My Extraordinary Achievement

Chapter 217: Sound shaping role

"Hey! Trigger achievement task [shedworm]."

“The mission requires 100 voice-over characters and a cumulative 10,000 minutes in the studio.”

"Task completion to achieve the title of the [Spest] (dubbing skills +5, sound appeal +3)"

The task is divided into three processes.

Task Process 1: Requires a voice-over character of up to 10; reward: dubbing skill +1. ”

Task Process 2: Requires 50 voice-over characters; reward: dubbing skills +1. ”

Task Process 3: Requires a voice-over character of 100; reward: dubbing skill +1. ”

Dubbing mission!

Meng Fan had waited for this task. However, no matter how he tried it, he couldn’t trigger it. He almost questioned the chicken soup in his mind, “try it, insist on it, and achieve a better life”.

I have tried it so much, how can I try it!

I don’t want it, I don’t want it, but it’s inexplicable.

It’s probably understood now, it’s useless to play with your own dubbing, you have to be formal.

Think carefully about the time point that you want to trigger. Is it that the dubbing director Charlie has approved the decision to trigger this version, or does the system determine that the sound can be the official dubbing of the character or the original dubbing?

Official match, original match?

Anyway, Meng Fan thinks probably should be the reason.

As for the title of "small worm", Meng Fan certainly knows that this is a nickname of the voice actor, because it is worthy to stay in the studio for a long time.

The reward is still ok, there are 8 points of dubbing skills in total, and 3 points of sound appeal.

The three processes, although the rewards did not increase incrementally, are still accepted.

The 100 characters required, Meng Fan feels that as long as he opens the situation, and does not ask for the protagonist, whatever is appropriate, the difficulty should not be too large.

Ten thousand minutes?

This request tells the truth to scare Meng Fan.

The three processes have no time requirements, that is, after completing the three processes, they have to meet this requirement before they can get the title.

Why is it scared because Meng Fan math is really bad!

After seeing 10,000, I immediately took the computer and calculated it in the invisible state with the live broadcast aid. Fortunately, 10,000 minutes will be less than 167 hours. I only need to explode the liver every day in the studio. It takes about 10 hours and a half months to complete.

This task is still not difficult.

Of course, the premise is that you can get so many roles.

"This sentence is fixed, let's go to the next sentence."

Charlie sees Meng Fan standing a little embarrassed, and presses the button to say to Meng Fan in the shed.

Because the sound is extremely demanding, a little noise is not allowed. Therefore, the recording studio has a very tight space. Even if the current studio has a relatively high-tech temperature adjustment function, it is still very stuffy.

It’s only a long time before and after Meng Fan’s, and he’s sweating.

Therefore, the requirement of 10,000 minutes is really not low.

But Meng Fan has a way to deal with it!

Raise your hand and then go out to the shed and go to the toilet. When you come back, you have already put on your sportswear. The temperature adjustment function of the studio is very general because it takes into account the noise, which is comparable to the temperature adjustment function of the sportswear.

Immediately refreshed!

There are still ten lines in this game character. Basically, Meng Fan tried it again, and Charlie taught it again. Then he officially recorded it again. After the last few sentences, he tried it without passing the test.

The efficiency is surprisingly high and the effect is surprisingly good.

Charlie was very happy that he was really a treasure, and Meng Fan was better than he had imagined.

On the side, the bearded man who is responsible for the hand is amazed, and the recording is so strong!

There is also a game character, Meng Fan looked at the background of the character, listened to Charlie's introduction, and quickly found the character characteristics.

“I think it’s better to upgrade the warmth a bit, and it’s better to be hot.”

"Yes, you try."

To be honest, the dubbing director doesn't like the voice actor to have too many ideas of his own, unless your ability is really strong and the director recognizes that it is a person to explore.

Is Meng Fan such a person?

Obviously not.

However, Charlie still listened to Meng Fan’s suggestion and even was quite happy.

Really just think that Meng Fan’s ability can still be like this, obviously not. More importantly, I am afraid that Meng Fan’s voice is more appealing, and it is easier to convince others, and the strength proves to be convincing.

"Are you looking for me?"

"Fengshan? That is the place where my dreams are broken."

"Hunter, it’s time to stop."

"do not do that."

"The blood is crazy."


This role is only a dozen words. Meng Fan has spent more than 20 minutes before and after, and the efficiency and effect are very good.

The sounds of these two characters are a bit similar, and Meng Fan's interpretation makes it very clear to distinguish between the two characters, and both characters have his characteristics.

Sound shaping ability!

This is a dubbing actor too important ability.

Although Meng Fan is currently equipped with two roles, but has already let Charlie see Meng Fan has such ability.

Moreover, what surprised Charlie most was that Meng Fan had never had an official dubbing experience before, but in the previous dubbing he showed a very stable ability. Only the genius word can explain it!

"Meng Take a break."

Charlie waved and let Meng Fan out of the shed.

Meng Fan thought when it was not good to say through the glass, I can still brush the time inside.

After coming out, Charlie did not take out the remaining characters suitable for Meng Fan, but prepared to thoroughly explore Meng Fan. Obviously, in Charlie's opinion, it was not enough to understand Meng Fan before submitting and broadcasting and singing.

He really wants to know what kind of ability Meng Fan has.

The way to find the bottom is very simple. He flipped out some of the classic lines of familiar characters that Meng Fan tried. This is to test the limits of Meng Fan’s ability to shape the sound, and to know the range of roles that Meng Fan fits. .

This touch made Charlie confused.

It seems that most of the male characters are suitable!

He can see that Meng Fan's dubbing skills are very general, but the control of the sound is extremely strong.

The classic fragments of these characters are not all that they can rely on imitation, but it is also a kind of cow to imitate!

Charlie has of course found out that Meng Fan is not deliberately imitating the original voice, but is still imitating emotional expression. This is a bit amazing!

All rely on imitation, which is at most a parody, not a real voice actor.

What is a voice actor, shaping a character with sound, and conveying emotions with sound!

Meng Fan certainly knows what Charlie is doing, and quickly hits the iron and said: "Director, I really like the dubbing. If you think that there is any role for me, even if you come to me. Even if you only have one or two sentences. I can use the lines. I enjoy this process of shaping characters with sound."

It was said that someone knocked at the door and a staff member brought a few people to Charlie.

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