Do you think it's a bit cold?"

"Yeah." Luo Xiyun was also very puzzled. It is now the end of December. After a cold air in the first two days, the lowest temperature dropped below five degrees, the coldest time since the beginning of winter.

However, there is heating in the building. She basically does not go out and wears less, just two, one for primer and one thin coat.

"It seems that the heating was stopped." Chen Xu said.

There is no one in the building at night, so it is natural to turn off the heating, but the building is relatively closed and the temperature drops relatively slowly. It is only now that they noticed it.

Luo Xiyun's heart sank. She did not think of this before. She usually focuses on work and doesn't care about such trivial matters. It was only when Chen Xuyi reminded him that he realized the seriousness of the matter.

It's just getting worse.

I don't know if it was a psychological effect. She felt that the temperature around her was getting lower and lower, and she couldn't help holding her arms and rubbing them hard.

Chen Xu's voice came, "You wear my coat..."

"No need." She interrupted him without waiting for him to finish.

Next, the two stopped talking, and there was a long silence.

As time passed, the elevator room became colder and colder. Luo Xiyun’s breathing became heavier, his body was trembling slightly, and his feet became sore. On the bag. The legs were relieved at once.

She let out a sigh of relief, hugged her knees in her hands, and huddled in the corner, tired and sleepy, and she fell asleep gradually.

She slept very shallowly and faintly. She felt warm. She wanted to open her eyes, but her eyelids were so heavy that she couldn't open them. In a blink of an eye, she fell asleep again. This time, she slept much more peacefully.


I don't know how long it took, Luo Xiyun suddenly woke up, and found something was wrong for the first time. He was covered with something, and with a strange breath, he subconsciously pushed away.

"You're awake" Chen Xu's words stopped abruptly.

In the dark, she heard the shaking of her clothes and knew what was covering her body just now. I didn't know what to say for a while.

She naturally knew that Chen Xu was kind and afraid that she was cold, so she covered her with clothes. It is very impolite for her to throw the clothes directly on the ground in this way.

However, this caused her psychological discomfort, which was completely subconscious just now.

Through this time of getting along, she can feel that Chen Xu is a person with strong self-esteem, and his reaction just now has explained everything.

She wanted to apologize, but when she reached her lips, she couldn't say it. She even felt wronged in her heart. It was obviously an act she disliked, so why should she apologize.

For a while, the atmosphere froze there.

Just a few minutes later, Luo Xiyun saw that Chen Xu had not been moving, and he was tangled for a while, ready to speak, "That"

Just said two words, her eyes suddenly lit up, and the bright light pierced her eyes. She closed her eyes subconsciously, and she was in a daze before realizing what had happened.

The power was restored.


She exclaimed and stood up a little excited, who knew her feet were soft and almost fell to the ground, hurriedly holding on to the wall.

Finally saved.

She was overjoyed in her heart, and she managed to open her eyes. In a white field of vision, she vaguely saw the words emergency braking on the digital display. Then, Chen Xu's figure appeared in the field of vision. He walked to the display screen and pressed the emergency button.

He said loudly, "Anyone, we are trapped in the elevator."

After a few seconds, the other end finally responded, "Sir, don't worry, we will send someone to rescue you immediately. How many people are there in the elevator?"

Luo Xiyun heard the response and finally heaved a sigh of relief in her heart.

"Two." After Chen Xu finished speaking, he asked again, "What happened? Okay, how could the elevator fail?"

The other party replied, "It's not the elevator problem. The power system of the entire building was suddenly interrupted. After several hours of rush repairs, it recovered."

"how so?"

"This is not clear."

"No, shouldn't the elevator be equipped with dual power supplies? Even if there is a power outage, there should be emergency lights and the like."

"I'm really not sure about this."

When Luo Xiyun heard the conversation between the two, he realized that the security of the building was wrong before. It turned out that there was a problem with the entire power system. In order to make repairs, it is not surprising that no one was found trapped in the elevator.

The rescue came quickly, and they were rescued ten minutes later.


After Luo Xiyun and Chen Xu got out of their traps, after thanking the rescuers, they walked up the stairs one after another. They didn't dare to take the elevator at this time. Fortunately, there were only six floors left, not too many.

At this time, it was already more than four in the morning, and the two of them were trapped in the elevator for seven hours.

"I'll send you back." Luo Xiyun just noticed that Chen Xu's face was a little pale. It must have been cold in the elevator just now.

He didn't wear much, two in total, a shirt and a thick coat. The coat was covered with her, and there was only one shirt left. After several hours of freezing, she knew how uncomfortable she was after thinking about it.

She felt a little uneasy and said.

"Thank you," Chen Xu said without looking back.

When they walked to the parking lot on the first floor, both of them were a little panting, especially Luo Xiyun. After standing for a few hours, his legs were sore and sore, they walked six floors, almost unable to walk.

Finally came to the car.

Chen Xu said, "Let me drive."

Luo Xiyun hesitated for a while, knowing that he was in this state and indeed not suitable for driving, so he took out the key and handed it over.

After getting in the car, she looked at Chen Xu sitting in her car with a painful look in her eyes. Normally, no one was allowed to ride in her car except Liu Yumeng. Now a man came up in the driver's seat.

Chen Xu quickly started the car and drove out of the underground garage.

It's already late in the night, and there are very few cars outside.

"Are you hungry?" he asked suddenly.

Luo Xiyun swallowed subconsciously, and after tossing for most of the night, she was already starving. When he mentioned it, his stomach was even more hungry.

However, what to eat at this time?

Soon, Chen Xu parked the car in front of a convenience store at the intersection and left a sentence, "Wait for a few minutes." Then he got off.

She can only wait in the car.

A few minutes later, Chen Xu came over with two buckets of instant noodles.

"I don't eat this." Luo Xiyun said hurriedly. She never touched this kind of convenience food.

"Take it." Chen Xu forcibly stuffed it, then picked up the fork, tore off the lid on it, and started to eat.

The unique scent of instant noodles instantly filled the car, Luo Xiyun's throat moved a few times, and the heavens and humans fought for a while, still picked up the fork.

[Just eat it once. 】

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