My Extraordinary Achievement

Chapter 136: Old iron to send warmth

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The online game coach who was temporarily pulled over as the coach after the game took the team and the animation department to shake hands. After all, the first friendship of the game was second, the game was finished, and friendship was still necessary.

"A good hand is broken!"

The online game department interim coach and the Aining superintendent shook hands and said with a smile: "I thought it would be stable to the next round. I didn't expect it, hey, I didn't find a sign when I was training early, even if I was derelict!"

Miaotou, naturally refers to the 3rd love out of the limelight and the team may not be able to match.

The Aining senior is still very straight: "The discovery is useless. You can't serve the people. They naturally don't listen to you. The 3rd is thrown into the school team and guaranteed to be very good."

The online game department's temporary coach glared at his chest: "Do you have to be so worried?"

The head of the Aning haha ​​laughed like a Zhang Fei.

The online game department can do what the temporary coach can do, and the knife is not confident: "I would like to see how the photography department will blow you up tonight!"

"You, everything is okay, it is too bad!"

When the Aining Master lost his knife, it was really a slap in the hand, and he and other team members shook hands and encouraged him, and then he withdrew from the stadium with the members of the animation department.

The schedule of the Academy of Basketball is still very tight. It is just the venue for their competition. There are two more games to play, plus other basketball courts. Tonight, plus tomorrow morning, the basics will be two. All the competitions of the college were finished.

The internal final of the Media Animation Academy, the competition between the photographer and the animation department, is at 7:00 tonight.

Time is very fast, but to be honest, the strength of the second-level college is not big, the physical energy consumption is not particularly large, can have a three or four hours of rest, basically make up.

The other members of the basketball team have a hard time. Meng Fan certainly has nothing to say. In the afternoon game, don’t say it, even the warm-up is not so hot.

"It’s difficult to play tonight."

Back to the temporary requisitioned classroom, the Aining schoolmaster lost a few mats, let the five players squat on it, five scorpion-shaped squid squid, one-on-one began to relax.

"Oh, the machine is a traditional strong team. Last year, it was the top four in the college. On the other hand, the game is more bad than this year's online game system, but one is tall and strong. And, unlike online games, there is ' Star players', they are very united. So, tonight's game, we have to do this in the first half... Hey, Meng Fan?"

It was not until five minutes before the start of the game that the academics of Aning saw Meng Fan slowly coming over.

"Where are you going? Why are you not answering the phone? Why are you going?"

The Aning senior who took the coach board saw the soul three combos.

"I went back to paint." Meng Fan said calmly. "I didn't play in the afternoon, I don't need to rest. I don't need me to massage anything. I can't understand the tactics, so I slipped."

The schoolmaster of Aning thought for a moment and thought it was very reasonable. Then he didn't care about him. He and the team members said the precautions before the game and sat on a stool that people brought.

Warm-up before the game, the machine's ... amount, the members of the photography department are on the scene, looking at it, the basic height is about one meter eight, this average altitude is definitely top-notch in the basketball team of the Academy of Fine Arts, and one They are all thick and thick, and compared with the boys in other departments of the Academy of Fine Arts, the photography department is indeed much rougher. It is estimated that the heroes of the sculpture department can compare.

When Ian learned that Meng Fan didn't know where to find a stool and sat with a grandfather, he moved the stool to the other side and pressed his voice and said, "You must always be prepared. Deal with the online game department, I There are still things to do, but this photography department is really a little anxious, there is nothing to point to. If the score is more than ten, you have to play."

Meng Fan nodded.

However, the world is not expected by the Aining seniors. It took less than ten minutes to start the game. The score did not open very much, but one of the animation mobilizations could not continue to play.

As the only substitute, Meng Fan had to play.

What secret weapon killer can't hide.

Meng Fan was on the scene, and the people in the photography department were poked.

"This tower man is really an animated basketball team!"

"Everyone has to be careful, this old iron shooting thief!"

"Know, who hasn't seen him live!"

"Prevent points!"

"Who has seen him playing the game? Will he play inside? This body, no one can eat it here?"

It is indeed impossible to hide, at least not as good as the imagination of the Aining schoolmaster. Although no other faculty members have seen Meng Fan cast a basket on the normal basketball court, most of them know that Meng Fan's shooting machine is over-the-counter.

The shooting machine is a batch of cattle, and the normal shooting is also a certain batch of cattle. This is the thinking of everyone's normal people. Very few of them will think that Meng Fan can't shoot normally.

Even after Meng Fan’s appearance, the intuition of the photography department determined that the reason why Meng Fan did not fight in the last game was that Ain’s seniors regarded him as a killer.

Just how accurate, they don't know.

But it does not prevent them from setting Meng Fan as the key defensive goal.

"Iron brother."

After the red-headed brother took the ball, he tried it and didn't hit it. He gave the ball to Meng Fan.

Suddenly, two players from the photography department will be posted to Meng Fan.



When Meng Fan shook his hand, he passed the ball to his team's No. 8 who had no defense. The No. 8 station is still very good.

Throwing precision +13, the shooting is accurate, the pass can be thrown in the way is also very accurate, the ball is like someone holding the hand to the 8th, do not be too comfortable.

"How did he pass the ball to me?"

"It seems like the opportunity is good."

"Pan one."

No. 8 easily wipes the score of the goal.

"He will pass the ball?"

The president of Aning was like the discovery of the New World.

Then, Meng Fan did verify his thoughts.

Two times in a row, after Meng Fan got the ball, there were two big men in the photography department who posted it, and then the ball in Meng Fan’s hand went to the teammate who had no one to defend, no matter the angle or strength. The people who catch the ball are very comfortable, and even the shots seem to be accurate, all thrown in.

Three times before and after, the members of the photography department are a little embarrassed. Doesn't he not shoot the ball and pass the ball?

But his shooting machine is so slippery.

I doubt life!

At the end of the first half Meng Fan did not score a point, as long as the ball arrived, it will spread.

The precision of throwing has been made, and the observation power has been added. Meng Fan is very accurate in finding people, and he is comfortable with the ball. Everyone in the red-headed brother is "served" by Meng Fan.

These four people usually play basketball, never get the ball so cool, one by one, just like a senior big sword, seeing Meng Fan's eyes are wrong.

Really? Old iron!

I have to shoot the ball, but it is a good opportunity to give them a show. This teammate is not much, one is really enough!

At the intermission, the Aining senior was somewhat curious: "Why don't you vote for yourself?"

Meng Fan asked one sentence: "Isn't it a killer?"

In fact, Meng Fan really feels that there is nothing new in shooting. Anyway, how to vote, if you can guarantee the game, you must find yourself fun.

This gives people warmth and is much more fun than scoring themselves.

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