My Exclusive Dream World Adventures

Vol 2 Chapter 215: What world

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Late at night, Luo Xiyun slept very deeply. Suddenly, he came to his senses and heard a mechanical voice. "User xx111111 sent you a courtship message. Do you agree? After you agree, you will become a couple with each other.

She couldn't help but, who is the user xx111111?


At the same time, Bai Jinxuan was recording a program, but also to promote new songs. The recording has not ended until now. After getting in the car, she couldn't stand it. She rested her head on the back of the chair and soon fell asleep.

"User xx111111 sent you a courtship message. Do you agree? After you agree, you will become a couple with the other party."

She was a little puzzled, what was the situation?


On the other side, Yang Jinxia has fallen asleep. Her daily habits have always been very good. Recently she has paid more attention to maintenance and rarely stays up late.

"User xx111111 sent you a courtship message ..."

The same voice sounded in her ear.

She heard the reminder, thoughtfully, and a moment later a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.


When Chen Xu opened her eyes, she found herself lying in a small room.

He sat up and looked at the room he was in. Visual inspection was only about ten square meters. In addition to the single bed he was lying on, there was only one table, and the table was cluttered with various oily metal parts.

There was a red dress hanging on the wall, and some black stains remained on it, and its color was already a little dim.

"So it looks like it's role-playing this time."

There was some excitement in his mind. This was a new form. In the previous three dreams, he was involved in the game in his original identity. Now I finally have an identity.

"My current status is to be a maintenance worker."

After the excitement, he quickly entered the state and began to speculate about his identity. It seemed obvious from the suspected work clothes on the wall and the metal parts stacked on the table.

As he watched the room, he remembered, without feeling a little familiar.

"It seems that I just have this identity, but I don't get the corresponding memory."

He frowned. Wouldn't it be easy to wear a frown if he did so?

Judging from the system prompt just now, this should be a multi-player online game dream. If you have a single copy, you don't need to deliberately emphasize that you need to participate.

Moreover, he also found that he was finally able to call up a box such as a personal panel in the dream, which shows that his level is 2 and his personal points are 400. To advance to the next level, the required points are 1000.

He silently counted in his mind, and the sum of the points obtained in the previous three dreams was exactly 400.

Just now the system prompts that the map level he is currently on is level two, and the difficulty is also level two. Probably arranged according to his current level.

As for the identity of civilians, it is not difficult to understand, because he could not save money. The game produced by this dream device with various game companies on the earth is a virtue, and it costs money to die.

On the personal panel, there are no values ​​such as personal attributes. In addition to displaying points and levels, there is also a line that shows the position of his couple.

He clicked a little curiously, and found that the other party was more than ten light years away from him, and also suggested that the distance was too far to contact. Could not help but be speechless.

What is the concept of a dozen light years? Mostly it is on another map, and by the end of the game, there may not be a chance to meet.

Since they are couples, why should they be so far apart? This system is really inexplicable.

To be honest, he was very curious, who actually accepted his courtship and became a couple with him. Is it Luo Xiyun, Yang Jinxia, ​​or Bai Jinxuan?

These three numbers can't see anything, can't guess which is who.

And his own number is xx111111. When sending past information, the number must be displayed instead of his name.

No matter who it is, somehow the first reaction to seeing this message is definitely rejection.

Now, some people agree, who will it be?

There was a faint choice in his heart, but he was not sure.

"Forget it, this is not the time to think about it."

After a while, he shook his head, left those guesses behind his head, and concentrated on thinking about what to do next.

He felt a bit hungry and glanced at the electronic clock on the bedside, showing that it was 7.15.

It should be morning.

He thought to himself, and then found something strange. There was no window in the room. Even the walls don't look like ordinary cement walls.

He stepped forward, reached out and touched it, and the cold touch made him confirm that his guess was metallic.

"Isn't it a metal box here?"

He flashed the thought in his heart, pressed his urge to go out, and looked at the room seriously again. The most valuable is obviously the table, where there is a suitcase and something like a grey card.

