My Exclusive Dream World Adventures

Vol 2 Chapter 156: Positive response

Chen Xu took out a box from under the wheelchair and took out a pair of fogstone glasses to put on. With the machine gun in his hand and pulling the bolt, the speed of the wheelchair was mentioned as fast as possible, bypassing the robot on the ground and leaving the hospital.

The entire military camp was built on the ground, completely shrouded in dense fog. Through the fogstone glasses, you can see a battlefield like a comic.

In the sky, a transport plane passed by, the cabin opened, and numerous parachutes were densely packed, covering the entire sky, too far apart, many details could not be outlined, and only black spots, large or small, could be seen.

Occasionally, a transport plane was shot and exploded into a black flame.

There were deafening gunfire and gunfire everywhere. That was the anti-aircraft gun and anti-aircraft machine gun at the base.


On a temporary board room more than 20 meters away, a robot falling from the sky broke the roof, demolished the entire wall, and rushed out.


Chen Xu slammed a bullet directly, breaking his eyes and breaking through the core chip in his head.

"It seems that even the artificial intelligence of Niucha can avoid the inherent shortcomings of artificial intelligence." He thought to himself.

He used to dissect the robot and knew its bullet point, that is, the head, and the core chip is in the brain. Obviously, this is exactly a model of human beings.

In fact, compared with the body, the robot's head is relatively small, and the relatively fragile eye part has insufficient protection ability. This design is not usually a big problem. When a war occurs, there is an obvious weakness.

This is something everyone can think of. But obviously, "Tai Chi" didn't realize it. This batch of robots should belong to the new generation. They have discarded the silicone on the surface of the body and made all-metal structures.

Unfortunately, the weakness of the head still exists.

If "Tai Chi" is a little smarter, put the chip on the chest, and then install steel plates on the front and back. The small pistol he just made was impossible to penetrate.

In the sky, more and more parachutes fell to the ground, and fierce fighting with human soldiers on the ground.

Chen Xu was in a wheelchair and walked all the way. He saw that the fighting was extremely fierce and the two sides suffered deaths and injuries. However, it can be seen that the human side is controlling the situation.

Obviously, the robot could not solve the problem of the control range in the dense fog. After ten meters away, it became blind. The human warrior, wearing fogstone glasses, can see it clearly and hide away, just like bullying the blind man.

In such a fierce battlefield, Chen Xu sat on a chair wheel and passed by, becoming a spectacle. Many soldiers were surprised when they saw this scene, and some people shouted loudly to let him hide.

Chen Xu bowed his head, avoiding a stone flying over, aimed at a robot not far away from the house, pulled the trigger, and only the sound of a knocking pin hitting the air.

No more bullets.

He threw away the machine gun and saw an injured soldier lying against the wall, covering his wound with his hand, and coughing up blood in his mouth.

When he controlled the wheelchair and walked over, the soldier had no sound, and stared at him hollowly. There was a penetrating wound on his chest and blood flowed to the ground.

Chen Xu reached out his hand, silently closed his eyelids, took the gun in his hand, and proceeded.

He went through most of the battlefield, changed several guns in his hand, and killed several robots along the way. He didn't remember it.

He finally came to the building where the propaganda team was located, looking at the floor that had collapsed for most of the time, he held the gun in his hand, controlled the wheelchair, and found the emergency evacuation underground entrance.

The barracks had been fully prepared early in the morning, especially from the information that when the robot was about to strike, the entire camp had conducted several exercises.

In order to ensure that in the event of an attack, the non-combatants on the ground are evacuated to the underground bunker at the fastest speed.

An entrance to the underground passage is built next to each building. That's not hard to find, it's just on the cement road, it looks like a manhole cover.

He came to Bai Jinxuan specifically, but he was a little bit relieved. Second, he knew he couldn't hide.

At the end of the last dream, the system actually asked him to write a testimonial in order to get a reward. He knew that the creators had clearly a purpose in developing this dream game.

With this in mind, other potential rules can be derived. This is not a regular game and it is definitely impossible to survive.

If he does that, there will be various accidents around him, which will put him at greater risk.

Just like now, if he is unwilling to face the battlefield and hide in an underground bunker, there may be a nuclear / bomb washout, which will level out the surrounding forces that he relies on, leaving him nowhere to hide.

Although it was only his guess, now he does not want to test whether this guess is correct.

