My Extraordinary Achievement

Chapter 148: A silver brother

A Yin Ge has a strange name, and it is also a name that many Wenzhou people can hardly call in Mandarin.

The process of understanding Meng Fan and Lianlian Silver is quite interesting.

The first time I met was when Meng Fan was seven or eight years old. During the summer vacation, the family went to the country to play in the country. There were many relatives in the home. There were relatives in the relatives who were older than Meng Fan and had a smaller child than Meng Fan. Have a good time in the mountain stream.

There is a boy in his child who is four or five years older than Meng Fan. He is very dark and wild. With Meng Fan’s various ostrich eggs, he plays and plays. Meng Fan does not know the little friends around him. Changed, playing is crazy to play for an afternoon, the sun went down the mountain and followed the **** boy back home.

After going back, Meng Fan was jealous, and the **** boy was also paralyzed.

Meng Fanzhen is because no one around him knows, the **** boy is because the adults at home do not know one of these chubby little boys.

Once again, I realized that there were several groups of people playing in the mountain stream. Meng Fan played the wrong "team", and the **** boy also admitted that Meng Fan was his relative and child.

Then I found it. The **** boy asked the family in the village. There was no such child as Meng Fan. Then I went to several villages on the side to find a pass. I happened to meet a group of people looking for Meng Fan on the road. found it.

Meng Fan had to return to the village and the **** boy's house, separated by three or four villages.

Now think of it, Meng Fan is very curious about how he walked so far.

And that **** boy is undoubtedly A Yin Ge.

The two were considered to be misunderstood. Next, Meng Fan also played with A Yin Ge for several days, but unfortunately he was just getting acquainted and separated.

It’s hard to get to the next summer vacation. Meng Fan went to the country but didn’t see A Yin Ge. After inquiring, I learned that the family of A Yin Ge went to the field.

It’s almost ten years since I met again. At that time, Meng Fan went to high school. On the way home from school, I met a big dog and chased a little girl to bite. When the people on the side were at a loss, a black The big man appeared, knocking the big dog down on the ground with a fist and a sock.

The ridiculous and irritating thing is that after the dog owner catches up, the little girl’s parents see the little girl, and the two dog owners with tattoos are angered by the dog’s anger. The little girl ran away.

However, the ending is not so tragic, at least for Ayin brother, because the two dog owners did not win the A-Yin brother, and eventually, three people were taken to the police station.

Meng Fan called his three uncles, and finally A Yin Ge and two dog owners were private. The so-called private is to threaten to bring the two hundred and eighty brothers to slash the two dog owners of A Yin Ge, to A Yin Ge Apologize.

After the uncle left, Meng Fan was curious to ask A Yin Ge, seeing that the little girl's parents were very angry after the escape, A Yin Gehaha smiled and said that of course angry, but the little girl is worth nothing.

Later, Meng Fan asked where A Yin Ge had gone in the past ten years. A Yin Ge only said that he went to the field without saying anything, but said that this time he came back to attend a friend's funeral. At that time, Meng Fan could not understand why the 20-year-old A Yin Ge had a friend who passed away.

After that time, Meng Fan had two months to see A Yin Ge often. One night, A Yin brother suddenly called Meng Fan to come out, or in the middle of the night.

"You have to stop me, don't let me die."

A Yin Ge said something inexplicable, and then began to drink in a can, Meng Fan did not know if he should stop him drinking, and later, A Yin brother was drunk and then fell asleep, muttering Meng Fancai knew that the day was A Yinge’s birthday.

As for why Ayin’s birthday is so strange and strange, Meng Fan didn’t know, but after that time Meng Fan remarked his birthday, and every time he gave him the day’s blessing in the early morning, I don’t know. This is useless, but I think it should be done.

Since then, Meng Fan has always maintained contact with A Yin Ge. The last time I met was during the Chinese New Year. The Ayin brother who met this time was quite changed. He said that he had tossed and did not move. He had already found a stable job, or perhaps Meng Fan grew up and talked with Meng Fan a lot.

In the chat, Meng Fan is also a vague understanding of some of the things that have happened to him over the years.

Meng Fan always knew that A Yin Ge was a very talented person, so he asked him why he didn't connect these stories together to write a novel. A Yin Gehaha smiled and said he thought about it, and he will have time later. I must write it out.

Before the rebirth, Meng Fan also met with A Yin Ge once during the eleventh period. Before the rebirth, Meng Fan first went back to the Shanghai stock market where Wenzhou went. When he returned to Wenzhou City, he met with A Yinge and had a big drink. When drinking, Meng Fan does not have to see that A Yin brother does not like the current work, but because life has to deal with the scalp.

A Yinge said a sentence that made Meng Fan not resonate at all but the memory was quite profound. He said that he had nothing to worry about before doing anything. Suddenly one day, he found that his parents are getting older, only to know that making money is really important, at least The speed of making money should keep up with the speed at which parents grow old, and the speed at which house prices rise, as well as the speed at which children grow up and the speed at which their wives are impatient.

This time, because of the great changes after the rebirth, during the eleventh period, I ran to Hangzhou from Hangzhou to see the concert and did not return to Wenzhou. This wine and this speech did not happen.

Reminder of birthday Let Meng Fan's memory come in like a flood, plus the day before yesterday I saw a flat-headed turn "How can I let this friend inadvertently see this (dog head)? "The collar, the content is that in 1956, the friend of Harper-lee gave her a one-year salary as a gift at Christmas time, so that she can not work for a year and concentrate on writing." This year, Lee wrote the famous "Killing a Robin."

Therefore, Meng Fan’s brain was hot, and he gave A Yinge his salary for one year, 150,000.

Although A Yinge has never been to university, he is still a capable and hard-working person. From the first year of his job, he has earned an annual salary of 120,000 from his monthly salary of 1,500 yuan. 150,000 is that Meng Fan thinks he will reach his annual salary this year.

Meng Fan certainly cannot guarantee that A Yin Ge will become a well-known author, but he is willing to become such a friend first. Even, even if A Yin brother does not write, Meng Fan wants to give him some help through this reason.

After about ten minutes, A Yin brother returned: "Thank you! I have already resigned to the boss! This money, when I borrow you!"

Although it has become a loan that cannot increase the experience of loose money, Meng Fan is still very happy and very happy to help A Yin Ge.

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