He picked up the card, the size of which was a bank card, with a chip on it, and the number xx111111 printed on the other side, along with his photo and name.

Obviously, the card was of the ID type, and he carefully put it away.

Then he looked at the suitcase next to it. There was a button on each side, and he pressed it hard. The suitcase opened by itself. All the tools were in it, neatly arranged. In stark contrast to the messy room.

He closed the box again and looked over the table, where there was a handle that was clearly openable.

He stood up, reached out and held the handle, pulled it, and opened it. There was a grid in it, and a blast of cold air came to his face. It was a refrigerator.

The grid is not large, only two layers, filled with a slap-packed bag that looks like the kind of jelly sucked.

He took out a bag and looked at the instructions carefully. After a while, a touch of joy floated on his face. This is a nutritious meal that can provide all the energy and nutrients the body needs.

In a dream, when the situation is unknown, you can find so much food, like eating a reassurance pill. Do n’t worry about food shortages for at least a short time.

He counted it, there are about a hundred packs here, and three packs a day are counted, which is one month's ration.

Take it apart and put it in your mouth. It's cherry flavor, like eating rice cereal. His stomach was really hungry, and he ate all three of his mouthful, throwing the packaging into a trash can in the corner.

After a while, there was a feeling of fullness in his stomach. Close the refrigerator again and keep rummaging in the room.

At the end of the bed, there were several boxes stacked with sundries such as clothes. In the other corner, there are also several boxes. Inside are various parts, such as gear screws and chip circuit boards. I don't know if they are good or bad.

Apart from that, there was nothing else in the room.

He glanced at the electronic clock on the bedside at 7.42.

It's time to go out and see.

He took the red dress off the wall and put it on his body. He put rations in his pocket for three days, held it on the doorknob, and pushed the door open.

The door was heavy, and the moment he opened it, he felt a stream of air blowing his bangs slightly.

Outside is another door, two or three meters away. Between the two doors is a corridor.

He stepped out of the door and looked to both sides. The corridor was long and there was no end to it.

Both sides of the corridor are full of such rooms, densely packed, and countless.

"What the **** is this?"

He had some doubts in his mind that this style had a strange sense of familiarity. It feels a bit like waiting for the second dream, the style in the refuge.

The corridors on both sides were empty, all the doors were closed, and the surroundings were exceptionally quiet, making him feel awkwardly quiet.

He hesitated a bit, went to the door of the opposite room, saw a button like a doorbell on the door, pressed it, and said, "Hello, I'm Chen Xu living at the opposite door."

no response.

He pressed it a few more times and waited for a while, but still didn't respond ~ ~ Isn't this the doorbell? "He thought about it, went back to his room, pressed the button, and clearly heard the sound of dingling inside.

He sighed. He had wanted to close the door, and thought about it again, lest he wouldn't be able to open it for a while, it would be embarrassing.

Hesitating for a moment, he walked to the left, and every time he passed the door of the room, he would ring the doorbell, until he got far away, the doors were still closed.

When he reached the end of the corridor, a door appeared before him.

At first, he thought it was a wall. When he approached, he found a small gap in the middle. It was a metal door.

There was nothing on the door, except for a black square plate on the wall next to it, which should be the sensing area.

He looked back, unable to see his door. Along the way, he kept counting, the number of doors on one side was one hundred and fifty-seven, and the two sides added up to three hundred and fourteen.

"Hope you can open it."

He took out his card, walked over, and swiped on the black square.

I saw the wall light up and his personal information appeared, "Secondary repairman Chen Xu, you are not allowed to enter the c3 area without permission. Please leave."


He felt a little depressed, and his current status was too low. If he was confined to this area, he could do nothing.

However, he did not leave immediately, and all came, and some attempts must be made.

"That's right, I found something unusual and want to report it."

The voice just sounded, "You can report to your superior."

"This is the abnormal situation I want to report. I can't contact my superior. Not only that, I can't contact other people. To be precise, I haven't even seen a living person so far."

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