My Extraordinary Achievement

Chapter 132: Normal shooting is impossible.

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On the side of a team member, a tall red-haired boy who looks tall and healthy is picking up the ball and wants to throw it to Meng Fan. After thinking about it, he walked over and handed it to his hand, like handing over baby. Be careful, I am afraid that this tower man has not taken it.

After handing over the basketball, the red-headed brother is sad again, the animation system is too weak!

It is not that Meng Fan is weak, nor is it to blame Aning’s dead horse as a living horse doctor. Rather, the whole team is not a good horse.

Like him, it’s true that you love to play basketball, but it’s very good for self-awareness. When you are on the ground, don’t say it’s outside. Even on the basketball court of the Academy of Fine Arts, you can get him when you get together. The passers-by bureau can't mix.

He was originally very excited to be drawn into the basketball team by the Aining schoolmaster. He specially dyed a colorful hair into a cherry wood red, and he was very excited to see that the other players were soft.

It’s no wonder that the Aining senior said that he can definitely play the main guard. That’s not the case, the whole team has no substitutes!

I finally heard that I came again with a person, or the famous tower man in the college. It is the hardware of the school team that goes up properly, and the shooting is still very big. This is another big hardware!

Now look, hehe hardware should be hard enough, it is too short.

The short board is too short, even the ball can't catch it!

I hope that the shooting is accurate.

"Thank you."

When Meng Fan took over the basketball, he took a shot and took a shot. He slammed it and pressed it. You can be sure that this basketball and the shooting machine are different from basketball. The weight should be lighter and the gas should be more...

Familiar with the ball... Meng Fan remembered the little head of the day, and quickly stopped the familiar work, for fear that whoever pulled out an idiom blocking the skr people.


Meng Fan took the ball to the ground and took it. It was caught this time. He took a picture and found that basketball was a little disobedient. He quickly took it. He took the basketball and went to the basketball stand. It was completely In the way of playing the shooting machine, the basketball is thrown towards the basket.

All the players who have played the shooting machine know that in order to shoot faster, they usually catch the basketball and send it directly to the basket. The position of the shot is basically on the chest. The normal shooting is not in a hurry, and in order to prevent being capped, the shot position is above the head.

Meng Fan, standing near the free-throw line, this shot, of course, is also a habitual chest position. It seems that the action is definitely not standard, and it is slightly wretched.


The basketball squatted on the inside of the basket and bounced out.

Although not in, but a few basketball players on the side did not reveal any disappointment, at least cast it on the inside of the basket, the head is indeed there.

The red-haired brother sprinted the ball to Meng Fan: "There is no feeling, then one more."


Meng Fan’s first vote was not deliberately missed. It is still not very familiar with this basketball and the basket.

Cast another one, this time, still hit the inside of the basket, but there is no high pop-up, but entered.

This basketball is more suffocating than the basketball of the shooting machine. Meng Fan was not used to it, this time it was suppressed.


The red-headed little brother clenched his fist in the chest and was quite passionate.

The people on the side are also cheering up, this enthusiasm, made Meng Fan a little embarrassed.

The red-headed brother ran to the ball again, and another player on the side gave Meng Fan the ball in his hand.

Meng Fan changed his position and cast it out.


This time, apart from the Nets, they didn't touch anything, including the basket and the rebound.

English is called - inner hollow.

Brush as a brush.

The next few players gave Meng Fan the ball, and Meng Fan also changed his position and angle to shoot. There were more than a dozen shots, including four shots from outside the three-point line, except one of them was Meng Fan deliberately. Pressing on the pop-up and a really not a deliberate force is a little bit smaller, the rest of the total, more than half is hollow.


After confirming that Meng Fan was able to take the lead on the shooting machine to the court, the excited Aning senior began to let the players go up and try to defend Meng Fan.

The first one to come up is the red-headed brother.

The red-headed brother came up to set up the defensive posture. After thinking about it, he said: "I have to say good things first. I will defend you in the same place. You are better off investing in the same place. Let's not touch anyone."

Meng Fan nodded helplessly. The red-headed brother said that this iron is afraid of the iron hoop. He will die when he holds some of it. He will die when he squats, and the skin is broken and rubbed.

The red-headed brother is one meter seven-six and sixty-six. Standing in front of Meng Fan, he is a little short. He puts his posture open and opens his hands. Seeing that Meng Fan is ready to pitch, he jumps up and reaches for the basketball.

Meng Fan did not have so many skills to hide, purely relying on the length of the arm to cast the ball out, when the ball hit the inside of the basket.

The Aining schoolmaster met and called the red-headed brother: "What are you doing so far? Press it!"

"I am afraid."

The red-headed little brother said weakly, or pressed the scalp forward, and kept the distance of 20 cm as much as possible. As for what is close to the body, forget it.

This time, Meng Fan obviously felt some pressure. He didn't play basketball. He really didn't know how to shoot under the premise of someone defending.

Basketball is higher than the top of the head. Meng Fan is unskilled in this position, and the speed of shooting is also slow.

How did the red-headed brother say that he played basketball for so many years, and the level was again, but there was some experience. After the opportunity of Meng Fan’s shot, he jumped up and slammed. He hit the basketball and changed his movement. Direction, this cap is a success.

"Oh, I can still."

The red-headed little brother suddenly got up.

"The tower leader is cheering!"

Just after Meng Fan was capped and returned from the ball, there was a bright color on the basketball court. The four cute girls wore neon comic style cheerleaders.

This costume, Meng Fan at a glance, can be seen in the animation "Magic Girl Sakura ard" in the same paragraph of the cheerleaders!

So, they just ran away to change the cheerleaders service?

After changing the clothing, the title was also replaced directly, and the details were always in place.

After Meng Fan was capped, there was such a cheering voice. Meng Fan was still very encouraged and took basketball, Meng Fan did not rush to shoot again, but thought about it.

Your own shooting posture is not standard. If you want to practice the standard and be able to cope with the defense, it will definitely not work in a short time.

Therefore, you can completely give up the normal shooting method.

Meng Fan leaned over to the red-headed little brother, and his left hand stretched out to stop the red-headed brother, so that he could not touch the basketball on his right hand, and then he pushed the basketball with his right hand and cast the basketball with the shot put.


The ball went in.

"Is this OK?"

The little redhead is a little embarrassed.

The four cheerleaders cheered with waving hands.

Six minutes later, the Aining student suddenly cried: "Don't vote, don't vote!"

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