My Extraordinary Achievement

Chapter 205: Before the provincial finals

"I remember that three kills, four kills and five kills seem to refer to killing achievements completed in a short time!"

Chen Daqiang, who had already entered the elevator, heard Meng Fan’s words, almost pressed the wrong floor, and then reached out and raised a **** to pay tribute.

"The bragging batch is still not drafted."

Meng Fan said sourly, he did not think about the seven kills of super-god, and the desire to kill the first kill is impossible.


Sighed, noisy, seeing Wu Tongfa said that he has returned to school, Meng Fan that half of the heart hanging is also practical.

Chen Daqiang, this guy, almost stunned Meng Fan half life.

As for this matter, of course, he did not know, and the fool told Wu Tong.

After replying to Wu Tong, Meng Fan called Qin Qin and said that his comics were handed over to the studio and Chen Daqiang had already passed.

"You will assign people, let's do it. I know this. If there are not enough people, I will find it again." Qin said, "The publishing is basically fixed. The publisher is very willing to pick you up. Oh, yes, they also asked, you didn’t pay for the first book of “Campus Love Men”, what is the name of the name? Ask if you want to print or reprint the first book.”

"Yes!" Meng Fan was trying to say this. "So, is this all handed over to you?"

"No problem, but you can pay the studio for the hard work."


After hanging the phone of Qin Lan, Meng Fan went back to the study room. Looking at the flower arrangement and a pot of cactus on the workbench, Meng Fan’s mood was exceptionally good.

From the beginning to 5:30 in the afternoon, Meng Fan drew two words, "Campus Love Men", the efficiency can be said to be very high.

The manuscript was sent to Chen Daqiang, and then he went to Chu to put out the soup, and served it with the cooked rice. With the side dish, the dinner was solved.

He didn't go running in the evening, and he continued to paint after eating.

After finishing the painting, it was more than eight o'clock. After the painting was continued, the painting was carried out, and then the painting was carried out with the pillow and the stool.

Stopped a taxi to an attraction in the scenic spot of Xizi Lake, put on a hat to find a corner, set up an easel, sit on a stool, then put on the night vision goggles and continue painting!

Painting at home is also a painting, why not paint while painting the night tour, anyway, all aspects of equipment are complete.

Even, Meng Fan is afraid of being photographed by the monitor, and directly using the live aid to find the camera by means of connection, can be perfectly avoided.

From 11:00 in the evening to more than 4 o'clock in the next day, I painted a 5-night night tour experience and directly brushed the night tour experience to 51 points, completing the process three.

“Hey! Play 50 spots at night, complete the [Night Tour God] process three; reward: points +50, day and night ability +1.”

The remaining 49 points of experience, Meng Fan plans to finish brushing in about ten days, followed by a total of day and night ability +6, observation +4 and aesthetic +1 reward, still very rich.

After several days in a row, Meng Fan basically continued this crazy state, and the time soon arrived on November 17.

At this point, "Campus Love refers to the man" finished, "Underground Spirit" also painted words.

In the later stage, in addition to Chen Daqiang, the studio also gave four people, which means that Meng Fan has a total of five assistants.

This configuration is not a big deal in neon comic masters, but it is a super luxury configuration in China.

However, the five assistants still can't catch up with Meng Fan's progress!

Concentrating on "Campus Love Men" can make this book complete on the Internet, but "Underground Spirit" has drawn words, but because it can't keep up to only update to 16 words.

And this update volume has already caused a lot of discussion in the comics line. In the industry, Meng Fan is basically synonymous with the devil, destroying the devil of the "industry rules", who has you so updated, and Let others live!

The key is through live broadcast, everyone knows that Meng Fan is not a manuscript, but a painting, the quality is good, this makes people too stressed, but if you drag it, someone will directly talk to Meng Fan, even There are already a lot of rumors that are a bit slower!

"You look at the next door, you look at you again, are you not ashamed?"

"Can you update like an anchor!"

"It’s all graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts. How slow is your speed!”

This is a polite message. The spicy chicken is also a normal operation, making these cartoonists very uncomfortable.

This is where the players come from, do you have a anchor peace of mind when the anchor is not good, how good the painting illustration, you have to draw comics!

On the day of November 17, after painting in the morning, Meng Fan had to stop. After Wu Tong had eaten lunch, he stopped a taxi and went to the Huanglong Stadium.

On the 15th, Meng Fan has come here to rehearse once. Today is the last rehearsal of Su Qingying’s tour concert at Hangcheng Station.

In addition to singing, Meng Fan also used a sand painting performance artist to play with Su Qingying to complete a song.

The rehearsal was very smooth before, and the rehearsal was also very smooth.

"Is this going? Don't you have dinner together?"

"I still have something."

Meng Fan is indeed something, from the Huanglong Gymnasium went to the video game city of the last shooting machine competition, conducted an hour of training, because tomorrow is the provincial final of the cgl basketball competition in Zhejiang Province!

Fortunately, the provincial finals started in the morning and will definitely be finished before the evening, and the venue is in Hangzhou, catching up with the evening concert.

For the provincial finals, Meng Fan is very valued, but also determined to win, this is related to a championship honor point, and even have the opportunity to go to the central five, certainly can not miss.

"Fei Ge."

Meng Fan’s training was a live broadcast. I took a wave of watching the audience. After the training, I broadcasted it. I took out a few tickets from the bag and brought them to the bustling Dafei. They said, “Tomorrow’s evening sings. Tickets for the meeting."

"Tomorrow's evening? Tomorrow, after watching the game, I have to catch up with the train in the evening to go back to Wenzhou City. There is a friend who gets married the day after tomorrow." Duffy has some regrets.

The gun brother picked up the smile and said, "You can't use it, give it to me. Xiaole, they have been chanting for a few days, saying that they did not buy a ticket."

"They are saying this to you, don't you want to get a ticket to my brother dei? You can't think of it?"

Dafei helped the forehead, why is there so many girls around the guns?

Meng Fan had a double eleven evening party, and the group of girls who had come out and sang by Meng Fan naturally saw it.

The gun brother seriously thought about it: "It seems like this is the case." Then he smiled and raised the ticket in his hand. "Is this not getting it?!"

Meng Fan gave you a one to ask you to dissatisfy your eyes. This is life!


Meng Fan’s cell phone rang and looked at it. Su Qingyan called.

"You are going to practice the shooting machine!" Su Qingying saw Meng Fan's live shooting machine and said, "I am finishing the rehearsal here. You have broadcast it right, come over and have dinner together."

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