My Extraordinary Achievement

Chapter 168: Damei Studio

Hangzhou has the title of Huaxia Animation Capital. In the past ten years ago, various animation parks across the country said that it is necessary to develop the animation industry. When it is actually an alternative real estate operation, Hangzhou is actually doing animation.

From the past ten years ago, there was no animation work in Zhejiang Province, and now there are more than 300 animation and game related enterprises, forming an industrial group of one main board listed company, one GEM listed company and more than 10 new three board listed companies. The annual industrial revenue has reached more than 25 billion.

In Hangzhou, there are many Wenchuang Parks, and each Wenchuang Garden has almost an animation-related industry.

And Qin Lan wants to bring Meng Fan to the Xizi Cultural and Creative Park near the Academy of Fine Arts. The main industry of this creation garden is animation games.

Soon the car drove into the Wenchuang Garden, then left and right and stopped in front of a house that looked like a factory building.

"Not all right?"

Meng Fan looked at the past, and the outside circle was a large yard. There was no one inside or outside the house, and no company or studio was listed.

Except for opening a large yard, the house is afraid of more than a thousand square meters, and counts three more layers... This area is a bit big!

See Qin Hao nodded and went inside, Meng Fan followed, swearing: "You can't see that you are still a rich woman! Before the old crying, they are all loaded!"

"I am not crying poor, it is really poor." Qin Hao pushed them into the house, and before and after Meng Fan said something, "Because of school reasons, I hang a position in this Wenchuang Garden. Inside, How much is the light of the school, the school is also encouraged, Wenchuang Garden has given a considerable price, coupled with policy support, I have not much money to rent this studio. Of course, Even if it is not much, I still borrow a lot from your sister. Who asked her to propose it!"

Meng Fan smiled and said: "In any case, she will not have any interest in the bank in the end of the year, and she will do something to invest."

Qin Dao said: "I have to invest, I have any ability to make money. If it is not the rent of this studio is really low enough, I dare not rent it. And, rent it, I have no plans to make money, every year can make Thanks to the operation of this studio."

I opened the window and blew a few calls to call the cleaning staff here. Then I said to Meng Fan: "I originally built this studio to give our graduates a free choice, or There is an excessive place. Even if we graduated from our school, there are many people who choose to work in other industries. Among them, there are many reasons for giving up because of various external reasons. In addition, although some are still engaged in this industry, they are not Happy, not making money is also a reason. So, this studio, I do not expect to be able to make money, but I really hope that the students who join will make money, and then do what they want."

In this case, if someone else said it, even if Meng Fan has never experienced society, he will definitely think that it is a flicker, but Qin Yu, Meng Fan believes.

Qin Lan took out the contract that had been prepared from the bag and handed it to Meng Fan: "Sign it."

"I don't need it anymore." Meng Fan waved his hand and smiled. "I have recently received a lot of live work. I don't have to make up the money in your studio. Besides, I am temporarily making a pocket money."

Qin Lan said: "Know, so I first thought of signing you."

? ? ?

Meng Fan looked at the question mark: "You mean that the students who want to join can make money, not including me?"

Qin Hao nodded seriously: "I mean you understand it very well. You don't need to make money, but you have the ability to make money, so you need to make money to support the studio."

Meng Fan wants to cry: "What have you learned from my mother? Nothing else has been learned. I learned to pit me!"

Qin Lan smiled and said: "You look at the contract carefully."

When Meng Fan saw it, he couldn't understand it. This is really not the contract of the studio signing member, but the studio share contract.

"Your sister said, if you don't have to pay back the money, you should invest in this studio. If you share the stock, let you hold it. She doesn't understand it anyway. If it loses, it will be lost. Just give you a toy. It’s best to make money, and I’m willing to divide her.” Qin said, “Of course, the studio is definitely going to make money. Only the dividends in my shareholding will come out to educate and train talents and Replenish the signing member. You hold 49% of the shares, and the money you earn is naturally allocated by you."

Meng Fan has been stunned for a long time, and he has the psychological preparation to invest in a studio.

"You let me take a look."

Meng Fan sat on the side for a long time, the cleaning staff came and began to clean up, and then asked Qin: "Do you have a large degree of freedom in your share?"

"Is your boy looking at the problem is not deep!"

Qin Xiao smiled and said: "Although this studio rented down to have a face in school, but it is just a face, of course, I have to say the other things. Besides, I can’t make money in this studio. Not necessarily, even the mosquito meat is not. Of course, if you really make money, as I said earlier, I will voluntarily come up with education and training."

"That's okay. However, I can say it first. Although I have shares, I don't participate in any management."

"Sign it and say it again. You can't do anything, I can force you!"

After signing the contract, Qin Hao happily collected and then took out a lot of contracts from the bag, laughing and saying: "This is a member I have signed, most of them are It is a graduate of our department, and a small part is a student. These members are mainly good at illustrations and hand-painted posters, and our studio's tentative main projects are illustrations and posters.

Meng Fan listened and waved directly: "This is okay me!"

Qin Lan squinted at Meng Fan, and his voice was soft. "I know that you have received a lot of illustrations and posters, but that is what you pick up. It doesn't matter to the studio. I didn't let you boss." Make money for studio painting. Just, you are both familiar with it, and your ability is good. If you have time, is it always necessary to be a guide?"

With time flexibility, Meng Fan also recognized.

"The contract has also been signed, can I go now?"

"You don't think you need to do something before you go? For example, help move things over there."

"You are really a good student of my mother, a good sister of my sister!"

Inexplicably became the owner of a studio, and then moved inexplicably for more than an hour, Meng Fan is not a bit of temper!

Also, the money is from his sister, the relationship, the business, the members, the management, what is what Qin Hao did, and when he thinks about it, he really enjoys what he can and can have any temper.

Moreover, although the studio does not necessarily make money immediately, it can still solve many problems of Meng Fan.

For example, the single-page publication of the [Professional Cartoonist], for example, after the speed of his comic creation, Chen Daqiang can't catch up with the progress, and can throw some of the later life directly to the studio.

As for the name of this studio, Meng Fan is also unable to spit out and dare to vomit. Damei Studio, after all, Qin Yu moved the three words of the Great Academy of Fine Arts out!

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