My Extraordinary Achievement

Chapter 141: I didn’t expect to worry about the money.

The rabbit army came like a tidal wave, and it retreated like a tidal wave. Less than five minutes before and after, the rabbit army in the Mengfan live room basically went almost.

As a host fan group that can carry out 50,000 collection operations in minutes by minute, it can be seen that the execution of the rabbit army, while also reflecting the adhesion of the fans, the water army brought in Meng In the live broadcast room, "rebellion" into fans of Meng Fan, this kind of thing basically does not exist.

At least I want to make a group of game powder into a painting powder. This kind of personality charm, Meng Fan is still not available for the time being.

Of course, it is not to say how many people have gone since the number of people who came. When the rabbit tooth came with the rabbit army, the number of online livelihoods in Meng Fan was 450,000. After the rabbit army retired, there were still online people in the live broadcast room. 550,000.

As for how many of the 100,000 water friends are left behind and how many are due to broadcasts and recommendations, it is really difficult to count.

When the Rabbit Army left, the collection of "Underground Spirit" was 240,000, which means that in this short period of time, it was not up to 50,000 collections, but 90,000.

In addition, what makes Meng Fan more unexpected is that the collection of "Campus Love Men" has also risen a lot. It is estimated that many of these water friends have collected the "Underground Spirit" and followed the author's name and another one. This comic book is for collection.

Rabbit army smashing rabbits?

Anyway, even if it is an unexpected surprise.

At the beginning of the broadcast today, "Campus Love Men" is a collection of more than 300,000, and now it is more than 370,000.

The collection of two comic books has accumulated, about 620,000!

This is not far from the mission requirements of [Millions of Collections].

As for the [Million Reward] requirement to reward the accumulation of one million Chinese currency, the progress can be quite a lot. "Campus Love refers to the male" so far accumulated a total of 12,000 Chinese coins, and "Underground" Although there is a book powder and water friends floating red, there are more than 20,000 pieces, all add up to more than 30,000, a distance of 1 million, too much difference.

Before the task of [Millions of rewards] came out, Meng Fan did not pay much attention to what he was rewarding. Although he never asked for a reward after he came out, he paid more attention to this matter.

He found a very interesting phenomenon.

The most common thing is to give gifts and gifts between the web and the live broadcast.

Whether it is a web or a live broadcast, it seems that it is not impossible to accumulate a reward of one million Chinese currency.

As far as Meng Fan knows, there are many cases in which Jin Jin rewards female anchors. There are also many lords, Platinum lords, and gold ally, and even Yimeng.

Like the starter Chinese website where the sleepy father is located, there are definitely more than one million rewards, and even more than one million accumulated.

After all, there is a kind of person called local tyrant.

There are not many local tycoons who directly reward a billion-dollar coin, but those who throw out 10 million start-point coins, that is, 100,000 Huaxia coins, are really a lot. Plus a book, there is no shortage of other lords. A lot of hot books, one hundred lords, that is, rewarding one hundred book friends, rewarding one thousand Chinese currants is basically standard. Adding together, accumulating one million Chinese currency, the starting point of the Chinese network is currently There are at least ten copies in the serial!

In the live broadcast room, there will be no less than one million gifts.

However, when it comes to comics, it is different.

Meng Fan also checked the penguin animation network here. As far as he can find, the top ten comics in the hot list, only one has ten lords, that is, rewarded 100,000 vouchers. Other basics There are only one or two of the two or three ally.

As far as rewards are concerned, the gap between the live broadcast and the live broadcast is really very large.

What's interesting is that there are so many works in over one million collections!

There is no market for comics? No local fans are fascinated?

Obviously impossible!

Meng Fan tried to find a few reasons in the past. For example, is it that the fans are not rewarding this tradition and atmosphere, for example, because many of the cartoons in Penguin are created in the form of studios, or they are adapted. Therefore, the motivation for rewarding is not great, and it is not because the comics are basically the interaction between Zhou and the readers, or the live broadcast is direct and fast...

Like to be able to enhance the interaction for the reward, the live broadcast is not to mention, thanks to the old iron brush rocket casually come even the young lady sent a nice gift in you can also give you a pro voice .

The reason has been found a few, but Meng Fan does not feel particularly adequate and accurate.

In short, it is much harder to get a million rewards through comics than live and write.

Reward yourself?

Meng Fan has really tried it, and the experience has also risen. It is indeed possible to reward himself.

But this is a million, Meng Fan, even if the conditions at home are really good, even if the reward is thrown out, he can still get back half, but it is impossible to make it.

If the amount of this reward can be accumulated in the "Fallen Boys", Meng Fan will pinch his nose and recognize it, but he can not reward himself if he can reward himself.

Even if the half that I can't get back is counted as a loose money, Meng Fan is also on the line, but the system can be directly judged to be invalid.

Take the 500,000 to go to [Millions of collections] this task, Meng Fan is still somewhat hesitant.

Of course, to say a thousand and ten thousand, the key is that Meng Fan does not have so much money.

There are more than a dozen and two hundred thousand, but there is no such thing as half a million.

To the parents, Meng Caiwei wants or borrows, Meng Fan also said no.

If you have it... Well, it will definitely be a "following boy" priority, after all, it is the **** attribute of lucky +1.

For this, Meng Fan thinks that money still has to find ways to earn something.

Thinking of it here, Meng Fan did not expect that he would worry about money before he graduated from college.

Speaking back to the live broadcast, Meng Fan and the sleepy master prepared 20 rounds of sweepstakes. I thought that I could pull 200,000 collections and I was in the sky. I didn’t expect the rabbit army to suddenly kill and change the collection into 240,000. Wan, the lottery is definitely still to be drawn. It is not difficult to prepare without it. The two discussed it, and then pumped four rounds. Now, if you get to 250,000, you will take another round of the latest mobile phone.

Finally, before the broadcast, the collection of "Underground Spirit" was 270,000, and there was no lottery in the back. Meng Fan was happy and uploaded two more words.

The task is to be completed, but the comics themselves are equally important. It is also appropriate to upload 3 words on the day of opening the book.

"The comics are tentatively scheduled for a week or two, Friday and Saturday." Finally, Meng Fan said, "Everyone knows that my paintings are very fast, not boastful, and the problems are not big on Wednesdays and Thursdays. It’s really not how much I want to improve, but I’m really worried that the sleepy man can’t deliver so many scripts. If the script is enough, I will add more.”

With the book friends and fans, the infinite spit of the sleepy man, Meng Fan broadcast.

Today's live broadcast, for Meng Fan, the harvest is still quite big, do not say anything else, but the number of people watching has reached more than 1.5 million!

By the time of the broadcast, the total number of viewers of [Live Talent] was 8.8 million, which was 10 million from the third requirement of the process.

After the broadcast, Meng Fan took the phone call from the sleepy man and went to the live room of the rabbit tooth Ji. Reading network

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