My Exclusive Dream World Adventures

Vol 2 Chapter 186: brand cooperation

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"Whew. After speaking, it really feels more comfortable."

Luo Xiyun took a sigh of relief, turned to look at Chen Xu holding the steering wheel, and said, "I know, this thing isn't really to blame you, I just have a bit of an uncomfortable heart. If we knew each other earlier, there would be no such thing. "

Chen Xu sighed silently, more than this matter?

Yang Jinxia's affairs must not be over. Plus later Bai Jinxuan.

He could hardly imagine what would happen if the three of them met together.

He can only hope that there will never be such a day.

Chen Xu drove home, picked up his parents and Chen Ziqi, and went directly to the hotel. When they arrived, the banquet was about to begin.

Relatives on both sides of his cousin have invited. There are more people on the Chen's side and they sit at three tables. Luo Xiyun became the most popular person at these three tables, and everyone kindly greeted her and Chen Xu.

Chen Xu did not ask what gifts she bought, but from the enthusiasm of her relatives, it should be more valuable.

After the banquet, when he returned home, Chen Xu took his parents into the room to discuss, stating that they would give them 200,000 yuan and let them pay off some of the debt first, and then call them back in two months.

When Chen Xinwen heard what he said, he looked serious. "Xiao Xu, although our family is poor, we must have ambition. Your girlfriend gives you gifts, and I do n’t have much to say. But we ca n’t spend other people ’s money, do you know?"

Zeng Wenli also said, "Your dad is right. No matter how good your relationship is, money must be clearly distinguished. No matter how rich her family is, it is her business. You ca n’t treat it as your own money. You ca n’t What a mess. "

"Don't worry, I've got it clear. I earned 200,000 yuan with my hands." Chen Xu then resigned and told them about the situation.

Chen Xinwen and Zeng Wenli heard each other.

"You child, you don't discuss it with us in advance about such a big thing." Zeng Wenli complained.

Chen Xu said, "I just don't want you to worry."

Zeng Wenli said a few more words to him, and finally couldn't help asking, "Is it really profitable to open a noodle shop? One month, can I earn 60,000 or 70,000?"

"It did last month," Chen Xu said.

"This ..." Zeng Wenli couldn't help looking at her husband.

Chen Xinwen found the cigarette case out of his pocket, paused, and immediately stuffed it back, saying, "I'll take a day off tomorrow and go over with you to see your noodle shop."

"I'll go too," Zeng Wenli said.

What Chen Xin text wanted to say, held back again.

Chen Xu originally thought of telling them at the end of the year, when the debt would be paid off all at once. Unfortunately, the plan is not changing fast. Luo Xiyun came back this time with so many presents, and some people must have murmured in his heart, thinking that his girlfriend is so rich, but he still owes so much money.

Maybe there will be some gossip.

He knew that his parents were very concerned about the gossip. He didn't want to make it difficult for them to simply take out the money and pay back some of it first. The rest, including interest, can be paid off in two months.

Just so, the plan to buy a car will be postponed.


Early the next morning, Chen Xu drove, Luo Xiyun took the co-pilot, his parents and Chen Ziqi were in the back row, as if they were traveling as a family.

After arriving at the noodle shop, Luo Xiyun had something to do, so he left first. Before leaving, he told Chen Xu's parents that he would pick them up for dinner in the evening.

As soon as she left, Zeng Wenli couldn't help but wonder, "What does Xiyun do?"

Chen Ziqi finally found the opportunity and rushed to say, "Erh, you don't know yet. Xunzi was Chen Xu's boss immediately. The director of their company is now the vice president with the annual salary of one million."

Zeng Wenli was startled, "Millions of annual salary? She is so young ..."

"You do n’t understand. Now you want to be a company leader. One is to look at the background, the other is to look at education, and the third is to look at ability. Xunzi is not bad at all."

Chen Ziqi said, the topic changed, "Of course, Chen Xu is not bad now, the noodle shop will soon open branches, and the more and more branches will be opened in the future, maybe he will create a chain brand and become a billionaire."

Zeng Wenli was right when she thought, her son now opens a noodle shop and can earn 70,000 to 80,000 a month, which is not much different.

She knows her son very well, knowing that he rarely talks loudly, and she won't lie to them with such things.

However, she still felt a little uneasy. Luo Xiyun gave the gift too generously, and whispered, "Xiao Xu, what does Xi Yun's family do?"

"I haven't asked her, but it should be quite a status." Chen Xu could have guessed a little, but it was not easy to tell his parents clearly that they could only give them a shot.

"Let's go and see in the shop."

It's almost noon. There are a lot of people in the noodle shop.

"Boss, you are back." Aunt Zhang saw him all the way and greeted him loudly.

