My Extraordinary Achievement

Chapter 139: 1st game female anchor

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The sleepy man brought a lot of book friends. In the live room, there are several local water friends in the c-sports props. The 8 stations also added a home page recommendation to the face, plus the original popularity of Meng Fan’s live broadcast. After about half an hour, the number of online users in the live broadcast has exceeded 300,000, and the momentum of continued growth is also fierce.

There are a large number of live rooms, and there is more natural to go to the penguin animation network collection "Underground Spirit" along the link. After the collection of 100,000 people just finished the first prize, the collection jumped to 110,000.

Meng Fan continued to draw the prize. This time, he did not come up with something. Instead, he presented a gif and said, "This is the new magical array of wireless charging treasures on the neon side. Is there any cool cool? ""

There is a black disc in the picture. When the phone is placed in the middle, a magic inscription is lit around the disc, and then a six-pointed magic circle is formed. After all the inscriptions are lit, the middle mobile phone screen is also Lights up and the display is charging.

"Catch the grass! Plant grass!"

"Is there a score in the second index?"


"Push me!"

"It is impossible to win the prize. Please send the link within one minute of the anchor!"

"Wow, wow, please ask the anchor to say the price and let me die. Thank you!"

"Don't worry, tb will have hahaha in two days!"

"I feel that the phone will grow wings in the next second!"

"Don't the next second be Sakura out of it?"

"This is too cool!"

"Who can tell me what is the principle?"

"Electromagnetic induction, high school physics knowledge points."

"Wireless charging treasure? Oh, I have to buy a mobile phone that can be wirelessly charged!"

"Spicy chicken, can't play while charging!"

"Hahahaha, I took a slap in the face and I silently took back the words!"

The lottery gifts in the live room, Meng Fan and the sleepy man are really carefully selected, ah well, mainly responsible for the sleepy, after all, except for the update, everything is particularly positive, of course, the mine itself is also a mine Premise.

So far, the 11 rounds of gifts that have been drawn, in addition to the beginning of the book and comics, in addition to the heart is really not cheap. Like a few hands, it is to find the best team in the country to do, do not look at the small Ding Dada, a few hundred pieces; and then, for example, the five sets of Linghu women, looking for a big cow of cos, he A total of ten sets were made out of five sets, and the average set was still one thousand three four. It is said that this is the most expensive one item so far.

The first 11 rounds of lottery, this counts, at least 30,000.

Meng Fan and the sleepy master prepared a total of 20 rounds of gifts, counted, to be more than 100,000 - this is the gift behind.

Take a hundred thousand draws, is it crazy, slap it?

That depends on what happens.

If you have two or three live rooms in the cat, it’s crazy to take five of them, but it’s not the same for hundreds of thousands of people.

Tens of thousands of people, you have to really get a press conference, you can listen to a water ring that is considered to be operating properly.

If you want to save money, you still have to have a chance.

In the live broadcast of Meng Fan, the number of basic online users can be stabilized at more than 50,000. It is a bit of a bit of other things to do something, 100,000 is appropriate.

Even so, these hundreds of thousands are not necessarily able to get out.

If you want to finish more than ten thousand, you have to meet 20 rounds of draws, that is, there are 200,000 collections in the backstage of comics. 200,000 collections, you are dead, there must be 200,000 people in the live broadcast room?

On the other hand, it is almost impossible for you to find hundreds of thousands of real and effective account collections elsewhere.

It's not that the accounts of the water friends in the live broadcast are 100% active accounts, but the minimum proportion is very touching. After all, they can enter the Mengfan live room and the fans who come with the sleeper, which are potential active users. Don't say that you can chase your comics at all, at least one-third of the bad ones are always there.

Can you buy a collection directly and spend it?

In the eyes of the embarrassed, it is worthwhile how these ten thousand are worthwhile.

In addition, the live ring water friends or netbook friends have a happy one hundred thousand, hundreds of thousands or even one million to reward the anchor or the author's picture is a happy one, not to mention the sleepy family has mine Player.

When planning this matter, Meng Fan also thought about taking the opportunity to brush a wave of [small money boy] task, and he and the sleepy man said that this comic has a gift, he also got half, but was trapped Yeah, who do you look down on?

Of course, afterwards, I thought about the sleepy man. It is not that he has a mine in his home, but he does not give Meng Fan a chance, but Meng Fan has already left a venue. This land can top him more than 100,000.

Meng Fan’s listening to this is quite good, and he’s not sure when he wants to lose money.

The lottery is still going on. When the backstage collection of Penguin Animation Network reaches 150,000, the rate of increase is much slower.

At this time, the number of online users in the live broadcast room has reached more than 450,000, creating a historical high for Meng Fan live broadcast.

450,000 online, 150,000 collections - there is definitely a collection of comics over there, this number is the size of the first and does not say - this ratio is actually very scary, you can not really think that you are a bottle of gold dragon Fish to look forward to 1:1!

Seeing that the collection was not moving, the lottery was slowed down, and the atmosphere was a bit embarrassing. Meng Fan was thinking that he should draw the illustration while waiting for the collection, or directly to the next prize.

After all, you can't really stare at the collection.

Talking and chatting, it seems that it is not as good as drawing an illustration. If you draw an illustration, you can send it directly to your friends.

At this time, Meng Fan saw that the number of online users in the live broadcast suddenly grew wild.

From 450,000 blinks to 500,000, and then 550,000, 580,000, 600,000... 700,000 is still rising!

Then, the barrage between the live broadcasts quickly became uniform.

"Bunny sister rounds up and takes out all your carrots!"

"Bunny sister rounds up and takes out all your carrots!"


Rabbit sister?

Meng Fan thought about With the rabbit character coming out to check the room is still so imposing, Meng Fan can only think of one person, that is the 8-station game anchor anchor rabbit tooth Ji.

Rabbit tooth Ji can be said to be the first game female anchor of 8 stations. It belongs to the female anchor who plays super-slip in the game itself. It can operate a variety of games. It features a rabbit mask for each live broadcast. No one has ever seen her. The real looks, but the exposed eyes are very beautiful, big and round!

Meng Fan had seen the live broadcast of this rabbit tooth Ji, but he couldn’t think of any intersection with her. Is it just checking the house and finding out on his head?

The so-called rounds, that is, some of the big anchors have finished the live broadcast or have free time in the middle of the live broadcast, and bring the water friends to play in other live rooms.

Generally speaking, there are more rooms for male anchors to check female anchors, and they are more interesting.

Meng Fan was wondering, suddenly brushed out a 1024 樯橹 飞 灭 的 的 道具 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

"Meng anchor, do you still remember the night in Wuzhen?"

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