My Exclusive Dream World Adventures

Vol 2 Chapter 192: Only he can't

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"Let him go out."

In the living room, the cold voice of Luo Zhenghai was still echoing, and the atmosphere in the living room suddenly dropped to the freezing point.

Zhao Feiqian's expression was puzzled, and she didn't understand why her husband suddenly became so angry.

Luo Xiyu flinched, bowed his head, and subconsciously hid behind his mother.

Luo Xining looked worried, first looking at her dad, then glancing at the older sister and the man beside her.

As a party concerned, Chen Xu first froze, then turned subconsciously, looked at Luo Xiyun, and saw that her face was a little pale, and her palms were cold and unbearable.

He didn't know why Luo Zhenghai had such a big opinion on him and didn't want to know. Luo Zhenghai is indeed a business man, and his status in reality is not on a level with him.

However, this does not mean that he will feel lowered.

Previously, he maintained basic respect for such characters because of the other party's success in their careers. Later, knowing that he was Luo Xiyun's father, he was a little worried that he would look down on himself.

This is the mainstream value of society.

When Luo Zhenghai made his statement, his original embarrassed heart calmed down, and Luo Zhenghai objected again, adding some obstacles to him at most.

He was worried about Luo Xiyun, and finally made up his mind to bring him to see his father, but this was the result, she must be very sad.

He didn't want to make her difficult, and whispered, "I'll go out first."

"Do not."

Luo Xiyun grabbed his hand at once, turned his head, looked at him, and said, "Since he is not welcome, let's go together."

Chen Xu could feel her hand trembling slightly, but there was no hesitation in her eyes. She couldn't help laughing, holding her hand tightly and nodding slightly.

The two turned around and left.

"Xiyun, stand still."

When Luo Zhenghai saw this scene, his complexion became more blue. Just now, when he heard the name "Chen Xu" from Liu Kun's mouth, he felt very familiar. When he saw someone, he immediately recognized that it was Yang Jinxia's lover.

This is her daughter's boyfriend?

His daughter is actually with this man?

He couldn't believe his eyes, and then he was furious. If it weren't for the presence of his children, he would be more than just driving people away.

When she saw her daughter, she did not hesitate to follow, and she was trembling with anger, her voice was a bit distorted.

"Lao Luo." When Zhao Feiqian saw him like this, he knew he was really anxious and rushed forward to support him, and said anxiously to Luo Xiyun, "Xiyun, your father is not well, you should not be angry with him."

Luo Xiyun still stopped and did not look back, "You said, I will not interfere with my choice, whether it is a career or a relationship."

With a wave of his hand, Luo Zhenghai pushed his wife aside, Tie Qing's face turned, "No matter which man you are looking for, I will not oppose, but this man, don't think about it, absolutely not."

In the end, he was already anxious and almost roared.

The siblings Luo Xiyu and Luo Xining were shocked. They had never seen their father get so angry. The two of them were shrinking there.

Luo Xiyun turned around, looked at her father without fear, and asked, "Why?"

Luo Zhenghai's chest fluctuated violently, and the muscles on his face trembled and became furious. "I said no, it just couldn't."

When Chen Xu saw Luo Zhenghai was agitated, he was puzzled. It stands to reason that a person like Luo Zhenghai should be indescribable. Even if he was poor, he didn't need such a big response.

There must be other reasons for this.

However, at this time, whatever he said was inappropriate. Only silently holding Luo Xiyun's cold hands to give her such support.

Luo Xiyun lowered his head and said in a very light voice, "Anyway, you are always my dad, otherwise, I can listen to you. This is the only thing, no.

"I love him."

Luo Xiyun turned to look at Chen Xu, his eyes were a little red, "I know, he loves me too. You agree or disagree, I want to be with him."

"If you wish to bless us, I will be happy and thank you."

"If you insist on opposing and want to break us up, you should be without my daughter."

After Luo Xiyun finished speaking, he pulled Chen Xu and walked towards the door.

"Lao Luo, Lao Luo ..." When leaving the door, Zhao Feiqian heard a panic voice behind her.

With a click, the door closed, blocking the sound inside.

Chen Xu couldn't bear it, held her in her arms, only felt the heartbeat, and said in her ear, "We will never be apart."


Luo Xiyun buried his head on his shoulder, clutching his clothes tightly.


Inside the room, there was a mess in the living room. Luo Zhenghai was sitting on the sofa, his hands were on his chest, his face was a little blue, and he was panting. Zhao Feiqian supported him, patted his back, and said anxiously, "Come on, get your medicine."

Luo Xiyu was there, a little overwhelmed.

Still, Luo Xining responded quickly, ran quickly, took a bottle of medicine from the briefcase, unscrewed it, poured out a few pills, and handed it to his mother.

After Zhao Feiqian hurriedly fed him the medicine ~ ~ After a while, Luo Zhenghai finally passed by and his face looked better.


Suddenly, he grabbed a bottle at his hand and slammed it on the ground. The bottle exploded and startled the two children again.

"Lao Luo, don't be angry." Zhao Feiqian winked at her son and daughter and asked them to return to the room.

Rosinen pulled his brother and hurried away.

In the living room, only their husband and wife were left.

Zhao Feiqian whispered, "What's wrong with you, why are you making such a big fire? You can say anything about it. I don't think Xiyun is a child who doesn't listen to advice."

"What do you know."

After Luo Zhenghai vented, he finally calmed down, his eyes became extremely gloomy, and said, "You go back to the room first. I want to make a call."

"If you have something to say, don't rush out of your body." Zhao Feiqian said uneasily and went to her son's room.

As soon as the door opened, he saw his son and daughter stand up sharply. She closed the door, walked over and held her daughter in her arms, and asked, "Aren't you scared?"

Luo Xiyu shook his head first and asked a little puzzlingly, "Why did he have such a big temper?"

Luo Xining, who was in his mother's arms, said, "Dad must have looked down on her brother-in-law and wanted to snore."

Zhao Feiqian said, "Xiao Ning, don't you call your brother-in-law in front of your father, you know?"

"Know it."

Luo Xining put out her tongue, leaned her head on her shoulder, and said, "However, my sister is so brave. For the first time, I saw someone dare to talk back to dad."

Luo Xiyu said a little longingly, "This is love."

Seeing his son's expression, Zhao Feiqian warned, "Don't learn from her, your father has a bad heart and can't be stimulated."

Luo Xiyu lowered his head and didn't say a word.

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