My Exclusive Dream World Adventures

Vol 2 Chapter 295: coming

Luo Xiyun looked back at Chen Xu and said, "Don't do this, otherwise I won't be here in the future."

Seeing her serious face, Chen Xu knew that she was serious at the moment, so she let go of her hand. Followed her and came to the room where the living room was placed.

Luo Xiyun lay into her living room, closed her eyes, and went offline.

Chen Xu felt a bit empty in his heart. From childhood to age, what he feared most was parting. In the past seven years, whether Luo Xiyun, Yang Jinxia or Bai Jinxuan, every time they go offline, he will always feel uncomfortable for several days.

情绪 When he was left alone in the base, this sentiment was even more pronounced.

It wasn't until a week later that Yang Jinxia went online to dilute that loneliness.

"It looks good with a beard."

Yang Jinxia came online two days earlier than Chen Xu expected and appeared directly in the living room, frightening him.

"You're here." When Chen Xu saw her, she lowered her hands and held her in her arms. He held them very hard, like rubbing her into her own body.

Uh ...

In the control center, Chen Xu, who had shaved his beard, looked much more energetic, and told Yang Jinxia, ​​"Now the development of the base has fallen into a bottleneck and the energy is not enough."

He is introducing the current situation of the base. Among the three women, only Yang Jinxia will care about the base. Luo Xiyun and Bai Jinxuan rarely ask questions.

These things can only be discussed with her.

Yang Jinxia stood in front of the screen, looked at the information, and asked, "How do you solve the energy problem?"

Chen Xu said, "In the early stage, solar energy was generally used. However, this planet is quite special. The entire planet is covered by thick clouds and does not have the conditions for solar power generation. At present, only hydropower can be considered. Several power generators can be built on the river there Standing, can ease it. "

Yang Jinxia casually said, "That river doesn't seem to have a particularly large drop, so the power generation efficiency is not very high."

"I have explored the areas we can currently explore. There are no coal mines and no radioactive mines. No other power generation method is useful."

Yang Jinxia looked away from the screen and asked him, "Is there any other way?"

"Yes." Chen Xu pointed up and said, "The satellites above are rich in nuclear fusion fuel, and all of them are mined, which is enough for us to build the entire planet into such a base."

Yang Jinxiaqi said, "Where did this information come from?"

Chen Xu said, "The last time I dropped an artificial satellite, I found relevant information on it."


"Now, find a way to get fuel on the satellite."

"That can only use another landing ship."

"I think so too. Two years ago, I started to cultivate biochemical people who can fly a spaceship. It will be mature in a few months."

Yang Jinxia saw that he already had a solution, and nodded, restricting the development of the base is energy. As long as the problem of energy can be solved, everything else is not a problem.

Chen Xu also said, "With the help of these months, I plan to get rid of those black birds."

When the landing ship landed, it was those black bird attacks that killed the rest of the expedition. Now is the time to avenge them.

旭 Chen Xu also studied these black birds. Many black birds were killed at the beginning. Through the study of corpses, they also have an understanding of the habits of this creature.

Their hearing is very sensitive. When the sound is too loud, they will be irritated, enter a state of runaway, and make crazy attacks on the sound-producing objects.

As long as hide in the base, these black birds are not a threat. However, Chen Xu was worried that when the landing ship took off, the black bird was alarmed, which was always a trouble.

He is going to solve this trouble in advance.

Since they are sensitive to sound, it's simple. Chen Xu chose a place, put a high-powered stereo, and arranged a lot of weapons around it. When the black birds were brought in, they were killed.

旭 Chen Xu didn't go to the scene, he was in the control center. After monitoring the video, he saw that the plan went well and stopped paying attention. This is a complete unilateral slaughter.

The number of blackbirds exceeded his imagination. After nearly a month of killing, no new blackbirds appeared.

After the black bird has eliminated the hidden danger of the black bird, it is waiting for the biochemical person to mature.

Everything went very smoothly. Chen Xu cultivated the highest-level biochemical man, and he didn't care to fly the spacecraft. This time it was the ship where Yang Jinxia was sitting, and the three top biochemical men took a group of robots to go.

Uh ...

"Underground human world, interesting."

In the living room, Yang Jinxia sat on the sofa and looked at the information. Since she knew the existence of the underground world, she has shown great interest.

"It's not a high level of technology to build such a huge base underground. I didn't expect it to end up like this."

Chen Xu said, "This is a negative teaching material that proves what a civilization will look like when it loses its vitality."

As for why it loses its vitality, it is obvious.

At this time, Chen Xu saw that the red light in front was on, and two lights were on at the same time ~ ~ This means that there is a very urgent incident.

Yang Jinxia noticed his gaze, turned his head and said, "Let's go and see what happened."

The two came to the control center and Zheng She on duty said, "An underground human army has appeared."

I heard Chen Xu was not too surprised when he heard the news. Some time ago, when the clone came back, he had expected such a day, but the underground human came later than he expected.

Twenty-seven years have passed. About one tenth of his life has passed. The development of the base has reached the limit of the available energy.

When the fuel on the satellite returns, the strength of the base will once again usher in a period of high-speed explosion. When that happened again, it was delivery.

At this point, the card is just right.

In the video, there are human figures under the ground, wearing silver protective clothing, looks much lighter than the protective clothing in the base.

In addition, there are large-scale cars, which are constantly coming out of the cave.

最 The most prominent one is a group of people in parasitic armor, the number is more than one hundred, the most obvious feature is that they are not wearing protective clothing.

The last thing that came out was a very large car with a long carriage at the back, and I didn't know what was inside.

When the largest car stopped, the front of the car suddenly lighted up, and then the video went dark.

PS: It's too sleepy, I can't stand it, go to bed first, and ask for a monthly pass.

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