My Extraordinary Achievement

Chapter 219: Dubbing skills

"how about it?"

These dubbing samples are very short. Basically, the demos of several main characters are slightly longer. The others are taken one or two times. After listening, Chen Daming looked at the people who followed.

These few people nodded, saying that these demos are no problem, just wait for the remaining characters to be sampled.

Although the "Chocolate Factory" is not as big as the studios led by star dubbing actors such as Photosynthetic Building Blocks, 729 Sound Workshop, and Bianjiang Studio, it is still hard in the industry, and there are many works, quality, and a group. Very good CV, especially in the field of animation and games, especially in the field of preschool animation.

This is also the main reason why Chen Daming will choose to hand over the late dubbing to the chocolate factory. Of course, there is another reason that Chen Daming and Charlie are very familiar, can get the best quality at a good price, and make money. On the other hand, he also hopes that through this cooperation, he can successfully win the company's late dubbing outsourcing business.

About an hour before and after, Charlie came back, took six demos of Meng Fan recorded, and also had a sample of other CVs sent during this period, a total of nine, basically the main role of "forest adventure" For the sake of getting together, the remaining small characters can be adjusted at any time.

After listening to these demos, Chen Daming and others are all bright eyes. Once again, five of the characters and the narration are all matched by one person. It is also very surprising. An cartoon with five or six characters is not a particularly exaggerated thing, and to their surprise, each one is well matched.

After getting the sample, Chen Daming was completely relieved, and Charlie and the guest set a few minutes and then left, and had to go back to the meeting with a small sample, and finalized the list in advance.

After the finalization has been completed, the chocolate factory will officially start working.

At this time, Meng Fan was still in the studio, and the five characters just recorded added a narration. The system did not judge the experience. This made Meng Fan’s heart guilty, and he didn’t know that it was because the producer had not yet set this part. Whether the cartoon is dubbed in the chocolate factory, or maybe... the chocolate factory can't take this list.

Forget it, worry about this, it is better to ask the bearded studio that is still in the studio with other characters that you can match. The cartoon has up to five or six characters, so it is not as good as it is here.

The bearded young man has a name that is very inconsistent with him. He squats in the basket and thinks it is Jolan. When you listen carefully, Loulan, then you can tell the name.

The basket is obviously familiar with the studio business, and there are also eyes and eyes. In less than two hours, it is also a certain understanding of the scope of Meng Fan’s control. It’s okay to listen to Meng Fan’s important importance. Suddenly, Ba Lala said a lot, basically the role of cartoons and games.

These characters are basically randomly assigned to studio dubbing actors. For example, after an animation is officially opened, in addition to the important roles that need to be carefully selected, those characters are who are suitable and who is matched, and there are not many lines. The requirements are not high.

The game characters are similar.

Now that the mobile game market is in full swing, there are too many game NPC characters to be equipped.

After I had a few in my heart, Meng Fan came back from Charlie and directly asked for his own role.

When Charlie heard it, there was naturally nothing to object to. In less than two hours, Meng Fan did show his strength to convince and trust him. Of course he was willing to give more role preparation tasks to him, just...

Charlie asked Meng Fan: "Can a little brother be willing to join our studio?"

If Meng Fan does not join the chocolate factory, it is impossible for Charlie to hand over so many roles to him. After all, there are so many members in the studio waiting for the business to support themselves. Why should these business tasks be assigned to a non-studio? People.

Meng Fan heard that after thinking about it for a long time, he said: "Director, I am still a student. Time is not free. I don't know what kind of requirements will be added to the studio. If there are some hard requirements and restrictions, I am afraid... ”

When Charlie heard it, he understood the meaning of Meng Fan. He had seen the things that Meng Fan had done. He could grasp some of the characteristics of Meng Fan and quickly figured out the key points. He smiled and said: "The signing studio does not There will be restrictions on your freedom, even if you pick up the dubbing list of other studios, even our studio will help you pick up the dubbing list of other studios and crews. However, after you sign up, the business will be placed in our studio. The so-called small man, the gentleman, the distribution of compensation always has a charter, do you say it?"

Charlie and Meng Fan are in the community, can live in that community, absolutely not bad money, plus Meng Fan, things are not like a person who wants to dub the industry to eat food - everyone knows the dubbing It’s hard to make money in this line. At least temporarily it’s hard to make big money – so he grabbed the key point.

If you are not bad, I will focus on the money.

This point of negotiation skills, Charlie still has There is no such thing as saying that you want to fool Meng Fan, just switch the angle to improve efficiency.

When Meng Fan took the contract, he did not have so many restrictions on freedom. However, there is only one thing. No matter what kind of order he took, whether the order was picked up by himself or the studio took the lead, the studio would have a brokerage commission. . This may be a limitation for others, but it is nothing to Meng Fan.

In fact, he originally wanted to say that as long as there is a job, he is willing to pay for it free of charge. After all, he is really not bad at dubbing these money, but if he wants to stop it, this kind of thing is still good. It’s one thing to need money for yourself. It’s one thing for others to give it, or follow the rules. Money is one thing, and value is one thing.

Meng Fan carefully read it again, and decided that it was only a business hook, and it was signed.

It’s not a bad thing to have a studio to help you order.

Are you afraid of any dark pits that you can't see?

Meng Fan is really not afraid.


After signing the contract, Charlie was also very happy and shook hands with Meng Fan.

The first sentence after Meng Fan shook hands: "Can we continue to dub?"

Charlie listened and laughed: "Of course."

The next dubbing, Charlie was not present, but another studio member was found, with a big beard basket to assist Meng Fan to prepare.

One by one, one by one.

The two baskets looked at each other: "It’s another voice madman!"


In a short time, the system determined that the dubbing role reached ten, and won the reward of the [Spest] process one, the score +10, the dubbing skill +1.

Dubbing Skills This attribute includes the ability to match the pronunciation, sound, dialogue, voice, dubbing performance and imitation ability, tone and maintenance sounds.

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