My Exclusive Dream World Adventures

Vol 2 Chapter 228: We need to talk

"Since you know it's so dangerous, why are you so reckless and just flew over here? Don't send a message to communicate with this first?"

Chen Xu heard Yang Jinxia's mention of the incident and couldn't help looking at her with a tone of blame.

"What would you do if I were killed?"

Yang Jinxia with her hand on her chin, her eyes seemed to be glowing, "Are you sad for me? Will you be desperate for everything and take revenge for me? Will you keep me in your heart forever?"

Chen Xu stared coldly and said, "None, I will just laugh at your stupidity."

There was a smile on her face, and she whispered, "I have a bad heart."

At this point, the transfer chamber started to slow down and stopped slowly.

"Come on." Chen Xu pushed open the safety fence and stood up.

He didn't take Yang Jinxia to the cockpit, even if he was the acting captain, he couldn't bring anyone in. Shuguang has very detailed rules and regulations to restrict everyone's power, including the captain.

All he could do was arrange for her to live in a residential area next to the cockpit. As for what name she used, she was naturally a family member.

He used the captain's power to give her an identity, and it was the lowest level of level 2.

However, there is no way to directly mention her identity to the class. Only by allowing her as his family can she have the right to live in the class residential area.

The upper class of the Dawn is rigorous, and some related regulations are quite strict. There is nothing left to drill.

This is also impossible. She can't let her live in District 2. He really can't bear that kind of heart.

"It'll take more than forty days," he thought.

Fortunately, the houses in the class residential area are large enough with several rooms, and he stays in the cockpit most of the day without any problems.


In this way, Yang Jinxia stayed on the Dawn for three days.

"We need to talk."

That night, Chen Xu returned to his residence and listened to Yang Jinxia sitting on the sofa and said to him solemnly.

Many habits of Shuguang follow the age of the earth, such as the setting of 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, and the division of day and night, etc. Similar habits are in life In everywhere.

At night, the lights of the spacecraft will be adjusted to the corresponding state, and in detail, it is quite in place.

Just like now, except for the lights in the living room, the kitchen and other places are dark.

This point is already twelve o'clock at midnight.

He sat opposite her and asked her, "What's up?"

She opened the door to see the mountain and said, "Now, in the entire spaceship, except for those who are mentally focused on infants, there are only two of us. Do you intentionally avoid me like this, is it interesting?"

She directly broke things up, and Chen Xu felt a bit difficult to fight, saying, "I've just been a bit busy recently, just a while later."

Yang Jinxia asked, "When is it?"


"Okay, now I ask you, three meals a day, you must eat with me, don't be cold to me when chatting, every weekend, to accompany me to a movie ..."

Chen Xu interrupted her, "It's okay to eat together, just watch a movie. I'm very busy and I still need to learn."

"OK, tomorrow morning at 7:30. Don't forget to have breakfast together." After that, she stood up and went back to her room.

Chen Xu was a little dazed, but she didn't expect her to be so fast. Later, she thought about it. She looked serious just now, but she actually bluffed him. Her real purpose was to let him promise to eat together, watch movies or something, knowing that he would refuse, and proposed it intentionally. of.

He suddenly felt that for more than forty days, I'm afraid it was not going well.


The next morning, at 7:30, Chen Xu came out of the room and saw Yang Jinxia holding a plate in one hand and came out of the kitchen. He heard the movement, raised his head, and smiled, "Early morning."


He went to the table and sat down. Seeing that 2003 was busy in the kitchen, the dishes on the table were plentiful, and he couldn't help but say, "Cooking so many dishes, how much waste can you eat?"

The technological level of Shuguang is far inferior to the planet in the second dream in this respect. There is no meat-making machine. All meat depends on animal breeding. It is very precious and requires high credit. point.

Yang Jinxia said, "Well, at noon I will make it a little less."

Chen Xu looked at 2003 in the kitchen and asked, "What's going on?"

In fact, he had long wanted to ask. Before 2003, she had always called her sister Xia, but now, it is the master. Yang Jinxia said before that in order to kill 01, 2003 was sacrificed. Seeing it last time, I was a little curious.

"I fixed it later. However, it is not the original 2003."

After hearing what she said, he remembered that it was too early. After formatting and restarting, it was not the original one.

Yang Jinxia came out holding the last plate. After putting it down, he picked up the spoon, filled a bowl of porridge, and put it in front of him.

"I'll do it myself." Chen Xu wanted to stand up.

She said, "Sit down."

He hesitated, seeing that she had already filled the second bowl, and had to sit back, "Next time, I ..."

Yang Jinxia said, "The last time you said, there is a learning machine on Shuguang, which can instill knowledge directly into human brain?"

He could only swallow the following words, nodded and said, "Yes, this is also the most proud invention of the people on the Dawn."

"It is indeed an amazing invention, it can be said to be a propeller of the development of civilization." Yang Jinxia sighed, "I really want to see it."

Chen Xu said, "I will help you figure out a way."

At present, Yang Jinxia's registration on the Shuguang is not official. After all, this is unprecedented. Since leaving Earth, no new members have been added to the spacecraft.

The group of people who set the rules at first had imagined how to deal with alien intelligent creatures. Therefore, a rule was established, and those who entered the Dawning midway could get a temporary identity. There was no problem living in the spacecraft. There was only one thing that could not use the learning machine.

The most troublesome thing is that if you want to change those rules, you need to put forward a level of one hundred people, and then pass the vote of people above the level, and more than 80% of the people can agree to repeal.

Now, there is only one class in the entire spaceship, and it is impossible to achieve that condition.

He has been studying those rules and regulations to see if there is a way to bypass them.

Yang Jinxia comforted him and said, "Don't worry, we have time."

It seems that she did not know the fact that the dream time was only three months.

Chen Xu thought to herself, without reminding her, it was just strange, what kind of identity she was in the dream device, neither looked like a player nor like.

She said, "Eat, it should be cold in a while."

Chen Xu quickly finished his breakfast and stood up and said, "Then I'll go."

Yang Jinxia got up and sent him to the door, saying, "Remember to come back for lunch at noon."

"OK." Chen Xu responded and went out.

After sending him away, Yang Jinxia went back to clean up the table, then sat on the sofa, lit the light screen on the wall, and opened a video, which is exactly how Chen Xu fought with the aliens.

She looked very carefully, sometimes she paused and switched to slow play, especially every time Chen Xu did something in the battle.

In the past few days, she has watched this video over and over again.

When the video was played and Chen Xu shot through the alien half of the body with one shot, the screen went black and the video ended here.

She looked a little puzzled ~ ~ Throughout the battle, Chen Xu's combat literacy was too strong, and it was too strong. If it were her, she would not be able to survive the first small alien.

Judging from the performance in the video, these aliens are too strong, fast, high defense, strong attack, and no weaknesses. Not to mention her, even the most powerful robot 01 under her hands will most likely lose.

However, Chen Xu was neat and neat, and even a completely shaped alien could be designed to kill, showing a magical marksmanship and superhuman psychological qualities.

Previously, he was only skilled at marksmanship. In other respects, he was never at the level he is now. Strength is a leap.

The problem is that he was originally just an ordinary office worker. No matter how talented he is, how can he be so powerful without long training and practical experience?

If it wasn't for her familiarity with Chen Xu, from the tone of speech and the habit of using words, some gestures showed that he was indeed Chen Xu she knew, she would doubt whether he was impersonated by others.

With a wave of her hand, the light screen went out, her hand was on her chin, she thought, "What should I do for him at noon?"

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