He knew this was a dream, but after spending more than two months here, he had certain feelings for this place and the people here, and he couldn't bear to watch the camp being destroyed.

So he went straight to the battlefield and came here.

As he was about to open the entrance to the underground passage, he heard something falling from above. Looking up, I saw five robots falling.

He knew immediately that this was his test.

At this moment, the entrance of the underground passageway was pushed away, and Bai Jinxuan's head protruded from the inside, with tears in his eyes and a choked throat, "Chen Xu, I'm here."

"Hide back."

Chen Xu sighed and drove the speed of the wheelchair to the maximum, and then left quickly.

The five robots that just landed heard the movement and fired in that direction. A large number of bullets were dumped and the concrete floor was poured.

Bai Jinxuan responded quickly. When he heard Chen Xu's words, he retracted and closed the thick metal door. The bullet hit it, making a gurgling noise. If it is a little slower, it will be sieved.

Chen Xu controlled the wheelchair and rushed to the nearest building. There were many rubble bricks on the ground. He leaned back and emptied the small wheels in front. The large wheels quickly ran over the stones and thrashed. Behind him, a series of bullets hit the ground, splashing dust.

After rushing into the building, the outside sight was completely blocked.


A cannonball with a blue firework at its tail chased in, and Chen Xu looked back, seeing that he had turned a corner, and flew towards himself, his scalp was numb.

Too much, even the tracking shells are used.

He scolded in his heart, and the injury on his feet was not good yet.

Scolding and scolding still have to be resolved.

At this time, the shell was less than ten meters away from him, and the wheelchair was much slower than it, and it would be caught up in a few seconds at most.

He looked at the environment in the building and had a way to adjust the rifle in his hand to single-shot mode, turned back, and concealed it.

The light in the building was very dim, only the blue flame at the tail of the shell, and a small red dot on the warhead.

He aimed at the little red dot, then pulled the trigger.

After the shot, he immediately controlled a turn of the wheelchair and squeaked. In the fierce friction of the tire, he even led a car and hit the cement column next to it.


Immediately after that, with a bang, Chen Xu lay on the ground, but felt that there was a buzz in his ears, and he couldn't hear anything. Numerous dust came over, drowning his mouth and nose, and couldn't breathe.

On the top of the head, some sandstone crickets fell down, hurting him with some pain.

He lay on his stomach for a while, until nothing fell on it, he got up, shook his head, and a strange sound was ringing in his ears.

Dizzy in his head, he spit out the dust and dirt in his mouth and groped with his hands on the ground. After a while, he finally grasped the handle of the gun and held it in his arms, and his heart was settled.

Standing up a little shaking, the building was filled with smoke. He resisted the discomfort in his nose, covered his mouth and nose with the clothes on his arm, and ran out staggering.

A notch was blown up on the side wall, and even the upper floor slab collapsed. The power was amazing. Had it not been for the power of the cement pillar to stop the explosion ~ ~ his death would be miserable.

He drilled out of the newly blasted wall and found that his vision was a bit wrong. He saw the white fog while watching the black and white painting.

Immediately, he reacted and the fogstone glasses in his left eye were broken.

At this time, he could suddenly hear the sound outside, booming, that was the sound of the anti-aircraft gun that had not stopped since the start of the war.

"Finally survived."

He was a little bit upset, and just now he really felt that he was dead this time, but he didn't expect to survive.

Suddenly, when he heard something moving on the right, he turned his head and saw a robot walking towards this side, holding up his gun, which was a few shots, and directly blasted his head.

After solving one, he walked outside with a strong sense of killing all over his body.

As soon as I reached the corner, I came across the second.

The other party also found him at the same time, but unfortunately he wasn't quick, and several shots burst it.

He walked outside, his vision was wider, and he quickly found the remaining three robots, shooting them one by one across the distance.

When the crisis was lifted, he dared not take it lightly, so as not to capsize the gutter. I just watched the sky vigilantly, and whenever I found a parachute approaching this side, I took the lead in blasting it.

During the period, the entrance of the underground passage opened a gap and was quickly closed again.

The entire battle lasted for an hour, until the fighters on the human side arrived and shot down the transport of the robots one by one, officially declaring that the battle was coming to an end.

Around Chen Xu, more and more soldiers appeared. He then lowered the gun in his hand, opened the door of the underpass, and went down. Bai Jinxuan, who had been waiting there, came forward and hugged him tightly.

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