My Extraordinary Achievement

Chapter 239: Recording studio hang up



After more than two hours of dubbing, Charlie director and voice-over guidance are not there. Of course, the basket is reported to them, only to say that Meng Fan is here, and they are free to come back.

Because of the efficiency and quality of Meng Fan in front, the director and dubbing director of the basket did not worry about what would happen, and rested with peace of mind. I thought about waiting for a while and then seeing what needs to be corrected. I didn’t expect it. At the time, it has already been allocated.

I picked a few key plots and reviewed them. Seeing the quality as always, I no longer looked at the other ones and handed them directly to proofreading.

Meng Fan completed the most important and most complete dubbing in nine days, and the quality was still very good. Charlie was naturally happy. He planned to dub the 12 episodes in the first quarter of the first day of the nine days, and then made a few more days to correct it. In addition, now that Meng Fan has completed the actor, it can be completed a few days in advance.

Fast speed, high quality, Party A is definitely happy, and the super-party Fangba like Xuanwu animation is happy, and the list will be less!

"I was supposed to think that it would take three more days to get it all together. I didn't expect you to finish it in one day." Director Charlie sent the film to the proofreader and asked Meng Fan, "What arrangement do you want next? Does the studio give you some dubbing work?"

"I have something to check and help."

Meng Fan said the long-awaited rhetoric: "Before it was a small role, or a game-based, the role is not so big, the coherence of the story. Today, this Luo Luo day is worthy, the harvest is great, and the inspiration is great. At the same time, I also found out the inadequacies of my body. Understand that it is not enough to rely on the change and imitation of sound, and the dubbing work still needs to be studied."

In the words of Meng Fan, if the person who listens feels fake, then it is more than anything else, and the strength of your voice can still find inadequacies. To feel true, it is to admire, to the heart of the heart to admire Meng Fan this modesty, industry is good at diligence, no one can casually succeed, all such strength, still want to delve into, what is this spirit!

As for what is the opinion of Charlie, Meng Fan does not know.

Continue to say: "So, I want to apply for a recording studio for the investigation, and strengthen the training. Of course, there is something in the studio that needs my voice, and I will give it to me."

The shed insects have time to experience the brush, Meng Fan thought about spending money to rent a recording studio, Hangzhou is a very convenient way to rent a recording studio, it is expensive, but as long as it is money can solve Children are not a thing. However, if you finish the time and win the title, you will add 5 points of dubbing skills and 3 points of sound power at one time. It’s too sudden, or you can use the research and training to buffer it. At that time, everyone will be amazed at the speed of their progress. Don't think about other things.

Nowadays, everyone thinks that Meng Fan is a voice genius, and there is another effort that can be seen, which is generally recognized.

"Just this? Is there any other requirement? For example, if you have a staff member or assistant?" Charlie director saw Meng Fan shaking his head and said with a smile, "I am still thinking about why, then this shed, you are also familiar Anyway, this shed is dedicated to you."

In this way, Meng Fan became the main cv of the chocolate factory with a dedicated recording studio.

When I got back home, I came again, bringing toiletries and a picture tube.

When Meng Fan came back, Charlie’s director had not returned. When he saw it, he couldn’t help but feel that it was too hard.

Meng Fan is also really hard, except that the toilet has basically not been out of the studio, and race against time, as for what to do inside, huh, huh, painting.

It is also the loss that this studio has become his exclusive one, no one will come in casually, and he will come in if he wants to live in the basket. Otherwise, if he comes in, he must see Meng Fan as a neuropathy.

The studio was so flustered that I was painting inside!

Draw a sleep at three o'clock, wake up and go out for a lap to eat something to continue painting.

Not to mention, after solving the problem of sultry, the closed space of the recording studio is really very conducive to creation, and it is no wonder that many people who read the manuscript will turn themselves off the dark house.

Of course, Meng Fan is not all drawing comics in it. If the painting is tired, it is really strengthening the dubbing training. At night, it will be broadcast live, and the live dubbing will be done.

There are a lot of dubbing contents in the studio, there are still no matches, and many have already been matched. As for finding some famous movie clips, it is even simpler. With the help of professional equipment, watching the live broadcast of the water friends in the live room. They are very fresh, and they can feel the charm of dubbing more intuitively.


"Robin, let's pick you up! Let's give it to us!"

"I will die anyway, I want to die here!"


"Robin sauce!"


"This is the case!"

"I finally figured out who Robin's enemy is! Sniper King, go and shoot the flag."

"Follow! New weapon, giant slingshot, its name is a pocket! Take a taste of it! Kill the flamingo star!"

"The pirates have declared war on the world zf!"

"It's right for me!"

"Come on, you want to live!"

"If you can really make a wish, I, I want to live! Take me to the sea together!"

From the yelling of Luffy to the end of Robin's crying and screaming, Meng Fan spared the most flaming fragments of Robin's rescue of the judicial island, including Lu Fei, Robin, Qiao Ba, and Sanji. Nami, Sauron, Usopp, Spandam, and the sound effects of a group of passers-by and flamingo stars penetrating the That screaming, crying... The sound of emotions, hearty!

Moreover, the whole process of neon.


"The real Nima cattle batch, if not listening to the voice of Meng Bo every day in these days, I really think this is the original sound!"

"Hahaha female voice is coming out again! The **** who said that there is no female voice today should send 1024!"

"How many characters in this tone! Seriously suspect that there is a dubbing group in the main anchor of Meng!"

"Mom and female voices are already enough for cattle, and I can also distribute the crying sounds!"

"Bastard! When I saw the episode, I almost cried and died, now you are making my tears!"

"Listen to cry 1!"

"Listen to cry 69!"

"Get used to it, Meng fat next time to put all the neon teachers of the neon butterfly, I am not surprised!"

"Hahaha Meng anchors dare to imitate, I dare to hear which teacher is!"

"I just want to listen to the teacher of the bridge."

"I want to listen to Teacher Yoshizawa."

"I am different from you, I want to listen to Teacher Damu."


After finishing this paragraph, Meng Fan also ended today's live broadcast.

This is already the fifth live broadcast of a dedicated recording studio. These five live broadcasts, from domestic to foreign, from TV series to movies to cartoons and ghosts and animals that are popular on 8 stations, how many fragments are actually included. It is.

After the broadcast, look at the time, the shed insect time experience has been brushed to more than 9,500 minutes, and less than 500 minutes, that is, about 8 hours, you can finish.

The painting has reached three points.

Take a nap and you will be able to finish your sleep.

Meng Fan also lay down to sleep, and was awakened by the prompt of the mission.


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