Chen Xinwen saw that the store was almost full and said, "Just look here for a while, don't get in the way to hinder doing business."

Chen Xu had to accompany him to stand outside.

Chen Xinwen watched for a while and saw that there were no fewer customers in the store. He nodded and said, "Let's go and see what you rent."

So Chen Xu took them to the rented house first.

Chen Xinwen and his wife stayed here for one night. They took a taxi and went back early the next morning. Chen Xu was not asked to drive, saying that borrowing a car was troublesome, and running around was also tired.


In the following week, Chen Xu devoted his energy to the decoration of the new store. Xu Xiaoxiao also attached great importance to his work. Every day after work, he came over and stared. Soon, the new store was installed.

On the opening day, Chen Xu asked Dai Zixin to help propagate in the circle of friends. As a result, there were so many people on the first day, and Luo Xiyun even brought people from the whole department to join the show.

Several of Dai Zixin's friends also came with a large group of friends.

And a group of old customers, including Yan Qing, all came.

Only then did Chen Xu realize that, unknowingly, his communication circle was much larger than before, and many of them were friends.

The noodle shop in the second branch is more than double the size of the old shop and can accommodate more customers. The turnover of the first day broke the highest record of the old store.

Fortunately, Chen Xu had recruited enough people in advance. The five employees of the new store were so busy that they had no experience and made a lot of mistakes. Fortunately, he stared in person and there were no major problems.

However, the turnover on the first day is not the norm, and it is impossible for Luo Xiyun to bring people from the entire department to join the team every day. It depends on the time.

He now completely handed over the old store to Aunt Zhou, and there was an additional staff there to work shifts. He himself has been staring at the new store, only going to the old store every night to meet with Aunt Zhou.

For a whole month, he was busy in the shop and had only had dinner with Luo Xiyun a few times. Mainly, she was also very busy during this time. The company's online channel has just been opened. She is one of the main responsible persons. She has countless things piled up to her and works for more than ten hours a day. Sometimes there is no time to eat.


It's already June and the weather is getting hotter.

This morning, just after seven o'clock, Chen Xu came to the branch as usual, and the two employees who were working in the morning shift were already waiting there.

He opened the door, and the two employees skillfully began cleaning the store to welcome the first wave of guests in the morning.

Gradually, someone came for breakfast.

Near eight o'clock, a woman in a professional dress attracted Chen Xu's attention. The reason why he noticed her was because she would come every day this week, and she would never fall for three meals a day and midnight. And they order different noodles every time.

More importantly, unlike ordinary customers, she always looks around when eating. Sometimes she noticed his attention and nodded and smiled at him. And still the same.

In short, she didn't seem to be eating.

Of course, Chen Xu didn't want to care about her, as long as she didn't come to make trouble.

"You are the boss here." This time, she came directly to him and asked.

He was a little surprised and nodded, "Yes, I am."

"My name is Jiang Yan, and I want to talk to you." The woman took out a business card and passed it, "This is my business card."

Chen Xu took a look. It reads, Jiang Yan, head of brand promotion department of Jinyun Catering Group Co., Ltd. How much I can guess her coming, but I think it's incredible. The first reaction is, won't it be a liar?

"Go to my office to talk." He said, anyway, talk about ~ ~ said it is an office, in fact, the area is very small, barely put down a sofa and a coffee table, one can entertain others The place.

After Jiang Yan sat down, he asked, "I wonder if you have heard of our company?"

Chen Xu boiled the water and said, "No."

"Then you can find out. Our company is mainly engaged in the catering industry. It has multiple chain brands, fast food, milk tea, restaurants and so on." Jiang Yan said several brands came out.

Chen Xu also saw these brands' shops on the street, but with no question on his face, he asked, "I don't know what you want to talk to me about?"

Jiang Yan asked, "What's your name?"

"Chen Xu."

"Mr. Chen, this is the case. I am specifically responsible for exploring some potential restaurants. The two parties work together to operate and promote through our resources and make the brand bigger to achieve a win-win situation. Through so many days of observation, I think Your noodle restaurant has great potential, and you want to invite your shop to join our company and become our sub-brand. "

When Chen Xu heard this, he said oddly, "Aren't you buying formulas for ordinary routines?"

"No no no, recipes are dead, talents are alive."

Jiang Yan laughed, "In this world, there are many so-called formulas, but only a few can make mature products. Rather than paying a large price for a formula, it is better to have a mature product. It's the most efficient way for formulators to work together. "

Chen Xu had to admit that this set of rhetoric was very moving. But talked to her.

This talk is almost half an hour.

In the end, Chen Xu said that several days need to be considered.

Jiang Yan left a few examples of successful cooperation before leaving.

ps: In order to be the first ally in my life, add chapter one of the more, adding five more.

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