My Exclusive Dream World Adventures

Vol 2 Chapter 289: go away

For biological researchers, parasites are an inexhaustible treasure.

Even in the interstellar era, cloning technology has been perfected and has artifacts such as the biological manufacturing room. Humans are far from fully grasping the mysteries of the human body.

With the current technology on the spacecraft, the ability of the parasites cannot be demonstrated. For example, let a monkey have the power of one ton.

Feng Song's next major energy is to study the ways in which parasites do such things. Many important results have been achieved.

Of course, Chen Xu doesn't care about the research process. He is concerned about what benefits the research can bring to the base.

To be honest, he felt a little regrettable at this moment. If one of the three women had a medical doctor or student character, relying on the information on the spacecraft, it would not be fun to get a Nobel Prize?

This is undoubtedly a great thing for the benefit of mankind.

Of course, this is just thinking about it. What they want to learn, or nothing at all, he will not force them to look at their own wishes.

Time passed day by day, Chen Xu and Luo Xiyun spent a whole year in such a bland and fulfilling life.

In this year, the outside world was calm and calm, and the people below the ground did not attack aggressively, not even to the ground to detect news.

The base was continuously developed in accordance with the original plan. Biochemical people have increased by dozens of people again, and the number of natural human babies has also exceeded 600. Each family is divided into three children.

The production line of robots is becoming more and more stable, and the number of robots exceeds 8,000.

The scope of the puppet base has tripled from a year ago.

The cable production line is gradually improved.

Feng Song's research on clones has also achieved significant results. Based on these results, a variety of new treatments have been developed, such as regeneration of broken limbs. Pharmacy and more.

The only thing that hasn't progressed practically is his relationship with Luo Xiyun.

"Chen Xu."

At dinner, at the table, Luo Xiyun picked up his chopsticks and put it down again, as if he had made a decision, and said.


还是 For the first time in this year, she officially called his name like this. He knew that she must have something important to say.

Luo Xiyun held his hands together and said, "I'm leaving."

In this case, Chen Xu had a bad memory in his mind. He frowned and asked, "Where?"

"Go back to reality."

旭 Chen Xu thinks that one year has passed, and in reality it is eight hours. It should really wake up. At this time, she must be accompanied by someone. If she does not wake up late, she will cause unnecessary worry.

He asked, "When?"

"Tonight." Luo Xiyun obviously had long thought about it, and he answered without hesitation.

Chen Xu looked at her and said, "Why is it so urgent? Can't you stay with me for a few more days?"

"They will come in soon."

Luo Xiyun said softly, "I don't want to see them."

旭 Chen Xu was speechless. In the past year, Yang Jinxia and Bai Jinxuan have not appeared. He was strange at first, but he gradually wanted to understand.

Obviously, the two of them didn't want to see each other, so they planned to stagger the time.

As a result, the two thought of going together and did not enter the game.

This is the only reasonable explanation.

一年 A year has passed now, and they can indeed appear at any time.

After a while, Chen Xu asked, "Will you still come in?"

Luo Xiyun was silent for a while and said, "I haven't finished artificial intelligence.

Since I have n’t finished it, that ’s the meaning of coming in again. After hearing this answer, Chen Xu calmed down and said, "Let's eat, it will be cold for a while."

Luo Xiyun picked up the chopsticks and ate in silence.

Uh ...

Luo Xiyun went offline that night.

旭 Chen Xu has another person left, which makes him very unaccustomed. When he sleeps, he can't sleep over and over.

He has insomnia, so he gets up, goes to the laboratory, sits down to work, and slowly, can be considered calm.

Unconsciously, it was dawn.

In the daytime, he was even more unaccustomed. He had breakfast, went to study together, played badminton together, and spent most of the day together. Now, eating is one person, studying is one person ...

That feeling is not good.

At this time, he could not wait for any accident at the base to divert his attention.

The accident did not happen. With the armed forces of the current base, it may be difficult to level the underground world, but self-protection is not a problem.

After a hard time in the morning, Chen Xu went to the baby care room after lunch. At the beginning, he built this hosting center to reduce the burden on biochemical families. When they go to work, they have a place to host.

Nowadays, the hosting center has expanded a lot, divided into two parts. It was the first few batches of babies, one year old, and most of them walked.

Chen Xu looked at these energetic little guys, and his mood was finally lively.

的 The gene banks in the biological manufacturing room are all elites from all walks of life. There are no shortage of top scientists, and the genes are very good. In order to ensure the diversity of genes, he uses random matching, and each baby's genes come from different people.

婴儿 When these babies grow up, they become very cute when they are one year old. Chen Xu hugged this, twisted his face, and he felt better before he knew it.

This method really works. When Luo Xiyun was still here, every time she was in a bad mood ~ ~ she would come here to take a look and he would soon be cured.

Uh ...

Luo Xiyun woke up, opened his eyes, and saw the ceiling of the bedroom, and there was a strong sense of unreality in the room.

When she touched her phone, it really only took eight hours.

Although this is not her first experience, she is still a little unbelievable. She dreamed for a year.

She sat up and touched the sheets on her body. The straight touch made her a little confused as to which one was dream and which one was real.

咚咚 ——

At this moment, the knock on the door sounded, "Xiyun, have you woke up?"

That's Liu Yumeng's voice.

Luo Xiyun hurriedly walked over to open the door and saw Liu Yumeng outside the door and suddenly hugged her.

"What are you doing, what's wrong?" Liu Yumeng was a bit worried and was hugged, a little puzzled.

"It's good to see you," Luo Xiyun murmured. For one year, in that kind of environment, if there weren't Chen Xu around, she would have gone crazy.

Yuliu Yumeng is a little puzzled, but thinks that she has just fallen in love, and it is not unusual for her to be abnormal, so she doesn't pursue it, saying, "I bought breakfast and came back and eat a little."

Luo Xiyun then let go of his hand, walked to the table, looked at the breakfast on the table, and thought of Chen Xu, who was still in his dream. After leaving, he was left alone.

I thought of this, she was inexplicably a little worried.

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